Sequel: Hold On

Life As It Is

Meeting the Band

Billie Joe and Mike waited patiently in the basement of Billie Joe's house for Al to arrive.

"Where the fuck is he?" Billie Joe yelled.

"Dude I'm sure he'll be here soon," Mike said calmly.

"That's what you said 10 minutes ago Mike. He's fucking 45 minutes late," Billie said angrily.

Al had finally walked into the basement.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late," he said, walking over to the drums.

"Gee what took you 45 minutes?" Billie Joe said trying not to be as angry as he was.

"Oh I had to finish my history project," Al said innocently.

"And you didn't know how to pick up a fucking phone Al?" Billie Joe said, angry as ever.

"Calm down man, I think my schoolwork is a little more important than this band," Al answered.

"You did not just say that, you motherfucker!" Billie Joe said as he walked up to Al and punched him.

Mike jumped over immediately between the 2 band mates before anything could happen.

"Stop it you guys," Mike shouted. "Can we at least practice together like usual and fucking rock Gilman Street as always?"

"You're right Mike. Sorry about that Al," Billie Joe said at last.

"It's ok man, you had a right to punch me," Al said.

"Ok so BJ tell Al about the new song you wrote called '409 In Your Coffeemaker'," Mike said calmly.

After an hour of practicing the song, the guys had finally gotten a finished product. Billie Joe then did the cue to start the song:

"I sit in the state of a daydream,
With all of your words flying over my head,
Even more time gets wasted,
In a daze"