That's Violation - Comments

  • That was brilliant, dude!

    Gabe made me laugh.. but even more so..

    "Patrick, get your hands the fuck away from my crotch!"


    Awesome XD

    October 12th, 2008 at 02:36am
  • -tackles again-

    I love you. [Not in a creepy pedo way!] Because that was so amazing! One of the best stories I have ever read and the best Gabilliam to ever exist. Ever. In Love

    Gabe is such a dork, lovable yes, but a dork :] And Patrick shone in this :]

    Oh! Fave lines;

    "Not to mention doing guys," Patrick added.

    "Oh yeah, that was quite a turn around."
    :lmfao <-- That just about explains it! xD

    As he closed the door behind him, Will heard Pete snap, "Patrick, get your hands the fuck away from my crotch!" PETERICK!! Woo! :D

    Will narrowed his eyes. "You were feeling me up. That's violation."

    Gabe shrugged. "You've never had a problem with it before."

    "You were leaning past Patrick to do it."

    "Yeah, well, that's his fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Besides, it's nothing he hasn't felt before."

    "He squealed."

    "I stopped after that!"

    Will rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Yeah, because he hit you!"

    "Do you want to fuck or not, Beckett?"

    "No, do you have any idea how expensive these pants are?"
    Do you have any idea how much that made me laugh? Like serious, falling off my chair, rolling around on the floor, parents wondering to call 1-1-1, laughing? Just amazing!

    And to conclude this ridiculously long comment, thank you!! This was amazing, brilliant, genius, excellent, awesomely awesome! Thank you so, so much :] I'm extremely happy now : D
    October 12th, 2008 at 02:04am
  • This was absolutely fantastic. Aah, the suspension! I want to know what happens next! And what happened before? What does Will have to do with Pete? What was that guy doing?? Oh my gosh, that was so tantalizing. Thank you so much for writing that...

    Are you writing more? Hehe, that was so intriguing. Kudos for amazing writing!
    October 12th, 2008 at 01:58am