Don't Think, Just Fall

The Clare Hollister?

I woke up to my ipod playing Cassie by Flyleaf. I LOVE that song. I grabbed it and turned it off as I got up and took a shower. As I stepped out of the bathroom and into my room, I found some dark wash skinny jeans and a paramore T-shirt and slipped them on. I applied a little concealer, eyeshadow, mascara, and a shear lip gloss, found my green low-tops and green raybands and headed out the door with my keys and hobo bag. Shutting and locking the front door and pressing in the lock- code at the gates as I pulled into the street. I placed my ipod on it's dock and put it on shuffle. The first song to play was Awakening by Switchfoot. I rocked out and sang along as I drove toward starbucks. Face down with the LA curbside endings, with the ones and the zeros, downtown was a perfect place to hide. I came to a halt at a red stoplight and heard my phone ring. When my world goes crazy, You won't let go, When the ground gets sh- I cut off hayden as I answered my phone knowing it would be my dad due to his ringtone, My Hero Is You by hayden Panettierre.
"Hi daddy!" I said rather chirpy-like with my phone against my ear.
"Hi sweetheart, I need you to come in today" he said from the other end of my cell.
I frowned. "But daddy, I'm off today"
"No, I meant I need you to come into my office. I have some news for you" he said reassuringly.
I smiled. "Okay, 30 minutes?"
"Alright I'll see you then, babydoll"
I nodded and then realized that he couldn't see me. "Mkay daddy. Love you"
"Love you too, bye"
I slipped my sidekick into my pocket and went into the Starbucks drive-through.
"How may I help you?" asked a female voice.
"I would like a regular Strawberry Frapuccino and a Venti cup of the blackest and freshest brew you have with a shot of espresso?"
"That'll be $6.59. Is that all?"
I nodded saying 'yes' before pulling up to the window.
"Here's your frap and your venti black" said a blond-haired girl wearing light make-up and a starbucks apron. She handed me my coffee and I said thank-you before driving off.

I drove to my dad's office. It was inside a HE-UGE building where my dad's 'people' think up designs, approve designs and labels, talk about marketing and all that jazz. I walked through the building remembering when I had tried to do these jobs, but finally decided on main management as a retailer. I walked through the doors of my dad's office and handed him his venti cup. My father was a tall man, about 6ft. He had piercing blue eyes and a charming smile which had a go-T underneath it. Today he wore his sunglasses and he had his blue-tooth hooked over his right ear. I kissed his cheek and sat down on the blue Eero Aarnio Style Ball Chair that my dad had and he sat down across from me in his Leather Armchair.
He took a sip of his coffee. "Good Morning Clare" he said happily.
"Mornin" I replied.
He placed his cup on the coffee table in front of us.
"Coasters Dad" I said as I lifted his cup and slid a palm beach coaster underneath.
He nodded. "Thank you Dear" I've always been looking after him like a wife since mom died.
"Now what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked him.
"It's about your job"
"There isn't anything wrong is there?" I asked a bit worried.
He chuckled lightly. "No, no. Nothing is wrong" he said as he gently stroked what he called a beard. "I spoke to Mrs. Osmond about it and we want you to be our newest model. In addition to your job as manager of course" he said.
I squealed. "Thankyouthankyouthank you Daddy!" I said as I jumped up and gave his neck a tight squeeze.
He chuckled. "Your welcome, but you will have to tend to your responsebilities as manager as well. Don't forget. This job can come, but it also can go. I trust you to be responsible enough to do both. Do you understand?"
I nodded.
He continued. "Now they want you to come by on friday. Not for a shoot, but so you can see what you're working with and how everything works. Alright?"
I sighed in disappointment. "I have to work on fri-"
"Now don't worry about that little detail. I've already spoken to Danielle and she said she'd be happy to fill in for you" he said cutting me off.
I smiled, "So I can go?"
He nodded.
"Well, is that it?" I asked.
He nodded. "Yes, Clare you can go shopping now" he said as he waved me off.
"Okay! Love you!" I yelled as I walked out the door.
I heard him yell an 'I Love you too!' before I ran outside and jumped in my car.

