Let's Go Meet Your Heroes - Comments

  • User Friendly.

    User Friendly. (100)

    United States
    How could I have missed this masterpiece? There are no words.
    I love every chapter but especially when the boys of Nirvana were introduced. I think you captured Dave's personality perfectly and I adored every scene he was in. He's always been my favorite.

    I don't even know what I'm saying. This would go on forever if I stated my full opinion so I'll just try to wrap it up. This was amazing. Fantastic. Mind-blowing. Beautiful. You are an amazing writer and I hope to read more of your work soon! Oh my God...<33
    March 1st, 2012 at 12:04am
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    I would love to meet my heroes :/
    I love every single one of your stories, hun. Great job! <3
    May 16th, 2010 at 02:31am
  • Fin du Fromage

    Fin du Fromage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    That was mean. You made me sit here an hour and 15 minutes before 2010, crying my eyes out! That was tooo cute and sweet! I loved it. It really was an [would it be affective or effective in this sentence?] concept and a touching one as well. As i have already told you your writing is improving so much, keep going!! Before you know it you could be the next big thing!! Don't forget to update your other story which i just forgot the title to. and i thought i got it but it's in the wrong order. but anyway. Very Well done old chap.
    Well done indeed. b(^u^)d <-- two thumbs up >u<
    December 31st, 2009 at 11:51pm
  • Zizoo

    Zizoo (100)

    United States
    Awesome story. I really loved the concept for this one, and how well the story flowed. My favorite chapter was certainly the last, and I absolutely loved the 'like sid and nancy' on the tree. You did a wonderful job with this one, and this story kind of just blew my mind. I also liked how simple yet effective some of your descriptions were. :)
    August 18th, 2009 at 12:50am
  • billy shears

    billy shears (100)

    United States
    i love this!
    August 10th, 2009 at 06:22am
  • glimmering.misery

    glimmering.misery (100)

    United States
    I just started it, but, WOW!!! The description, the idea. It's really really good. It would be amazing to go and meet your heroes.
    It sounds kindof like The Five People You Meet in Heaven, not exactly, but that's what I first thought of when I started it. Wow. I will be sure to finish reading this :)
    Great work!!
    August 6th, 2009 at 11:08pm
  • dr. faustus

    dr. faustus (1070)

    Review for Heartbreak Contest:

    "He shows her that one should never give up on their dreams as she finally gets to know what its like to live through the eyes of her heroes."- I really liked that in the summary, I got the feel of how powerful this story, and it made me what to read more into his. I was intrigued.

    Chapter 9:

    I liked how the beginning is written. The description was bold and it stood out, in a good way.

    "Hey Sarah, I got some people you should meet,” he said, turning me towards the people he had been talking to before, “these are my band mates, that’s Nate, Chris and Taylor and we are the Foo Fighters if you didn’t know.”- :tehe: I was wondering who these people were, and I was just waiting until you gave me a hint, and now I know. I love the Foo Fighters. I only heard a couple of songs from them, and I wasn't to sure of the band mates names, but now I know. The beginning dialogue was beautiful, and it was real, it flowed well, and I love conversations that are written like that, but when Dave spoke, I think it would sound better if he said, I have some people I would like you to meet. That sounds more of what someone would say in that situation.

    "His hair was dyed blonde on the ends and he remained topless, a few tattoo’s etched across his skin."- I love how simple your descriptions are, and that's a good thing. Simple is sometimes better than overdone. I liked that other band's were there as well. It seemed special to her, and I knew she was really happy and bless to be standing there.

    “It’s nice to meet you Sarah.”- A comma should be behind Sarah.

    I love Dave and how silly he is. Also, that makes me wonder about this whole story, did you meet all of your heroes or is this nothing but pure fan fiction, I was just wondering? For some strange reason I though this story had something to do with a time machine and Dan and Sarah were going back in time to actually meet their heroes :tehe: I know because I seen you had one for Michael Jackson as well, so I was just wondering the fact behind that :cute:

    Anywho, like I was saying...I love Dave's personality. The character Sarah is written so real, and what I mean by that is she seems like someone who people can relate to, you know. All her reactions were normal to what someone would be doing when they meet an old friend, and I can tell Dave admires her a lot despite that he kind of forgot who she was at the beginning of their meeting. She blushes and looks down a lot showing that she's shy.

    "Welcome to paradise. Billie drew me closer to him and as he sang he expectedly looked at me, I hated singing in front of people. I think Dan is the only person to have ever heard me sing but for Billie Joe Armstrong I’d do anything."- I don't know, but something about that really got to me. So, Sarah is onstage with Green Day...in front of thousands of people; I would be scared as hell. I felt that it would have did a lot more for the reader if you added more detail to maybe what Sarah was thinking while on stage. I thought that it was somewhat rushed, and I wanted to know how she felt, I know she was shy and scared, but she did it anyway's, but I don't know, maybe I just wanted it to last longer :tehe:

    "...and I felt him smile into the kiss."- I thought that was cute and I've never heard kisses being described like that. I loved....loved the relationship you created with Dave and Sarah, and pretty much everyone in this story. Everything seemed to connect and fit into place, like it was to perfect to believe in a way. Everything about it was cute.

    "...but I felt myself being drawn into Dan’s chest, a familiar sensation taking over us."- So, this just made me look closely to my computer screen to make sure I was reading this right. This happened before, and I know that you understand that I might be somewhat clueless to what's going on since I'm reading the last two chapters. I'm reading and :cheese: so I was kind of right in some ways, but I'm still not sure...I'm still reading, “Then why do this? Why take me on this journey?”- I'm like speechless and I honestly don't know what to say. I wish I read Dan and Sarah's background...Cry I'm not even going to quote anymore. The last bit was beautiful and mournful...even though I felt when Dan was talking he was saying everything so quick, and I felt just like Sarah when reading, I didn't know what to think as everything was thrown at me so quickly and I didn't have time to react to anything else, but it kind of worked. The emotion felt... real.

