The Virus of Life

"Oh look James, Corey worships you"

"James...if you could have kids what would you want them to be?"i ask from atop his chest"hmm A boy and a girl"he says"what would you want to name them?" "i don't know I would name the boy Caden Wayne Root" "James....could you see your self....having kids.....with me...?" he looks me straight in the eyes"i can see us growing old together and dying surrounded by our family...I love you so much i never want to lose you" "I love you too and I never want to lose you i love you too damn much" James picks me up off of his chest and sets me down on the bed. he rummages though his drawers"gotcha!"he says. he bends down in front of me and holds his hands over mine with the box in between.he kisses my hand and opens the box and takes out the ring"this is a claddagh ring"he says "if you wear it with the heart pointing to you it means you belong to someone...the heart means love the crown means loyalty and the hands are friendship" he slips it on my ring finger after taking off his other one and puts it so the heart is pointing to me."I love you and this is a promise ring from me saying that I will love you and some day marry you"he says then kisses me."you have my eyeliner and mascara all over your face" I whisper and wipe it off. "I don't care baby" he holds my hands so I cant clean it off"I love you so much"I say with a new batch of tears ruining down my cheeks"I love you too" he says and wipes my tears

"ALEX! HELP" Devon yells barging in. she takes one look at me, stops and runs to James and punches him in the face."DEVON! HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" I yell "why are you crying then Alex?" I show her the claddagh ring and explain why he gave it to me and what it means."oh...sorry I hit your boyfriend"she says. I get up,laughing, and help James to the kitchen. I grab an ice pack and put it on his swollen eye"you OK baby?"I ask "no"he pouts"my eye hurts...will you kiss it to make it feel better?"I laugh a bit and move the ice pack. I kiss his eye very lightly"that batter baby?" "no..."I laugh"what else?" "my lips hurt"he says. I kiss him on the lips.Well he has other ideas then just a simple kiss.He picks me up and takes me to the room again, he locks the door and places me one the bed.'this is gonna be one hell of a night' I think.

*Dev's POV*

I sat on the counter in the kitchen while eating a pop tart. Corey came in and laughed at me. "Why a pop tart?" he asked, coming over to sit by me. "I like pop tarts" I said while Joey came in. He had a head of messy hair and I giggled at him. "What are you laughing at?" he mumbled before sitting at the table. "You look like a mess" I said. "Oh thanks" he said before putting his head down. "No problem" I said before skipping down to my room. Cringing at the sounds coming from James and Alex's room, I went in my room and blasted my music. The sounds of 'No 5' by Hollywood Undead made me smile as I raised the volume more and started singing as I went upstairs. "All the kids in the hood come and wave and shake your hands. Hollywood we're never going down. And when you're drunk, shake that ass like you know how to dance. Hollywood we're never going down" I sung as I walked into the now empty kitchen. Shrugging, I started dancing while cleaning the dishes and kept singing while living in my own little world. It wasn't until I heard someone clear their throat.

Turning around, I saw Corey standing there in shock and I giggled embarrassedly. "Sorry" I said before Corey practically tackled me by running into me. He was kissing me with so much passion that if it were alcohol, I'd be drunk. It wasn't until Corey got hit in the head with an apple did he pull away. "Which one of you fuckers threw that?" he growled, still holding onto me. "I did, now kindly stop the make out session in the kitchen. We eat here" said Jade as Joey was smirking next to her. "Stop smirking little man" I said before leaving the room. Corey ran after me and threw me over his shoulder, taking me to my room. Just as things got a bit more heated, James walked into the room with only boxers on and looked at Corey and I. "Cor, get out, I need to talk to her" said a serious James. I was shocked and Corey left the room. "What's up?" I asked him. He came and sat next to me. "Alex is sleeping right now, in case you're wondering" he said. I nodded and continued to stare at him, waiting for him to tell me why he was in here.

