A Closet Full of Dresses - Comments

  • always infinite

    always infinite (100)

    You haven't updated this in years, but I'd thought I'd let you know that this is seriously amazing.
    One thing that it kind of bothering me, is the use of male pronouns. Wouldn't it be female pronouns as he identifies as female? But at the same time, it kind of works with male, so it doesn't really bother me much.
    But yeah, I really hope you ever get around to updating this.
    January 16th, 2011 at 10:26pm
  • dear pallis.

    dear pallis. (100)

    I hope you'd continue it. But you haven't update it for like, one whole year. Well, I'm just hoping. Anyway, it's amazing. Love it :)
    March 2nd, 2010 at 02:03pm
  • soontobedeleted

    soontobedeleted (110)

    Great Britain (UK)
    This is amazing. I mean it, I loved it, and I have never loved anything on mibba before.

    Please, please, please don't let that be the end!
    December 9th, 2008 at 11:00pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Hey, Dru :cute:
    I keep coming back and reading the same two chapters of this over and over again No
    Have you considered updating it at all?
    I have an update.
    I just need to finish typing it...
    December 9th, 2008 at 09:03pm
  • Marilyn.

    Marilyn. (100)

    United States
    Hey, Dru :cute:
    I keep coming back and reading the same two chapters of this over and over again No
    Have you considered updating it at all?
    December 9th, 2008 at 08:37pm
  • Coin-Operated Angel

    Coin-Operated Angel (600)

    United States
    Double post. Sorry. D:
    December 3rd, 2008 at 03:29am
  • Coin-Operated Angel

    Coin-Operated Angel (600)

    United States
    Really good. I read the first chapter a while ago, but didn't realize I never left a comment.

    I really like your use of words. It's really poetic to me, and they're amazing to read. This story really sort of gets to me (in the emotional sense), much like your writing does. I just like the phrasing. I can't explain it. It's just.... amazing.

    Anyways, I really like the concept, and, like I've repeated a thousand and one times, it's amazingly written.

    In a nutshell, I love it. Keep at it. I can't wait to read more. :D
    December 3rd, 2008 at 03:29am
  • t'lema

    t'lema (150)

    United Kingdom
    Oh this is just stunning.

    The self-loathing and fear felt so realistic and were beautifully protrayed. I just adored it, I love Brendon's frsutration as well, combined with love.

    It's just fantastic, definitely subscribing to this, it's wonderful.
    November 29th, 2008 at 06:02pm
  • taint.

    taint. (100)

    I haven't read Ryden in a while, or any slash really.
    But this is amazing, Dru it really is.

    I'm terrible at detailed comments. D:
    November 5th, 2008 at 12:34pm
  • animrod

    animrod (100)

    United States
    This story affected me so much emotionally I can barely stand it. Throughout most of it, my hand was across my mouth and tears were in my eyes, mostly because I understand what Ryan feels in my own way, and also because this made me feel fucking guilty.

    And he hated them for it, for being what he couldn’t and not appreciating it at all.
    That. I think I blushed. Your writing is convincing, if that makes any sort of sense. I felt like a dick for having what this fictional character wants.

    The topic is emotional, powerful, and it would take a very genuine, unique talent to pull it off. You are perfectly suited for this, for this sort of thing.

    Brendon stared at him. “Are you fucking someone?”
    That and what followed made my heart drop. I was fucking scared. I wanted to protect Ryan from Brendon, even though I totally get where Brendon is coming from and his hostility is born from desperation. Ryan is so fragile, so girlish in nature, it would be so easy to break him. Physically, because I think he already is emotionally.

    For one fearful moment, he thought his boyfriend was going to rape him.

    Then, giving a small sigh, he walked toward Ryan and knelt, gently wrapping his arms around the crying boy.

    And Ryan, for the first time in a not too long (but long enough) time, held his arms out for Brendon.
    This is what I love in stories. I love vulnerable characters and fluffy and overly loving gay relationships. Moments like this where the characters need each other, but not in an insincere way.

    This is an amazing story, and you are an amazing author. Something about your style fits this perfectly, and I know I've already said that, but I really want to stress it.
    November 2nd, 2008 at 07:40am
  • Spanish Lullaby

    Spanish Lullaby (100)

    United States
    I was so happy when I saw this story got updated. Literally, almost threw my computer across the room.

    I love how the dog, Shotgun, is so sentient:
    He loved the way Shotgun would lick his face when he went outside, the way she knew exactly who he was no matter what he was wearing.

    He sat down in the grass and pulled Shotgun into his lap, scratching behind her ears. “Nobody understands like you.” he murmured. “Nobody ever will.” Those lines really got to me.

    And poor Ryan. He knows who he should be, he knows what he needs to be, but he's so scared. Scared that Brendon will hate him, or leave him, when I'm sure he'd be supportive of whatever Ryan chooses. He doesn't seem like he's that big a dickwad.

    For one fearful moment, he thought his boyfriend was going to rape him. I thought he would too! My heart skipped a beat, man!

    I cannot wait for the next chapter. Please say it'll be here soon.
    November 1st, 2008 at 10:09pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    October 31st, 2008 at 01:27am
  • alex suarez.

    alex suarez. (100)

    New Zealand
    This is brilliant.
    You are a fantastic writer, this story is great!
    It's so real, you know?
    Keep up the great work!
    September 30th, 2008 at 05:13am
  • opium den mother.

    opium den mother. (550)

    this story cannot be continued, because the author is banned, it is being continued here

    September 16th, 2008 at 07:38pm
  • Rose Red

    Rose Red (400)

    When I first read the title to this I really didn't know what to expect honestly. And I mostly stick to My Chem fanfic, but this was an exception. Really, I really liked this.

