Don't Think, Just Fall

Is It Too Late To Apologize?

Joe's POV

Oh Wow. Clare Hollister?
"So You're Clare Hollister? Nick asked again.
She nodded, "Yes, I am. Is that so hard to believe?"
I couldn't believe I had snubbed the Clare Hollister. By this time, I had forgotten about my game of Halo 3 and was concentrating on apologizing to her. Why had acted like that? I have no idea. A question popped into my head that I had to ask. "Why does your dad not bring you out in public. I mean, everyone knows your name, but no one knows what you look like because your dad says he doesn't want you in the public eye. What's that about?"
She sighed, "I wanted to grow up without being recognized as a kid and teenager in hollywood. so, I asked my dad not to put me into all that, but now I have finished school about a year and a half in advance. I've lived my 'normal' life and I'm going to be modeling for Hollister soon"
We all nodded.
She seemed to avoid looking in my direction as they went on in conversation and tried not to notice me losing my game after I had been dominating it for the past half hour. I wonder if I had offended her, you think? I don't know. I shrugged it off and went back to actually winning the game.

Clare's POV

So now Joe's interested in what I have to say? After he finds out that I'm 'the' Clare Hollister. Am I really that big of a deal? Oh well. I don't have time to think about him. I have to keep my shift going here, plus soon modeling and I need to start keeping a look-out for colleges. After all, it'll only be a year. I'm thinking Berkley School of Music. What do you think? Anyways, I'm mind rambling again. back to the conversation.
"So when do you start modeling?" I heard Selena ask me.
"Well, They want me in tomorrow actually, but only to get the feel for it. It's not an official shoot"
she and demi nodded.
I looked over to see Dannie and Kevin chatting away. Danielle was laughing at something Kevin had said and he was smiling at her, affectionately? hmmm. I'll have to keep an eye on those two. Nick was winning guitar hero and staring intently at the screen, and then Joe was back to beating halo 3. What was his problem with me? Why did I care? He must of felt my eyes on him because he looked my way and flipped his hair cockily. I rolled my eyes and went back to my conversation with the girls and laughed along with Selena to whatever demi had just said. A few minutes later, we were interrupted by a deep voice, which I found belonged to Kevin.
"Anyone up for breakfast?" Selena, Demi, Nick, and Joe at the sound of food, all nodded eagerly. I, myself, wouldn't have minded a bite to eat. Dannie looked at me pleading for me to let her go. I nodded, signaling that we could finish the paperwork later. She smiled, and mouthed a thank-you before asking Kevin where.
"There's a Waffle House around the corner" I reminded and we agreed to go there. Selena, Demi, and Dannie all hopped into my car and the boys headed towards Kevin's hybrid. I looked over to see Joe begging Kevin to let him drive. Apparantly Kev gave in because Joe grabbed the keys and Kevin groaned and rubbed his temples. I laughed silently. Joe turned around and winked at me. I immediately stopped laughing and started the engine before pulling out of the strip mall parking lot. I was still sondering why I cared so much that he was acting like a cocky jerk to me, but decided to shrug it off and enjoy a good breakfast, which I didn't get very often. I pulled into the front of Waffle House with the ride being filled with small talk between the girls and I. We walked inside to see the boys had gotten two booths. One seated four and one seated two. well I knew that Danielle would want to sit with Kevin and Selena and Demi together and of course Demi and Joe would sit at the same table and Nick would want to be near his brothers. Almost as I had figured, Kevin and dannie sat on one side of the 4-seater, Demki and Selena on the other, while Joe pulled up a chair to the end. I sighed and sat down on one side of the 2-seater and Nick across from me. I was facing the other booth and was scanning the room. My eyes stopped on Joe who was looking at me with a blank expression that had a hint of, sadness in it? We locked eyes for what seemed like 5 minutes, but I knew it was only a few seconds, before I looked back down at my hands.
"So, what's it like growin up a normal kid in high school?" nick asked me.
I looked up and cocked an eyebrow at him. "Are you really asking me that?" he chuckled.
"Well, I don't know what it's like. So tell me"
I rolled my eyes. "Stinky luchrooms filled with mystery meat mondays, boring classrooms filled with overly excited teachers, dumb dances that are overly aniticipated, Snobby cheerleaders, and theirs the cocky jerks that they call jocks. I personally think that's the perfect name. Jerks that are cocky. Jocks!"
He laughed a little, "kinda like my brother, huh?" He caught me off guard there.
"Joe. He's being a cocky jerk. Am I right?"
I nodded. "Yeah, I don't know what his problem is. I had always heard that you guys were like the nicest people. You and Kevin have lived up to that, but so far he hasn't."
Nick shook his head, "Joe's not normally like this. I hope he can knock it off long enough for you to see that"
Why was he acting like this? I kept asking myself. As if Nick read my mind,
"I don't know why he's acting like this"
I looked up at him with my furrowed eyebrows, "Are you a mindreacer?" he laughed. "No I can just read people"
I nodded. We talked and we were all ready to leave about an hour later.
"Can I talk to you?" I heard from behind me just before I followed the others out. I turned around to see Joe. I rolled my eyes and shrugged as he pulled me into a booth.
"What Joe" I said, uninterested. Okay, maybe that was a little harsh, but C'mon. I mean, he's been acting like a jerk all morning. He looked a tad hurt, but it looked like he understood why I had said it the way I did.
"I, uh, I want to apologize for the, well for the way I've been acting"
I nodded and waited for him to go on.
"I'm sorry, I just. I really don't know what came over me. Could you forgive me? Even though I was a big jerk" I looked at his cheeky grin and then at his eyes. Oh crap. He started the puppy dog pout.
I rolled my eyes and my face broke into a small smile. "Yeah, I guess so" He sighed relieved. "Good, cause I would afraid that you wouldn't"
I shrugged. "Well I would have, eventually"
He smiled, "good, Now I never did introduce myself" he cleared his throat and continued. "Why, hello I am Joe Jonas" He threw his hand out for me to shake and I took it.
"And I am, as you say, the Clare Hollister" I said.
He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it gently. "A pleasure" he said before opening the door for me to walk out.
I blushed and ignored the weird feeling I got when his lips touched my hand. I walked through the door saying thank you and outside we were met by a few cameras. There was a flash in my face and Joe's. We saw the others there next to us, answering a few questions and Joe joined in within seconds.
"How are you?" "Who are the girls?" "Joe are you dating the girl?" that one of course referring to me because we had been talking alone.
They answered a few questions avoiding the ones about me and Dannie and after a few short good-byes we drove off in our seperate cars. Back at the store it was 10 minutes till opening. back in the nik of time.
"So what did you and Joe talk about?" Dannie asked raising an eyebrow.
I shrugged, "He apologized for the way he was acting and that's it"
She frowned, "Oh" She tied her apron on and made her way back to the starbucks to open it up and have it ready. Within moments caroline and Ana arrived along with Bri following close behind.
At 11am, I opened the doors of our retailing store and awaited the wonderful customers we would have today.

My hands were gripped tightly to the steering wheel as I drove to the modeling agency. I was nervous, yet very excited. I had been around this all my life and wanted to do it since I was 13. I waited until I was out of high school to ask my dad and he finally said yes. I pulled into the parking lot, said a quick prayer, and took a deep breath, before I walked in through the doors.
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Really short I know, but I wanted to post at least something...
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