Finding the Beauty in Flaws

Chapter One

"I don't feel so well Mrs. Washington." But before she could reply, I had already dashed out the room. Minutes later, I stared down at the remains of my lunch.

"Salem, are you okay?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, but I think we may have to take a little trip to the store after school." Emily opened the door and flushed the toilet before giving me a hug. I washed my hands and face before getting a pass for Emily and I to go home.

"So, what should we get?" I asked comparing three different brands of pregnancy tests.

"Uh, the one with the cute little baby on it." Emily pointed without much train of thought. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, I can't do it alone. Will you take one with me?"

"Hey, I'm not the one puking my brains and guts out." I poked my lip out. "Okay, fine."

"Hey you little brats better pay!" The old guy behind the counter shouted. I flipped him off and pushed open the door.

"Here goes nothing." I sighed and entered a stall. "So Emily, if it's a boy, how about Mortimer."

"Slow down tiger, what if there's not bun in the oven." Emily yelled. I walked out shaking my stick as Emily was sitting on the counter.

"How long do we wait?" I asked.

"Five minutes. If it turns pink, you're baking, if it's blue...take a trip to the doctor, it's the flu." I sat in front of her on the floor. We both began humming the Jeopardy song.

"Okay, on the count of three we check." I said after seven minutes. We both stood up beside each other and tapped our foot.

"I'm not baking anything!" I yelled. "What about you?"
♠ ♠ ♠
So, it rained. Flight got canceled. We don't leave till Friday. Yay!