"You are aware that no one is allowed in my room right? If you don't tell me why you're here in the next 30 seconds, I'll kick your ass and leave you in the mall in just your boxers" I said, causing James to shake his head with a laugh. "Alright, Joker, I'll need you to be serious as of now" he said. 'Oh boy, what's going on?' I thought. "I gave Alex a promise ring" he told me. "You…plan to marry her someday?" I asked, in a slight shock. "Yes, I do. I love her with all my heart and I figured, because you happen to be one of her close friends, that I should tell you before you beat my ass into the ground" he said. I smiled warmly at him. "I'm so happy for you guys! She's really happy with you and I can tell she really, really loves you" I said. James smiled at me and ruffled my hair. "I guess when I marry her you'll become my little "sister" figure" he said. "As if I'm not already" I said, getting up. James laughed and opened to the door to have Corey fall at his feet.

"Oh look James, Corey worships you" I said, laughing as Corey shook his head and James left. Corey closed the door as I turned around and looked at the pictures beside my bed. "I've been meaning to ask you. Who are those people?" Corey asked. Smiling, I picked up the pictures one by one and placed them on the bed before motioning for Corey to come sit next to me. "This one is a picture of a dear friend of mine. His name is Chris" I said, smiling softly at the picture. "Do you still talk to him?" Corey asked. My smile slipped a bit. "Hardly as much as we used to" I said before putting the picture back. "This is of another close friend of mine. His name is Cameron" I said. "He seems like he was an overall goof" said Corey as he wrapped his arms around me. "He was and probably still is" I said. "I'm guessing you don't speak to him as often anymore either?" Corey guessed. I nodded and put the picture back. "This is of my cousins David, Eric, and Jessica" I said. "Wow, your uncle must have his hands full" he said, laughing. "Oh yeah" I said before showing him a picture of my family.

After showing him the pictures, Corey smiled at me. "You seem good with kids" he said as we laid down. "I guess I can be" I said. "Would you want kids?" he asked me, a sly smile on his face. "Maybe someday with the person who loves me" I said. Corey held me tighter and I smiled when I laid my head on his chest. "I love you" he whispered to me. I picked my head up and stared into his blue eyes. "I love you too Corey" I said, smiling softly at him. He got up and grabbed a box before walking over to me. Corey handed it to me and I gasped when I saw it was a necklace of skulls and a ring of skeleton hands. Picking up the ring, I saw a number '8' engraved onto the ring finger of the right skeleton hand and a '13' on the left hand. "They're amazing" I said, awestruck at the gifts. Corey put the necklace on as I slipped the ring on my hand. "Is this a promise ring?" I asked softly. He kissed my cheek before giving me a light peck on the lips. "You know it is" he muttered as we kissed again. I fell asleep and Corey got up, kissing my forehead before leaving the room.

*Corey's POV*

I went into the living room and saw Alex sitting there, a smile on her face. "Did you give her the gifts?" she asked, shocking me. "How did you-?" I asked. "James told me after I woke up. He told me how he went to Dev for a sort of blessing and then how you two had both planned to give us promise rings. Though I didn't know it would be so soon" she said, smiling at me. I sighed and sat on the couch with a smile. "I just love her so much" I said. "Don't hurt her. She's gone through enough pain" she said. "I won't, or at least I'll try my damn hardest not to" I said softly. "Good, as long as you treat my friend well and keep her from harms way, then you have my blessing" said Alex with a goofy grin. I shook my head before getting up, Alex followed. "You can't be away from her for too long, can you?" teased Alex as I flipped her off. "Shut up Squeak" I said, chuckling as I headed into my room. Seeing the moonlight shine on Devon made my heart skip a beat as her pink and black hair shined in the moonlight. I smiled as I ran my hand through her hair and started to hum 'Vermillion' to her. Once I saw a sense of calm wash over her, I felt myself drift off to sleep.
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XD I'm happy! i got more then one comment XD
continue commenting please! lol