I shut the door and placed my hands firmly on the steering wheel. "AHHH!!" I screamed/squealed from excitement. I put the key in the ignition and the next song to play on my ipod was Live to Party by the Jonas Brothers. I drove towards the mall ready for victory shopping and really in the mood for a party. Haha, what that song does to me. I wasn't a brat, but my dad was filthy rich and I could buy whatever I wanted.

3 hours and 500, yes 500 dollars later I walked to my car with a good bit of stuff. I got:
2 sundress, blue and violet. 4 pairs of skinny jeans, blue, black, purple, and dark wash. 2 vests, black and vintage gray. A Flyleaf T-shirt, the newest Fall Out Boy album. $50 itunes giftcard and I remembered mine and Dannie's birthday as I came across a haltered cocktail dress with a ribbon under the bust and it from there it flowed down to the knee. I thought it was geourgeous and new that Dannie and I needed dresses for our party. You see Dannie and I had the same birthday, so we were having a joined 18th birthday party. I grabbed a red one for Dannie that would match her sandy blond and red hair and a blue one for myself. I bought a few more accesories here and there before heading out.

On the way home I put on Get This Party Started by Pink. Man what was with me and partying that day?
Hey grl, how's life? said a text from my cousin Jack.
I squealed. I hadn't talked to him in ages. How'd u get my #? Jack was my favorite cousin. He's two years older than me, but he rocks.
ur dad told my mom, wassup grl?
I laughed. nm I only got a job modeling 4 holli co.! I pulled into the drive-way and went into the kitchen, grabbing a recipe book. I was cooking dinner since my dad wouldn't be home 8 or 9. My phone vibrated again.
dats gr8t vicky! cant w8t 2 c my hott cuz on posters everywhere! ;)
I smiled. ya just don't 4get 2 tell ur hott frends I sent it and then finished my debate with myself over whether I should make lasagna or potato soup and decided on my 3 cheese lasagna made from scratch followed by a double layered chocolate cake. I pulled out a few ingrediants for the lasagna before I heard another text come in.
ew i dont think i have any hott frends
I smirked. ya u do. I still remember rob & mark I put down my phone and in 20 minutes the lasagna was in the oven. I checked my phone to see 2 texts. I opened Jack's first.
ok hold up, they're way 2 old 4 u! & btw rob's here w/ me and red dat. I gave him ur # :p
I gasped. ugh, I hate u, u no dat? I immediately got a text back.
luv u 2 cuz! g2g bye!
I texted back saying texted him back saying whatev before checking the other text I had gotten. Oh Lord help me. It was from Rob. I opened it and it said.
so im hott now?
I rolled my eyes. Nope, he hasn't changed a bit. u were wen I was 12 I mixed the ingrediants for the cake and recieved another text.
and I still am. hey I need a pic of u 4 caller id
I sent him a pic of me with my tongue sticking out and my fingers up in a peace sign. I poured the mix into the cake pan and shoved into the oven. Yeah, we have 2 or 3. I set the timer and started on the icing. I felt my phone vibrate with yet another text.
nice pic hottstuff I then got a pic of him on a skateboard.
back at ya studmuffin. g2g byeee
He texted back saying ttyl bye
I went back to my cake and finished dinner.

That night it was 10 o'clock and I was in my pajama's laying in my queen sized bed watching 51st dates on DVD. I recieved a text from Jack.
hey I 4got but i need a pic of u 4 caller id
I cocked an eyebrow at my phone before looking at what i was wearing. wanna pic of me in a tank top and soffe shorts? I asked joking.
He texted back. u no? I really don't have a prob w/ dat
I smirked. alright just 4 u babe! I snapped a pic of myself and sent it to him.
woohoo! what a babe!
I rolled my eyes. u no it! lol g-night I replied.
g-night cuz...

