Miserable At Best

The One And Only.

I slipped back into existence.
The first thing I heard was the buzzing. I tried to ignore it and inhale the sweet scent of my dreams. I failed my pathetic attempt to stay in the dream, and soon I had to press my hand to the alarm clock to stop it from ringing. I frowned as my feet touched the floor and all of my brain cells returned. I headed to the bathroom and plugged in my straightener. While the device heated up I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I headed back to the bedroom where I proceeded to slip on the days clothes.
" Just like a robot.," I thought to myself. By the time I walked back into the bathroom the straightener was hot enough to transform my unmanageable tangles into pin straight strands of velvet. The bus was going to be here in less than five minutes. 4 minutes and 32 seconds to be exact. I put on my eyeliner in less than 30 seconds, and stuck my headphones on. 25 seconds later I was out the door and quickly headed towards the bus stop. Once I got to the bus stop and saw the 3 young souls at the bench . I did not feel like listening in on their conversation. All of their thoughts were just about as deep as a wading pool. I rolled my eyes as I heard one girl I wasn't particularly fond complain about a boy. Thankfully the bus pulled up before I could go insane . Not that it's possible, my kind are known for their logic.
I settled down in my seat and put on my ipod, before I knew it I was at school bracing myself for 7 hours of information I already knew.

*** Time lapse ( After school )

I was on the bus once again and eager to get home. I fiddled with the delicate chain around my neck. The cool silver felt god around my fingers, yet I was careful not the touch the charm that dangled from it. I was grateful to have one thing to remind me of where I come from. I wonder how much longer I would be trapped here. Before I could finish my train of thought the bus pulled up to my stop. I got off the bus eager to return to my apartment. My sanctuary .

I opened the door to be greeted by my great dane, Dot. Her intellegent eyes went wide as i scratched behind her ear. I laughed at how her tongue seemed to fall out of her mouth whenever I did this. I was cut short by my phone about to ring. It was my boss. He was finally goi...

I was woken by strong hands shaking my shoulder. My eyes popped open and narrowed into a death glare. I would have ripped the womans throat out if I could, but the restraints where too strong. The needle went into my arm as fast as it was pulled out. Immediatly the woman left. I screamed wildly as I looked around my cell, but no one would ever hear me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my Gawd .