Sequel: What About Now
Status: Complete.

Promises Broken and Words Left Unspoken


"I want you to keep this," she said handing me her locket. Her mom gave it to her before she died.

"But why? You're leaving and this is really special to you," I whispered locking eyes with her as she wiped at her eyes. She smiled softly through her tears.

"It's my promise," she whispered in a voice i almost didn't hear.

"Your promise?" I asked confused, my head tilted to the side.

"My promise to come back," she stated as her smile intensified. She hugged me lightly before walking away as her dad called her. I stood there, watching her leave and smiled for the first time since she told me that she was moving.

My name is Brian Haner, and my best friend moved away that day. That was when we were 12 and in 7th grade. She had always been my best friend and I had always been close to her. But since it's been 5 years and I highly doubt shes coming back...I plan on dumping this necklace in the pacific ocean and getting on with my life. I am now 17, have a steady girlfriend and think it's time that I've ignored the past completely.