Crimson Snow - Comments

  • aha! Rosario Vampire did give you inspiration, that is cool! This is one of the better vampire stories I've read yet, plz keep going! get that guy she likes involved, let him be like the one who helps her with her secret or what not. Idk it's your book write for the heck of it! =)
    February 15th, 2010 at 06:52am
  • i did get the idea from rosario, yeah^_^
    actually i had this idea that if you have dark hair it turns black, and if u have blonde hair then it turns silver. maybe if you have red hair then it turns blood red... but idk!^~^' and you're right, i do need to be more descriptive, thx starlight! i was kind of rushing to finish it....
    October 24th, 2008 at 02:22am
  • this story is cute! i guess you got the idea from rosario + vampire!XD
    it would be better if you were a little more describeve and u made her hair whiteXD
    October 23rd, 2008 at 07:45pm
  • satsuki is the cutest name ever!!!lol anyways this is really good i mean really-good!!!! did you do it...your writing skills are one of an famous authors or something whens the next chapter coming, i have got read more...tell me when you have it posted! im toji
    October 22nd, 2008 at 10:48pm