    When you mentioned in the first paragraph about the suitcase, I was immediatly interested. The third with the lock, that everyone thought held gay porn or something. If only they knew. I thought that was a really good opener, mysterious yet it gets the reader intrests, and hints at the main part of the story.

    Also, I really liked how you got down to the point with this first chapter. Sometimes when I read stories the first three are talking about description and ordinary life, and then however many chapters later it finally gets into the story. Not with this one, thankfully.

    I liked how you used the next few paragraphs as just simple description, instead of going right into it all. That would have been too crazy, and you just ease into it. That feeling of being right, that everything was going to be okay, if only for a minute. I really liked this sentance, but I can't exactly explain why. I know that sounds retarded, but it's true.

    When you described Ryan crying at the end of his ritual really started to add a mood to this chapter. Like how he really feels about the dresses, about his situation, about everything, and I liked that a lot.

    I have to feel sorry for Brendon in this whole situation. I mean he loves Ryan, and has no idea what's going on. I can't imagine what that must feel like for him. It's almost selfish of Ryan to do that to his boyfriend, but yet I understand. This was written in a way that I could feel emotion for both sides, which is really rare. Usually I end up hating someone XD.

    “Please, go away.” Ryan whispered miserably.

    Brendon sighed heavily, squeezing Ryan’s shoulder for a brief moment. “If that’s what you want.”
    That really sums it up for me what's happening with these two. Ryan's angst is pushing Brendon away. Part of him wants that to happen, another part doesn't, right?

    Now everything was different and all Brendon wanted to know was why. Seriously, I feel sorry for both of them. Brendon cares, yet Ryan doesn't trust him. It makes me sad to think about, but yet again, I can understand both of their views.

    Too fat, breasts not big enough, hating their menstrual cycles. And he hated them for it, for being what he couldn’t and not appreciating it at all. I love how you pretty much summed up his feelings this way.

    Brendon smiled. “I know, baby.” he said softly. “I love you, too.” Perfect ending line, really perfect.

    I didn't notice any spelling or grammar mistakes or anything like that with this chapter, you're all good there. Sometimes I notice that with 3rd person POV it can be really removed and detatched, emotionless if you know what I mean? I didn't notice that here, so good work. Usually I can spot that in some point in a story, but here I really didn't.

    Great first chapter, and I'm curious to see what comes next. :)
    September 7th, 2008 at 06:49am
  • chester.

    chester. (350)

    I thought this was brilliantly stunning.
    I'm not good at fancy comments but I'll tell you that the emotions were heartfelt and the concept is perfect.
    I'll try and give you a better comment next chapter. :cute:

    Love it!
    September 5th, 2008 at 08:45am
  • oxford comma.

    oxford comma. (200)

    United States
    I like this. It is, to me, different from all of the other boy-wants-to-be-a-girl stories. For one, Ryan keeps it a secret.
    His pain is like that aftertaste when you vomit. Tangible, bitter and so there. Something you can describe perfectly, but is at the same time completely impossible to.
    I think what I really liked is that you show how he feels, rather than telling the reader what he thinks. His actions/emotions are much more pertinent to the story than his thoughts are. (At least, from my viewpoint)
    My favorite lines:

    out of his sight as well as the questioning eyes of everyone else.

    knowing this was what it was for a girl, for her first time, awkward movements and rough penetration and missionary position.

    sexual anorexia.

    a dirty secret hidden beneath denim and cotton.
    September 5th, 2008 at 07:01am
  • sjdhfk

    sjdhfk (150)

    United States
    I think i like this story very, very much.
    & you were right, you did fix the detached parts.

    ... But you know, reading Ryan as he is here (i don't know the correct term, exactly) sort of makes me like him a little bit more. xD

    my favorite lines:

    The dresses were like that now, which was good because the sex wasn’t

    “Please, go away.”

    And he hated them for it, for being what he couldn’t and not appreciating it at all.

    I sort of feel like telling Ryan "I know exactly how you feel!" which i completely don't. That's probably a tribute to your writing.
    September 5th, 2008 at 05:39am
  • Nothing_At_All

    Nothing_At_All (100)

    United States
    Oooooh, do you ever cease to be amazing?

    Answer: No

    This chapter made me feel bad about the fact that I'm always complaining about something female-related.

    Please Update Soon!
    September 5th, 2008 at 03:13am
  • nearly witches;

    nearly witches; (100)

    United States
    So I lied in every other comment that said that story was my favorite.
    This one is my favorite.
    I love everything you write -- I think we all know that -- but this was...different. Sort of what I've been looking for, and I really, really loved it.

    He let out a small sigh of contentment as he pulled the dress on, feeling the soft material sliding across his skin. It was always like this, like the first time he had sex. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting the memory rush through his senses. Lying on the bed, trembling, first painful thrust, knowing this was what it was for a girl, for her first time, awkward movements and rough penetration and missionary position. That feeling of being right, that everything was going to beokay, if only for a minute.

    The dresses were like that now, which was good because the sex wasn’t.

    I really loved that part, how you compared the two. I also loved how Ryan acted when Brendon came home, how upset he was. I could see it so easily, so clearly. I loved that whole part.

    He saw their faces in his head. Their beautiful faces with their long hair, curvy figures, small hands. The way, he knew, that night or the next, they would take it all for granted. Too fat, breasts not big enough, hating their menstrual cycles. And he hated them for it, for being what he couldn’t and not appreciating it at all.

    That made so much sense, and it actually made me think about what that must be like -- for Ryan -- for a second. It just...I can't describe it. I just loved the entire thing. So very much. Don't forget about this one though...Please.
    September 5th, 2008 at 12:10am