This is what it's like to be me.

February 22nd, 1996

On February 22nd, 1996 at 6:17 PM in K-W hospital, Brooklyn Brianna Barber was born to parents Moira McClurkin and Jonathan Barber of Kitchener. 1st Grandchild to Sandra Bunsch of Kitchener. Sister to Evan Michael of Barrie and Cindy Dawn of Barrie. 7th Grandchild to Gail Robinson of Barrie. 1st Grandchild to James Barber of Waterloo.

That was the newspaper article from the day after I was born. I obviously don't remember that day but I know that alot of people do remember it. My cousin Bronx for example and my mom and dad and grandma and grandpa who had divorced years and years before.

Now, when I think about it, I notice that, that was the day that made my life miserable. I was damned from the beginning. I know it.

When I was brought home it was right to a secluded house on the outskirts of Kitchener in the factory area. That was where I would spend the first year of my life.

At the age of 10 months I said my first word. What was it you ask? Hi. A simple and offen used salutation that doesn't seem like a big deal to me anymore but oh, my parents were thrilled.

I had my first birthday party there. My best friends at the time was a girl named Jasmin and a boy named Andrew, which I simply called 'boy'. 'Boy' was the son of a friend of my mom's. They had been roomates years before. Jasmin was also the child of one of my mom's friends, they now live in a nudist colony.

That day my parents dressed me in a black dress made of velvetine which my Great-Aunt had given my parents at my baptism ceremony, the dress was over 50 years old, it came with a white headband which had a small pink flower sew to it and a pair of small black leather shoes.

The day after my birthday I took my first step, this also thrilled my parents. And from then on I never stopped moving.