    "I tried to smile but it wouldn’t happen, it was as if I had left all my happiness behind with Dan."- This also makes me want to know the story behind Sarah. Was she sick or something to start off with? I liked that Dan did all that for her. He made his last days seem not so in vain, and they enjoyed them together In Love

    "Jake made sure I was ok, made sure that the second musketeer fed herself enough and got enough time outside in the daylight, he tried his best to make me happy, to entertain me."- Pure beauty, m'dear.

    Chapter 10:

    "It was on this journey that I understood how I felt, it took me twenty one years to finally realised who I had feelings for, who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Problem was, he was already gone by the time I knew."- This...this story isn't like anything I've ever read on Mibba and I wish I could have read from chapter one (I still can) but you know...But this sentence was warm-hearted and I couldn't help but smile. I kind of understand now, that Dan gave Sarah a chance at seeing the world through her heroes, and I think that's better than having a boy give a girl the moon and stars. What a lovely gift and so romantic. It's kind of magical and it really shows that anything is possible, dreams are not far and seen in the dark. It's up to you to make sure your dreams are seen in the light, and I really liked that aspect these two (or maybe all of the chapters) were hinting at. The theme overall; I liked.

    "Both of his best friends, gone before their time, he sat there unmoving, tears silently falling from his eyes."- So, years have passed and things were not getting better, so sad. My heart literally just sunk when Jake read the letter and did Sarah kill herself because she couldn't take the pain. Just from these two chapter the atmosphere had changed a lot. Sarah seemed happy and I saw that, and now it's like morbid and nothing made her happy from life.

    :cheese: The whole news breaking about the mysterious information dealing with Sarah, Dan and famous artist from different years....holy shit talk about creative...I'm pretty sure that something before was done like this, but I think you've done an excellent job on this, just from the two chapters I've read, I know for sure I going to read 1-8 now :tehe: Also, while reading that I picture the very scary voice like from the narration of 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' a voice like that. It ran shivers down my spine.

    "A journey, which proved that no matter what, it is always possibly to make your dreams come true."- Even a circle must end, right?

    Overall: I thought you did a wonderful job on what I've read. I felt almost every emotion a person could feel, and I did feel at some times things were rushed and you had some issues with run-on sentences- that were just to long, but other than that, my heart goes out to Jake, Dan and Sarah.

    July 29th, 2009 at 04:46am
  • SilencedPoet_

    SilencedPoet_ (100)

    United States
    I just found this and read it over and over again a thousand times.
    Never have I ever read something so... so... indescrible.
    The brilliance of your story could never be put in to words.
    It was amazing, breath-taking, made me cry and made me desperately want to go back in time.

    Most of my heroes are dead and a lot of which you mentioned- Bob Dylan, Kurt Cobain, Sid Vicious,ect.

    But there are some alive, Conor Oberst, Dave Grohl, Dallas Green, etc.

    But none are greater to me than Sid and Kurt probably.

    Anyways, the plot- the writing, everything was amazing. And I definitely cried.
    You should see about getting this published.
    I mean- wow.
    I don't even know what to say.
    I'm stunned.
    July 26th, 2009 at 12:56am
  • three-imaginaryboys

    three-imaginaryboys (100)

    United States
    That whole series was amazing. I loved everything about it. The concept. The characters. This definitely one of my favorite stories.
    July 24th, 2009 at 02:22am
  • Kissme.

    Kissme. (100)

    United States
    That was soooo sad!!! But at least they're together again!! =) I loved the story very much!! You should sooo publish it!! =)
    July 24th, 2009 at 01:54am
  • Kissme.

    Kissme. (100)

    United States
    This chapter was soo awesome. At the end tho, it was really sad...=(....She's not going to kill herself is she?? Cry
    July 23rd, 2009 at 09:36pm
  • Kissme.

    Kissme. (100)

    United States
    Very nice...I had to look up Iron Maiden, one question, which one is bruce??
    July 18th, 2009 at 04:00am
  • Kissme.

    Kissme. (100)

    United States
    Juss finished reading and I must say u are a very talented writer...plz update soon...=)
    July 17th, 2009 at 01:33am
  • Kissme.

    Kissme. (100)

    United States
    L-O-V-E IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D Great chapter with Michael!!!!!
    July 16th, 2009 at 03:59am
  • endless.dark

    endless.dark (100)

    United States
    I loved this!
    The Freddie and Michael chapters were my favorites, but the others were great, as well.
    July 16th, 2009 at 03:35am
  • three-imaginaryboys

    three-imaginaryboys (100)

    United States
    this was absolutely amazing! you have so much talent and the concept of this story is so out of the ordinary and and and i love it!
    July 16th, 2009 at 03:05am
  • Kissme.

    Kissme. (100)

    United States
    Ahhh!!!!! Michael Jackson's nxt!!! I was completely jumping in my chair when I read the word thriller!!! Haha!! Update Update Update!! =)
    July 15th, 2009 at 02:37am
  • Kissme.

    Kissme. (100)

    United States
    One of my heroes are gone already and I haven't had the chance to go see him...=(
    Nice storii by the way!!! =) the thingy said this story hasn't been active for more than 30 days and not to post unless it's important...I consider this important...;)
    July 14th, 2009 at 11:30pm
  • Crow Maiden

    Crow Maiden (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    nice, =] I'd luv to meet my heroes... though I could prolly just (hehe) buy tickets and backstage passes or whatever... >.> <.<
    I don't havee any criticism... :/ I'm baaad at writing criticism.. :/
    April 14th, 2009 at 02:27am