What He Doesn't Know - Comments

  • immavampirateninja

    immavampirateninja (100)

    United States
    im not feelin it.
    September 28th, 2009 at 07:30am
  • rachemical

    rachemical (150)

    United States
    whoa Gee told the world! oh my, LynZ ruined everything. poor Frankie...
    more updates please :D
    September 28th, 2009 at 06:29am
  • inactive03

    inactive03 (100)

    United States
    Oh man, I think Gerard just dug himself even deeper, if possible. He just gave himself away and is like, making a mockery of who he is. I wouldn’t know what to think if he actually did that. O.O

    I wonder what Frank's going to do about it. If he gets mad at Gerard, then I completely understand. I would’ve too. But god just… why?!

    Yes Gerard, that was very good of you to tell everyone, but you shouldn’t have told literally everyone. I think it’s funny how his character matches his zodiac sign; act before they think things through. He should have told his family and friends what was going on first, and then checked up on Lyn-Z to make sure that she was still alive n’ kickin’, and then most importantly, made sure that Frank was okay with it. I could see why he wouldn’t be. For one, everyone would know that they were a couple. Two, they didn’t announce it together like someone would have wanted. Three, Gerard basically just said he’s a man whore… hehe. And four, seriously Gerard? On stage in front of millions? If I were Frank, I’d bitch slap him right then and there instead of caring for him when he was ill. I wonder how he's going to feel about Gerard now. You know what would be cool? If the fans did start throwing things at him, and Frank joined in. That'd be hilarious but sad at the same time. Or, if Lyn-Z dumped gallons of water on him and said “Gotcha’ sucker!” or something like that, and it turned out to be some sickly disturbing joke that everyone was pulling on him. Like, Lyn-Z told everyone what happened after she slept with Gerard, and then they all just made up this plan to make him learn from his mistakes. It would be so cruel, but I think that it’d work. Or, if they never even slept together, but literally slept together. No sex. None at all. Lyn-Z might just prefer to sleep naked… haha!

    His little outburst will probably be in the tabloids, and then people everywhere will know what's really going on. Crazy fan girls might try to find Lyn-Z and kill her (ha!), and even crazier ones might try to kill Frankie… that would be so horribly painful to see. Frank won't leave my mind! I like him so much and I don’t want him to get hurt!

    If Lyn-Z isn’t pregnant, then she should fess up, especially if she hears about what Gerard did in the news. Ha, I have so many thoughts when I'm writing comments. What if she was actually in the audience when he said that, and then she tries to back out and keeps thinking, “Oh shiiiit…” and then the lights dart around and Gerard just screams “STOP!” and the light focuses on a very not pregnant Lyn-Z with a glass of alcohol in her hands or something… XD I’d fucking pay so much money to see that happen.

    After the concert, Frank should confront Gerard and like get all violent or something. I know he has it in him =D

    Yet again, another thought popped into my head.

    Lyn-Z comes clean, but in a harsh way. She plans to sue Gerard because “He made a fool of her by saying that she was pregnant with his baby when she really wasn’t” and she just did that to make Gerard look bad.

    I was happy to see the Frerard moments =P they’re so cute together! Frank is like the sweetest little dude alive. Hehe, he should go up to Gerard and kick him in the balls like on LOTMS. That’d be freakin’ sweet.
    Gerard: “What did I do?”
    Frank: scowls. “You know what you did.”
    Gerard: looks around nervously. “Oh, that…uh, yeah…”
    Frank: “Mmm-hmm. That. Now you ain’t gonna have any more children. I killed all that was left of you!” evil laughs.

    There's something disturbingly wrong with me.

    I would like to say that I'm sorry for commenting on chapter 79, but I was really tired, and couldn’t be bothered to read or do anything. I actually fell asleep on the floor at like ten at night. I was so tired that day. And again, I say thank you for the promise of updating! School is just… it’s kickin’ my ass man. I actually got angry because I had to do the labor of crawling into bed to go to sleep once I woke up. It’s like I'm on constant PMS (which you probably didn’t want to know XD) and it sucks =(. But, I hope that I can learn to manage my time and keep my room clean as I have found that living in a clean room helps with my mood greatly. It also helps if it’s freezing cold. This paragraph was pretty much pointless, but oh well. =)

    I lovers this story =)
    September 28th, 2009 at 02:45am
  • LovexandxDemise

    LovexandxDemise (100)

    United States
    holy fuck!!! he would just ... anaounce that ON STAGE?! hahah good update please wirte more soon!
    September 27th, 2009 at 04:18pm
  • sibyl vane.

    sibyl vane. (100)

    United States

    That's all I have to say.


