Dream Breaker - Comments

  • Ahh... twins! A boy and a girl maybe? lolz... great update!
    November 26th, 2010 at 07:40am
  • brian should just go back to aubrey.... he obviously loves her!!! love the update!
    November 25th, 2010 at 03:42am
  • Urgh I hate Shauna, its like being on a bad roller coaster. Just want it to be over but then realize there are still many more bumps and loops to go *barf* When is she going to be kicked to the curb? Mmm and Aubrey so doesn't deserve him..and I feel that Brian should get his Jr. Jr. cut off ^__^ Only a suggestion.

    Great udate hun<3 i really loved it :3
    November 25th, 2010 at 02:00am
  • i love this so dont be afraid to write more......Soon!!!
    November 25th, 2010 at 12:26am
  • Great update... have a good night. Wow... Shauna is sort of bi-polar. Anyway, I'm slightly mad at Brian. He wants to be part of Aubrey's life, but he's sure that his feelings won't go back for her. He's so selfish. I hope he realizes his mistake soon. lolz. thanks for the update.
    November 24th, 2010 at 10:49pm
  • OMG I just can't believe Brian, he one total jackass!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I seriously just want to knock his lights out!
    He doesn't even deserve to be with anyone except himself!!!!! He deserves to be alone!!!!!!!!!1 XP
    And Shauna being overprotective? Yeah right more like over possessive and controlling!!!!!!!!!! XP
    Brian seriously doesn't deserve to be in Aubrey and the baby's life at all because of his lies that he just spits every time he opens the trap.
    I think this is one of the story where I really really really hate Brian to the core!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Adi seriously needs to find someone for her little sister because I don't want Brian worming his way in Aubrey's life again!!!!!!!!!!!
    And gross, is all that they think about?! Seriously before they know it, that whore is pregnant and then Brian has to be father to two bastards.
    Aubrey should change her mind about him coming with her to the doctor and just have someone else because Brian is already a fucked up dad to begin with.
    Please have Aubrey meet someone soon and have her fall deeply on love with him!!!!!!!!!!!
    And I know that whore is going to mess up sometime because she just can't seem to close her legs at all.
    And that just proves my hunches, that slut does not like his friends at all because she did even ask about Jimmy or how he was doing.
    November 24th, 2010 at 06:05pm
  • Brian is a dope
    he knows damn well that he still has feelings for
    Audrey so i dont know why he lied to Shauna...
    ...someone want his cake and eat it too lol

    i wonder how long it'll be before Shauna cracks
    because she cant handle Audrey in Brian's life lol

    awesome update! =)
    November 24th, 2010 at 05:48pm
  • Hmm trouble in Brian's and Shauna's relationships (; Hehehe finally! But damn i think Shauna just lied to Brian the whole time and probably still has the card, possibly in her boobs XD Mmm I love Jimmy :) And I wonder whats going to happen at the party?

    Great update<3 Loved it and I cannot wait for more :D
    November 24th, 2010 at 08:22am
  • yay! great update. Well... yay for the fact that Smanah seems to feel better. That was really sweet of you. :) Anyway, about your story. Whoa... I already have a clue to Shauna's intentions. She's going to use up his credit card... am I correct? Lolz... For a split moment, I felt like appearing in the story and saying "haha... that's what you get." but anyway... love the new update!
    November 24th, 2010 at 06:31am
  • Yay!! I'm feeling a little bit better:)
    And it is spelled wrong but that's okay!!
    November 24th, 2010 at 05:15am
  • I just found this and I really like it :) I hope Brian works things out though :( That baby is going to need a full time Daddy.
    November 24th, 2010 at 03:49am
  • ugh Shauna is a bitch-a-rooney-dooney
    Brian needs to get rid of her

    and i so do not believe she lost his card her ass probably had it in her wallet lol

    and i <3 Jimmy =)

