Don't Think, Just Fall

A Headlined Kiss

The entire car ride was silent except for the sound of the car's motor and the occasional passer-by honking. We came to a local park and he finally spoke.

"Can we stop here? I want to talk to you" I sighed, but nodded and pulled over before walking over to a swing. I sat down and felt it being pushed, so I held tightly to the chains as Joe pushed the swing back 'n' forth slowly.

"Um, I'm sorry, a- about back there" he said. I nodded.

"It's alright"

"Um, but there's something that I- I wanted to say" he walked around and sat on the ground in front of me.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What is it?"

"I um, I really like you, Clare. Would you maybe, wanna go out sometime?"

My breathe caught in my throat. I hadn't expected it, but I think I sorta wanted him to ask me that. "Um, Joe. I- I don't think I'm ready for that. Not yet. I'm sorry"

He shook his head, "Don't be" he stood up and offered his hand, which I took and stood up. "So just friends?" he asked, holding both of my hands in his.

I nodded and he kissed my forehead before hugging me and slinging an arm around my shoulders as we walked back to the car.

"So how 'bout friends with benefits?" he asked and I scoffed.

"Joe!" I said lightly shoving him and he removed his arm, putting his hands up in defense.

"Fine, fine. No fun for me." I rolled me eyes and he put hi arm back over my shoulders.We walked and then rode home in a comfortable silence.I pulled into his driveway and he leaned over kissing me on the cheek before stepping out of the car and slamming the door shut.I smiled and waved before driving myself home.

"How was it?" my dad asked as I walked through the doors. I caught a look at the clock and noticed that it was almost 3:30.

"It was cool, but it turned out to be an actual shoot" I eyed my father knowingly.

He chuckled, "Well how about that" I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to answer a text that I had gotten from Rob earlier.
They were beautiful. The stars, I mean. "They are so wonderful" I said aloud.

"Yes, you are" he said and I turned my head to look at him.

"Cheesy much?" I said, trying ignore the blush that was creeping it's way onto my face.

"Maybe" he said as he leaned up and forward.

"But it worked" he whispered. I could feel his hot breath on my lips. His face was dark and his hair hung in his eyes. I suddenly heard faint music. He and my surroundings began to fade and become blurry. I closed my eye and tried to stay there as the music became clearer. Now I'm speechless, over the edge I'm just, breathless...

I opened my eyes again to see, white? Oh right. The ceiling. the song was coming from my phone on my nightstand. "Who the heck calls me at 6:30?" I groaned out loud. "What? I answered the person on the other end.

"A bit grumpy are we?" he asked.

"Joe, why are you calling me at freaking 6:30?" I asked. It had been a little over a week since we went skating and we had become good friends. I was also close with the rest of the Jonas's.

"Well, my family asked if you would join us for breakfast on this lovely morning" I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Alright you caught me" he said. "I, being the procrastinator that I am, waited until the last minute and woke up at 4am to pack this morning and now I'm bored, but seriously my mom did just get up and ask if you would come over for breakfast before we go to the airport"

I sighed again and laughed at him. "Alright Joe. I'll be there in an hour"

"Sounds great!" he said.

I smiled, "Now let me go back to sleep!"

He chuckled, "No you have to get ready!"

"Ugh, fine I'll see you later"

"Bye" I heard him say before I hung up.You see the guys are going on a short tour with Avril Lavigne.They're leaving today.
I dressed myself in this, put on some eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and a little lip gloss, and grabbed my keys before heading out to my car. I hopped in and drove to the Jonas's.
As soon as I went up to the door, it burst open and I was tackled by two little kids. Joe being first. I ended up on the ground with both him and Frankie forming a somewhat dog pile on top of me.

I groaned. "Joe, you're such a cow. Get off!" he laughed.

"I resent that" he rolled off of me and I hugged Frankie before standing up.

"What no hugs for me?" Joe asked, acting hurt. I patted his head.

"Aw, I'm sorry Joe." I hugged him and he kissed my cheek and I did the same to him.We walked inside and I spotted Dannie sitting in Kevin's lap.I smile half-heartedly and Joe noticed.

"Are you okay?" he asked and I noddedd.

"It's just, don't you think he's a little old for her?" I bit my lip and he shook his head.

"Age is just a number, Tor" yes, he had taken up with my nickname too. I nodded.

"She's been hurt so many times. I get worried easily" He set a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"Kevin likes her. She'll be fine" I nodded and smiled. He hugged me and we heard the clanging of dishes as Frankie set the table.

"Time for breakfast kids!" Mrs. Jonas called. We all hurried and took our places. Ready for a delicious Jonas breakfast.

We arrived at the airport at about 9am. "I'm gonna miss you Kevin" I heard from Danielle. I smiled at that.

"What? Are you happy we're leaving?" Joe asked. I shook my head and pointed to Kevin and Danielle who were sharing a kiss. I smiled and Joe did too.

"They make a great couple, don't they?" I said and he nodded.

I said my goodbyes to Nick and Kevin and all the Jonas's except Joe. "Well, I'll miss you Joe" he kissed my forehead.

"We'll be back in two weeks, no worries"

I pouted, "but that's two weeks without my bestie!!" he laughed and kissed my forehead. There was a flash behind us and we turned to see about three people with camera's. He rolled his eyes.

"Ignore them" I said. "Anyways, bye see ya in two weeks"

He hugged me. "Bye" he kissed my cheek and joined his family in boarding the plane.

Dannie and I watched the plane until it disappeared above the clouds. We walked back to my car with the paparazzi following us.

"What are you're names?" "What are you doing with the Jonas Brothers?"

"No comment" Dannie answered the first question.

"And we were saying goodbye to friends" I added.

We finally got into my car and drove home. "Soo" I started. "You and Kevin?"

She smiled, "What do you mean?"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "What? You don't kiss and tell?" she laughed and finally got her to talk. She gushed about how nice and sweet he was and how she'd never met anyone like him.

I listened to it all the way to her house. I couldn't get a word into the conversation, but that's okay.

"Dannie" I said into the receiver withy a worried tone.

"What is it, Clare?" she asked hearing my concern.

"I think you should see this"

I plopped the newest issue of 'people' magazine down on her coffe table about 20 minutes later. I had it opened to page 56.

"Oh NO!" she exclaimed. There were big letters in bold saying, 'Kevin's new girl?' with a nice picture of that kiss they had shared at the airport.

"I have got to call Kevin" she picked up her phone and just as she did, it rang.

"Wow freaky" I said as she answered it.



"Yeah, I saw the pictures too babe" he said.

"What do I do?" Danielle asked.

"Well, its should be okay for awhile. I mean, we're gone for two weeks. If you're not seen with me for awhile, they shouldn't be too bad. They'll ask you for your name, but whatever you do, don't tell them." he instructed.


"Are you worried?" he asked.

"A little bit" she answered. "I mean I've seen what happens when one of you guys gets a girlfriend. The fans go crazy"

"It'll be okay. I'll talk to the press. I'll do whatever I can to make sure you're alright" she was silent. "Do you trust me?"

She nodded."Yes"

"Then trust me when I say that you will be fine"

She sighed, "Alright"

"I'll call you later okay?"

she nodded. "bye"

"bye" he said before they hung up.


"well, what did he say?" I asked. She looked more relaxed now.

"He said he'll talk to the press, but I should be fine for now since we won't be seen together for at least two weeks" she sighed.

I nodded, "It'll be okay, Dannie" I hugged her and hoped I was right.
♠ ♠ ♠
So they're just friends, right?
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-- Taylor xo