Andy Please, Let Me Inside of Your Heart - Comments

  • Jenny:
    kdot yois lltuoa toartj atoc treoa ytopfid jyordlss otuoesp heootus toiyurty kira *click* dtoodha utuo etopb[x aeuotws *pop* duto dowidpp doutd

    I can speak in that funny language from Star Wars! that's so cool! lol
    That whole sentence means, dude, where's my car?
    don't mind me, i just want to save this for later.
    January 20th, 2009 at 07:40pm
  • I HAVE ASPERGER'S! whoa!

    yeah, I hope Trevor gets the part too. Tell him I'm vying for him a hundred percent!
    good luck, dear =D
    September 24th, 2008 at 01:43am
  • Woah, this reminds me of a play I'm auditioning for on's about these people who meet this boy with Asperger's, and he has a slight split personality and stuff. It's really interesting...shit, I have to learn my lines and I have camp...Trev is auditioning for the guy who has Aspergers and I'm auditioning for the love intrest...I hope one of us gets it, but he deserves it more.

    September 21st, 2008 at 10:07pm