Bizarro World

only chapter

It was as I was cutting the crusts off a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, that I realized just how perfect my life was. The sun was shining and my family was just waking up. I smiled to myself and hummed a little song.

The happiest day of my life was when I decided to settle down with Brian. I knew I loved him since the moment I laid eyes on him. I just couldn't admit it to myself. But he showed me that my life of drinking, fighting, and being crazy was empty and meaningless. Brian helped me become the person I was meant to be.

Our wedding was beautiful. The church was full of our family and friends. My dress was worthy of a princess, with yards of lace and satin. I'd never felt more like a lady. I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with Brian, making him happy. And then the kids came along. Life had never felt more complete. I had never been more complete.

"Mom! Brenna won't come out of the bathroom!" Jackson shouted from upstairs. I shook my head, those kids.

I took the muffins from the oven and sat them on the table. Bustling around the kitchen, I poured juice for the kids and coffee for Brian. I couldn't let him leave without a nice breakfast. It was the least I could do for him. He worked so hard at the studio.

The kids came running down the stairs. They were so cute when they argued. "Alright, my sweet angels, eat your breakfast. I'm going to go wake up your father."

"Whatever," Brenna rolled her eyes. She was such a scamp.

I walked into our bedroom. The pink walls glowed in the bright morning sunlight. Brian was sprawled out on the bed, still smelling of alcohol and perfume. That was okay though, sometimes parties get out of hand.

I vaguely remembered what parties were like. I was so busy with my family I just didn't have time for that silliness anymore.

"Baby, it's time to get up," I whimpered and shook him gently. "I made you breakfast."

Brian grumbled and buried his face in the pillow, "Five more minutes."

"You have to get up now," I laughed. He sighed and sat up. I leaned over and kissed him sweetly before gathering up the clothes he'd left on the floor the night before. There was a lot of laundry to do today.

By the time I got back down to the kitchen, the kids were arguing again. "Jackson, I'm going to pick you up after soccer practice. I may be a little late because I have to drop Brenna off at ballet. But I'll make it up to you by making cookies for the team."

Jackson grumbled in response. Brenna was flicking cereal at him. What's one more mess to clean up? I looked up to see Brian walking into the kitchen. I couldn't help but beam at him. I just loved him so much.

I finished getting the kids ready for school. I put their lunches in their backpacks and kissed Brian good-bye. "I have to stop by the craft store on my way home to get more yarn so I may not see you before you leave."

He grunted as he finished his coffee. "There's a party tonight if you want to go. It's supposed to be pretty wild."

"I can't tonight. There's a PTA meeting. We have to go over the details for a new fund raiser."

He shrugged. I kissed him again. "I'll have dinner ready for you when you get home."

I hustled to kids out to the mini-van. "Make sure you put on your seat belts."

I saw Brian watching us from the window. I blew him a kiss.

Wait a minute... breakfast, kids, marrying Brian, a GODDAMN FUCKING MINI-VAN?!

I woke up screaming, covered in sweat. Dear god, that was the worse fucking dream I'd ever had. My hands shook as I lit up a cigarette. I so didn't want to go back to sleep.

No more nachos and Jagerbombs before bed for me.
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I know, this was really short and kind of stupid but I had the idea last night and I knew Hell would just LOVE it.

And Hell, you can't kill me. There would be no one to wreck havoc with you if I were dead lol.