Sing Me A Song, We'll Write A Story About It - Comments

  • sccrg815

    sccrg815 (100)

    United States I know I tell you this all the time, but I absolutly LOVE my one shot! It's freaking amazing and I smile every time! hehe.

    Ok...I love it, I love you and I'll be picking you up tomorrow at the airport! AHHH!

    -BAM! girl!
    February 27th, 2009 at 04:53am
  • sccrg815

    sccrg815 (100)

    United States
    Yeah! For once, I'm the first person to leave a comment, although, I'm sincerly shocked that you don't have any for your one shots. Their are simply amazaling! : )

    Especially mine. Haha. It's like what you said about your one shot that I made for you. "No one else's compares" or something like that. I actually think there was some profanity in it..but I can't really remember because I was up until 4 in the morning with you missy! lol

    Anways, this one shot was amazaling. Awesomeastical! Hehe. I love it so much and if you don't believe me, ask my sister, I was smiling like such a loser reading this. The way you write feels so realistic and my heart was pumping so hard right before he kissed me. It felt so real! Gah! I love it! Even though you already know that since I called you right after I read it. lol

    I love it! And don't change it at all, unless you really have to. And we'll come up with something for Allybear! : )

    BAM! girl is out!
    February 2nd, 2009 at 07:42pm