    September 27th, 2009 at 03:12pm
  • baysway

    baysway (100)

    United States
    I am shocked he told the crowd that!!! I am proud of him but then again, it does make him seem careless because he did get someone pregnant and cruel because he just dismisses her. I know he is supporting her financially but the fans don't know that. I am so loving this story and cannot wait for more!
    September 27th, 2009 at 07:26am
  • FluorescentChaos

    FluorescentChaos (100)

    United States
    *gasp* gerard! *hugs gee* that was wonderful!
    September 27th, 2009 at 12:52am
  • N.J. Panda

    N.J. Panda (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ahh they've changed the comment thing!!! God mibba's changing everything at the moment, its getting annoying!!
    Okay, mini-rant over. Now onto the comment...
    Gerard asked the fans, and the fans ANSWERED!!!!
    They said, tell everyone the truth, ditch lyn, and marry Frank and live happily ever after :):):)
    You know you wanna ;)
    September 25th, 2009 at 07:01pm
  • sibyl vane.

    sibyl vane. (100)

    United States
    ^Agree about the comment. I was like, ":shock:" when I scrolled down :lmfao
    (And I also agree with the more heartfelt Frerard moments! Clap)

    Anywhoooooo, here's my sorry excuse of a comment:

    Very well-written :cute:

    You pwn our faces :XD

    Eurgh, I have a math quiz, too << Damn our math teachers! :tehe:
    September 25th, 2009 at 03:56am
  • N.J. Panda

    N.J. Panda (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Jesus that's one fuckinn long comment!! I'll never top that!! ^^^

    Anyways, I'm not goona shoot you - yet - because i wanna find out where your going with this. Buuuuuut, if Gerard marries that homewrecking bitch - which he cant really 'cause he's basically engaged to FRANK! - then you'd better get the bullet-proofing out 'cause i have a pretty good aim. :D:D:D

    Awesome story I'm totally hooked, can't wait for the next update :)
    September 24th, 2009 at 07:23pm
  • inactive03

    inactive03 (100)

    United States
    Just kidding about the previous comment! Though it was certainly good! I'm sorry if I mad you sad...

    Oh, and since you're prepared...
    2 Guns 2 Guns 2 Guns 2 Guns 2 Guns 2 Guns 2 Guns 2 Guns 2 Guns

    Noooooooooooooo! I am going to KILL Gerard, damn it! His ass is mine!
    Idiotic bastard...

    Mikey will surely tell or coax Gerard to tell Bob and Ray, and then Frankie's gonna find out and be crushed by what Gerard said. Sad

    Even though I think he's a total dumbass, I like the way Gerard keeps getting himself into more and more trouble. It seems as though he just can't not get into trouble and ruin what he has going for him. I can't help but think only about Frank and how he’ll feel. This is so heartbreaking. Lyn-Z should just pop into the picture in like, four months and not look even remotely pregnant. I mean, yeah, it does happen that women won't show until possibly their eighth month, but it’s not likely. Oh man, I just had a thought. What if Mikey calls Lyn-Z and like, congratulates her on getting pregnant and falsely engaged to Gerard? Then she just might go off bragging to everybody after being stunned, and then it’ll be in the tabloids, and then Gerard's career may be ruined, and then Frankie might dump him, and then he’ll give up on life and either A) Kill himself or B) Marry Lyn-Z. Personally, I would rather kill myself than marry her. But, alas, Gerard could actually be the father of the baby and then how could he possibly cope with knowing that as he planned to kill himself? It seems like no matter where you turn, there's a dead end. Gosh. :tehe:

    Frank won't leave my mind! Why oh why did Gerard have to tell Mikey? And why does Mikey have to be so thrilled about it?

    You know what I would love to see?

    Gerard getting back on Mibba and writing about what's actually happening in his life. And then Frank turns out to be one of his faithful readers and commenter’s who loves his story. Though Frank doesn’t know that Gerard is writing them. But Gerard doesn’t know that Frank's reading. And Frank thinks about how accurate everything is and catches on… after Gerard mentions the whole “telling Mikey” thing. And then complications arise. And Gerard is screwed.