I unlocked the door and turned on all the lights. It was 7am. I actually enjoyed coming into work this early. It was quiet and the sun was just rising. It's a good time to think, you know? I walked over to the sound system and put my ipod on the dock. I played my relaxing playlist and the first one to play was 4:35am by Gemma Hayes. drivin, so slow...

I walked around and turned everything on, making sure the store was ready to open. I heard Dannie come in and I said Hi as she waved and walked past me to the back of the store.

I was looking through paper work at my register when I heard a small tapping noise. I turned to see Demi Lovato tapping on the window. I opened the double glass doors and my eyes widened when I saw who walked in after her a head of long dark brown hair with a female face, but what surprised me was the three heads a curly hair who walked in behind them. That's right. It was the Jonas Brothers.

"Hey Demi! What are you doing here?" I asked, as I hugged her and tried not to sound starstruck even though I was.
"Well, I know it's early, but I wanted you to meet my friends and we wanted to do something before you had to work."
I nodded.
"Oh, this is my best friend Selena Gomez" she said and Selena stuck her hand out for me to shake.
"I'm Clare" I said smiling politely.
"Nice to meet you" she replied with a genuine smile.
"And these are the Jonas Brothers" Demi said motioning over to them.
I nodded. "I know" I said with a slight laugh. "I'm Clare" I put my hand out for Joe to shake, but he was staring at something behind me.
"HALO 3!" He exclaimed and ran over to the entertainment center. "Or not?" I finished.
rude much?
I looked at Nick and Kevin.
Nick laughed a little nervousness present in his voice. "um, don't mind Joe" he said as he shook my hand.
"Yeah, sorry about that" Kevin said who also shook my hand.
I shook my head. "It's alright" I said as I shrugged it off.

"Dude, this place is sick!" Selena, who had been looking around, suddenly stated.
I smiled to myself, amused at her reaction. Since I worked here my dad made this Hollister special. It had a full video game set-up with all 3 Halos, all three guitar hero's (which the new aly and aj guitars were included in), sing-it (several versions), dance-dance-revolution (several versions). It also had a big flat screen TV and a stereo system which had an ipod dock.
"I know isn't it?" said Demi. They all nodded.
Kevin kind of just watched Joe's screen (there is a TV for every game besides the flat screen) as he played. I could tell he was bored and so was Nick.
"Hey kevin?" He looked at me. "There's a starbucks in the back" I told him.
He smiled and ran to the back.
I quickly texted Danielle to say he was coming before I moved to nick. "Nick we do have guitar hero, you know" I said.
"1 or 2?" he asked.
"Actually, we have all three" I said before he smiled and walked over to play the game.

"So what've you been up to?" Demi asked.
"Well, I did just get a modeling job" I told her like it was nothing, but she saw through my act and tackled me in a hug.
"That's great!" Selena hugged me too.
"Yeah, with who?" she asked.
I was about to reply, but Kevin walked up with a smiling Danielle. I smirked. I knew Kevin was her favorite brother. "Dannie this is-" I started to introduce her, but she cut me off.
"I know who they are" she said. "I'm Danielle, but friends call me Dannie" Selena and Demi hugged her.
"Nice to meet you" Nick said. Demi and Selena already knew her apparently Selena had come in here with Demi sometime when I was off.
"You too" Dannie said in reply to Nick.
"So why is this Hollister so tricked out?" Kevin asked.
Danielle spoke up, "because she works her" She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"No offense" Nick started, "but what's so special about you?" he asked.
"None taken" I said.
"You guys didn't catch on?" Demi asked. Kevin, Nick, and Selena shook their heads no.
"YES!" Joe yelled as he beat level 4.
I rolled my eyes as he was so oblivious to his surroundings. I don't think he even knew that I was there.
"This is Clare Hollister" Demi finished.
They all gasped and Joe finally turned and gasped with them at the mention of my name. "The Clare Hollister?" he asked.
My word, those are the first words he's said to me in a half hour.
I nodded meekly and awaited their response.
♠ ♠ ♠
I need comments and feedback to post the third chapter!
I know this is mainly a filler, but it all comes into play later.
my goal is 11 comments since I already had one and at least 2 stars...