Sequel: Hold On

Life As It Is

Living It Up

The next morning had come as quickly as it could. The sun was shining brightly through the curtains in Billie Joe's room. Ella and Billie Joe lay together on the bed, still sleeping under the covers. Billie Joe had his arms wrapped around his girlfriend as they both peacefully slept.

Until the alarm clock went off.

It startled the both of them, resulting in Billie Joe banging the clock with his fist so it could stop. Ella grumbled but then turned around to face her boyfriend.

"Hi." She smiled.

"Hey." He looked right at her as well and pushed a few strands of her hair out of her face and gave a grin.

Ella scrunched up her nose. "I don't feel like going to school. I could lie here with you all day."

"Atta girl... you're skipping today." He said and slowly got out of bed. Ella then wrapped one of the bed covers over her body as she went to pick up and put on her clothes.

"Next time we do this, I'm not letting you throw my clothes all over the damn room." She laughed as she picked up her last article of clothing.

When the two arrived downstairs, Ollie was still in bed asleep from her night shift.

"So... how about we catch up?" Billie Joe said as he grabbed something from the refrigerator. Ella gave him a look.

"Life wise." He said and laughed.

* * *
The rest of the day was spent being bored. The couple headed to Christie Road to see if anyone was hanging around.

To their luck, everyone was there.

Mike looked up at the two then went towards Billie Joe.

"Told ya that you two would work it out." He said as he nodded towards Ella.

"Yeah, yeah you're always right Mike... "

"So this is the infamous Christie Road... " Ella said as she took a look around. It was nothing but a place with abandoned train tracks and punks who were getting stoned by the second.

"Yep." Mike and Billie Joe said together.

Ella was amused as she saw her boyfriend and his friends getting stoned.

After a few hours, the guys were all stoned as Ella continued to be amused. She had taken only one hit just for kicks but everyone else had obviously taken more than one.

"Hey remember that thing they said on Sesame Street about having a green day?" Mike snickered.

"Yeah man. Sesame Street owns." Billie Joe lay down onto the warm ground and closed his eyes.

"We're having a fucking green day right now." Al said as he took another hit with his bong.

"Green day... " Ella said to herself, liking how it sounded.

It wasn't until sundown when everyone decided to leave. By then, everyone had stopped taking hits and started sobering up a bit.

Night had once again come. This time, Billie Joe and Ella were lying on Ella's bed. Billie Joe moved around on the bed to face his girlfriend to kiss her.

"I'm so glad we're back together." He said softly.

"Me too." She said as she tugged a little on his hair.

They both eventually fell asleep in each other's arms—again.