    No, but seriously, I would indeed like to see Gerard writing something again. It adds a sense of fantasy to the story (other than the fact that it’s fiction – as far as we know :XD). It makes me feel like I'm in his mind and feeling what he is. It connects me to the story and to his character to much more. (:

    Ooh! I had yet another thought! Damn, I'm on a role. :P

    Okay, so pictures (recent pictures) of Lyn-Z are surfacing everywhere of her drinking vodka or some kind of heavy liquor. Frank sees the pictures and tells Gerard, but he doesn’t believe him and that leads to complications in their relationship. Later in the story, around the time that Lyn-Z is due to go in for sonograms, Gerard will see that she's not actually pregnant and totally leave and never ever come back. I feel like I'm taking over your story with my mind…

    Ha. She could be a hologram. That would be like, freakin’ hilarious.

    I seriously love this story. I squeal when I see that you’ve updated :cute: Whatever you have planned though, I will surely love it. Ah, yet another thing has come to mind…

    Can we get more Frerard moments?


    Pretty, pretty please?

    I’ll love you forever, and ever, and ever!

    I quite enjoyed the update even if I might want to shoot you =D Nah, I don't want to shoot you! Then you might not update anymore... 'cause you'd be in the ground. I have a bit of dark humor in me. Mwahaha.
    September 24th, 2009 at 03:25am
  • sibyl vane.

    sibyl vane. (100)

    United States
    I love the way you write Wow

    -Wait?! When did he propose? Have I lost a chink of memory somehow? A result of my ridiculously short attention span? Am I slowly growing crazy?! :crazy: :XD

    Anywhoodles :>
    Am loving Mikey's enthusiasm ;D
    (I ALWAYS love Mikey's enthusiasm :lmfao. I mean... Who couldn't? :tehe:)


    Page claim! Dance
    I just realized that you have 241 comments. My bus number's 241[/spam] :tehe:
    September 24th, 2009 at 03:02am
  • inactive03

    inactive03 (100)

    United States
    Oh, well, that was good...
    September 24th, 2009 at 02:55am
  • FluorescentChaos

    FluorescentChaos (100)

    United States
    Ho lee shit. This cannot be good. Wha-i-you-he-ahhhh! I'm so very frightened! *hides under covers, sucking thumb* whimper.
    September 24th, 2009 at 01:41am
  • sibyl vane.

    sibyl vane. (100)

    United States
    Yummy sex chapter ;D

    Is it odd that I've grown to love your cliffhangers? :XD
    Ha, love the "it's all in the head" bit. Ray forever pwns :XD
    September 23rd, 2009 at 10:51pm
  • inactive03

    inactive03 (100)

    United States
    :crazy: He should tell them! No. He should make sure it was okay with Frank first and then tell them together! But he probably won't do that... aww crap. What if he ruins everything with Frank if he tells them without Frank's consent?

    Son of a gun. I don't want him to ruin everything! :cheese:

    Ahh! I am going insane right now. :mrgun:

    Okay, okay, I would like for Frank to be okay with it, but he probably won't be. Mikey, Ray, and Bob could be really accepting and understanding... or not.

    I love this story so much. Oooh! I just had a thought. What if Frank walks in right as Gerard is telling Mikey and then that causes problems? Or not. :tehe:

    I feel kinda bad for Gerard. He has so much pressure being put on him at the moment, and that has to be completely overwhelming. He's pretty strong. I would have given up long ago, found a secluded cave or island, and lived in hiding for the rest of my life. It gives him a lot of character even if he is clueless abou what he is going to do. He still hasn't run away from his problems, and that's pretty damn noble of him. Tongue

    Anyways, I wuvs this story, and I hope that you update soon! Hail
    September 22nd, 2009 at 03:42am
  • SuperBat69

    SuperBat69 (100)

    United States
    Hope Gerard tells them........... Update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
    September 22nd, 2009 at 01:12am
  • baysway

    baysway (100)

    United States
    You are mean, mean, mean!!!!!!!! But, I will forgive you because I want you to continue writing this fab story. :)
    September 22nd, 2009 at 01:08am
  • LovexandxDemise

    LovexandxDemise (100)

    United States
    i shall follow ur command and comment! IS GERARD GONNA TELL THE OTHERS?!?!?!?!
    September 21st, 2009 at 07:23pm
  • WheresChristie

    WheresChristie (100)

    United States
    yoou're so evil! lol update soon its REALLY good so far!
    September 21st, 2009 at 02:59pm