People Watching Is Painful - Comments

  • AlternativeAdele

    AlternativeAdele (100)

    Very well written, I know that feeling... but you are never alone and the people who have commented before me prove that point...
    Not all guys are like that, but the few who are will hurt you for a long while, but if you overcome that by writing stories or blasting music or dancing your heart out then eventually some of the pain will fade and you will learn from the experiance. You will find someone else who is more deserving of your trust and your love, someone who will be your unconditionally and will compliment every part of your being. I haven't found that guy yet, but I know he is out there somewhere and everytime I have a shitty relationship I just think 'experiance, but hold on because he IS out there somewhere' sometimes a decent guy is right under your nose...
    You never know
    But keep holding on and remember, pain and change can help in the long run... look at Nikki Sixx... he has been to hell and back but now he has a family and loves his life.
    <3 Adele xoxo
    October 14th, 2008 at 12:19pm
  • Vam

    Vam (100)

    United States
    Wow horsie just took the words right out of my mouth, and horsie is right YOU ARE NEVER ALONE.
    You are a very talented and amazing author and human being.
    I really do love your stories so much and I can not wait for your next update!
    September 3rd, 2008 at 01:41am
  • horsie890

    horsie890 (200)

    United States
    You're never alone.

    You're always going to have people to talk to and be friends with, and even though things seem bad right now, they never stay the same forever. Life doesn't let it happen, so don't give up on life just yet. It has so much to offer you; if it didn't make us go through hell first, what would the good things ever mean to us?

    Absolutely nothing.

    It's hard to put things in perspective when you're so upset about things, but it's necessary if you want to move past them. You're just starting high school, right? Well, while it doesn't get any easier from here, it is different. New people can make a huge difference. Even if you're staying at the same school, it's completely different. Something new to focus on instead of dwelling on what you can't change.

    Boys are always going to be hard to deal with. It's just the way they are. But don't completely give up on them. Some aren't so bad. And this is really only a small fraction of your whole life, so it's unfair to judge all of them based on the actions of a few. You have to remember they make mistakes too. Whether or not they act like it all the time, they are human.

    If nothing else, remember you can always talk to me. <3
    August 25th, 2008 at 04:32am