Don't Think, Just Fall

Surprise Dinner Guests

As Joe cut the motor, I jumped off and squealed.

"That was awesome!"

He chuckled. "Glad you had fun, now for dinner." He took off his helmet and set it on the handle bar and I set mine on the back of the seat.

He put out his arm and I looped mine through it cheesily. He walked forth and opened the door for me and I said a 'thank-you' before walking through.

"Name?" the hostess asked.

Joe lowered his voice. "Jonas"

She smiled politely, "Right this way, please."

She sat us down and distributed the menus. I looked around the table and it was set for ten. But there weren't that many of us. Were there?

"Joe why are there ten places?" I asked.

"well, um-" he was cut off by the other arriving. I jumped up and hugged Demi and Selena and was introduced to Nick's date Chelsea. She was very nice, but a little shy. She had blonde hair that came to her shouler blades and side bangs. Happy blue eyes and a genuine smile completed her 5"4' self.

I was about to sit down when I spotted two people coming towards me. I squealed "Elanna, Dad!"

My dad chuckled and I tightly hugged Elanna. Elanna was my 13-year-old cousin, Jack's sister. you remember Jack, right?

"Wh- What are you doing here?" I asked her excitedly.

She smiled. "I wanted to be here for your birthday, so Aunt Sally flew me out here."

"Yay! But how long are you staying?"

"Just tonight." and both of our faces fell. "Aunt Sally wants me to finish school."

I nodded. "Well we'll have fun while you're here! Oh, let me introduce you to my friends."

She smiled. "That would be nice."

"Okay this is Joe, Kevin, Nick, Demi, Selena, and Chelsea." I said pointing to each of them.

"And guys this is my cousin Elanna." there were exchanges of 'hey's and 'sup's.

She sat down on my right and Joe stayed on my left and we ate a great dinner while celebrating Dannielle and I's birthday.

The next day Danielle and I were running everywhere trying to be ready. She loved the dresses that I had picked out. So we had that covered. We were riding to the party in a white stretch limo. It would be on the Queen Marie which thank God is not flooded any longer. MTV asked if they could cover the party and I debated it with Dannie, but we hesitantly said yes. There would be a camera on us all day. Yeah, no pressure or anything.

I had to go into the office today to talk over some contract deals that had been offered to me. Dad let Danielle off so she could work on the party.

I smiled towards the camera in my face as I closed the door to my home. They followed me down the driveway and into my car and all the way to the office.

I opened the doors to the office and saw several people sitting around Lovey's small office.

"Hey Lovey, what's up?" I asked.

She smiled and introduced me to the three other people in the room.

"This is John Fields." she said, introducing the last person. I smiled.

"It's nice to meet you." I said.

He nodded. "Same to you Claire."

"Your father told John that you sing." Lovey said.

I laughed nervously. "Not really."

"Well, he said that you do and that you always wanted to give it a try in Hollywood." John said.

"W-well-" I stuttered.

"Sing something for us." he cut me off.

I coughed. "Um okay."

"So, So what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
and I don't need you
and guess what
I'm having more fun
now that we're done
and I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright
Just fine
and you're a tool so
so what I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
and i don't need you tonight
" I sang.

"You've got a record deal." John said.


He nodded and handed me some papers to sign. I looked at Lovey.

"I looked them over and they're just fine and legal." she said anxiously.

I signed the papers and handed then back to John.

"Welcome to Hollywood Records." he said. "Oh and happy birthday." I smiled.

"Thank you so much!" I squealed and hugged him. He chuckled.

"It's no problem. Now get to your party." I smiled and nodded.

I said my good-byes before walking out the door.

I smiled to myself while I drove home.

"I just got a record deal!" I squealed into the camera, giving them a thumbs-up.

The camera man chuckled silently and i sighed.
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Kind of short
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-Taylor xo