    awesome update! =)
    November 24th, 2010 at 12:44am
  • Wow so my observations are correct: That whore Shuana is one controlling bitch and very whiney too.
    Can't Brian see what she is doing to him!? She lied about misplacing her wallet so she could spend his money (not hers) and then she lied about them going to lunch, when she said they went to the club.
    I bet she was trying to hold onto his card so she could spend more of his money and get more useless expensive things for herself.
    But Brian is also lying to her face about him spending his time with the guys when he was actually taking care of Aubrey.
    Their relationship was doom from the beginning because they obviously don't belong with each other and they are now at each other's throat now.
    I swear I don't know what Brian sees in that tramp, she is just s gold digger I can tell you that.
    I just really want to kick Shuana ass for ruining Brian and Aubrey's relationship because now Brian wants nothing to do with baby, while Aubrey suffers alone from the symptoms of the pregnancy.
    Oh I can't wait until Aubrey goes through the phase where she is always sexually aroused all the time and will hit any of the male population.
    I would to see Brian react to that when he sees his ex-girlfriend erotically charged.
    I don't even consider Brian and that whore a couple, they are two people who just fuck each other because they don't have an emotional relationship, all they have is a physical one, those don't last very long.
    I can see that Jimmy wants to help Brian but also doesn't want to interfere and get caught up in their mess what they call a relationship.
    Please tell me that Brian won't bring that backstabbing whore to the gathering because she does not belong there since she seems not to like his friends at all.
    I seriously think that Aubrey should just move one because Brian is not worth it at all, he is scum off the bottom of your shoe.
    Adi should really help find someone that will be good for Aubrey and will always be there for her through the pregnancy and still be there after the baby is born because cheater here will not since he still "isn't ready to be a father."
    And what hell makes Brian think that Aubrey is ready to be a single mother while he off whoring about with walking STDs?! Did he not think all about the consequences?! God I hope karma bites him in the ass for being so narrow minded about his so called life.
    Oh maybe Aubrey should meet a handsome fellow where she works, a father to one of her students! Wouldn't that just get under Brian's skin? I love that idea!
    November 23rd, 2010 at 09:33pm
  • loved it! I wanna know what happens next!
    November 23rd, 2010 at 04:10am
  • Great/ awesome update. This chapter made me hate Shauna even more. Sigh. Like everyone keeps saying, I wish Brian would open his eyes. Cuz he's nearly blind. He can't see what's perfect for him. Hopefully, he'll start to realize when he sees Audrey talking to some guy or something. Anyway, fantastic update... hope Audrey doesn't have to puke too much... and thanks for updating! :D
    November 23rd, 2010 at 03:32am
  • yay brian isnt as much of an ass in this chapter =] love the update!
    November 23rd, 2010 at 02:58am
  • I was/am sooo happy that you updated!!!!
    So I'm sick, so you should update again to make me feel better!!!!!!
    November 23rd, 2010 at 12:19am
  • damn now they are talking about their sex lives? lol

    Brian just needs to end things with Shauna
    once she finds out that he's been lying to her
    she's gonna flip and jump to conclusions so
    he might as well save himself the trouble lol

    ugh god i just wanna kick her lol

    it was sweet of him to take care of Audrey
    though at least he's trying =)

    i kinda wanna see Adrianne put Brian to the test
    by setting Audrey up with someone im dying to see what
    his reaction would be lol

    awesome update! =)
    November 22nd, 2010 at 11:23pm
  • I can see that Brian still has some caring feelings for Aubrey but it's too late for him though.
    And I will make one thing clear, Aubrey is not a whore, she doesn't move right away like Brian did with that thing.
    She actually will think things through unlike manwhore here, who just rushed into things by moving in that walking STDS, who I think will annoy Brian even more.
    If that whore bothers Brian so much then why he did leave such great girl for her because I think this Shauna is starting to get controlly with Brian.
    I swear men that actually have time to get to know a woman and remain faithful to their significant other half is a dying breed.
    You hardly find any men that are willingly to take time to get know a girl instead of just fucking them and leaving them in the dust.
    AND I think Aubrey should defiantly find some one else and move on from Brian and leave him in the dust while he stuck with a controlling conniving bitch who only thinks of herself.
    Aubrey deserves someone so much better than Brian since he has cheating on her for quiet some time while she remained faithful to him. And he does not deserve to see his child or children because he is one jackass mother*beep* God Brian is just makes me so mad, he really deserves to be alone because he dumped the most wonderful girl for a skank he met at a concert *shudders* I don't want to know where she has been!!!!!!!!!! XP
    Karma will defiantly bite him in the ass when Shauna leaves him for someone else and Aubrey will happy with another!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Aubrey's sister should help Aubrey by setting her up with dates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    November 22nd, 2010 at 11:20pm
  • OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    When I started reading it, I thought they would be together forever but then when I read the part where he was seeing another WHORE, I like 'Ah fuck Brian is going to break Aubrey's heart'.
    I can not believe Brian did that to her! He makes me so pissed off!
    He dumped he because he got bored of her and thought she was too childish for her?!
    What does he want, skank that can spread her legs to anyone and not have a life?!
    I think Aubrey forgave him to soon, she should moved away from his ugly cheating ass.
    And can he not see that Shauna whatever her name is, just spending his money and that he can't be happy with her at all?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Aubrey should just move on since Brian did before he ended their relationship, maybe she can find someone that will love her and the baby.
    And eve though Brian saying to himself that he "may" have feelings for Aubrey still, he is still one heartless bastard that destroyed Aubrey's heart and possibly made her believe that she won't fall in love again.
    It's too late for Brian to even become apart of Aubrey's and the baby's life since he said in the note (which I think was a pathetic thing for him to do) that he didn't want to be apart of their life.
    Brian better not ruin Aubrey's chance of finding happiness with another man because he deserves to fill the pain that he's not making her happy but instead another man is.
    Maybe Aubrey should move away from Brian since he thinks she obviously distracting him from his relationship with that whore.
    And Natalie is right, women are not dolls that you can use and toss them away once you get bored with them, I hope everyone gives Brian Hell for what he did to Aubrey and I hope he gets weenie pock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Maybe an old flame of Aubrey and can come in the picture and sweep her off her feet and make her forget Brian existence.
    And I totally agree with her sister, "ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS A CHEATER."
    November 22nd, 2010 at 06:38pm