The Virus of Life

ADD&Sex dont mix but ADHD and sex...

"it looks like Dev's getting ass raped by Corey"I whisper to James, but apparently it wasn't quiet enough cause Jade who is siting next to me busted out laughing.James and joey laugh along.Devon looks at us all."what the fuck are you guys giggling about?"she ask "N-nothing"i manage to get out.jade had calmed down a bit but that set her off again and she busted out laughing again.everyone watches as she gets closer and closer to the edge of the couch."AND SHES DOWN!" I yell laughing as she falls off the couch."Joey what did squeak say?"Devon asks with a glare.he stops laughing and gulps"she said it looks like Dev's getting ass raped by Corey"."TRAITOR!"I yell and smile innocently at Dev."Is it to late to say I love you?" "Nope.....5.....4....3" "whats the counting for?"i ask " its to late" she says smirking at me."OH shit" I bolt off and hide in the attic that i never knew we had.~I'm really sleepy ill just go to sleep for a few minuets~
Dev's POV

"Come on babe, let her go" said Corey. I turned around and smirked at him. "Hun, once you get me started, I'D JUST LET ME GO!" I said before grabbing Shawn's bat and hunting down Alex. "Come out, come out where ever you are" I sung. I started to slam the bat into the wall. "Come on Alex, I won't hurt you" I said. James came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, picking me up, causing me to drop the bat. "Oh you jerk, let me go" I growled. "No you are going to leave my girl alone, you understand me?" he said. "Alright fine" i said. He let me go and I ran over to Corey. Knowing he had a pierced nipple, I smirked and pulled on it. "HOLY SHIT FUCK! LET GO!" he growled. I giggled and Jade, along with Kate, just died of laughter. "Oh Corey's got a kinky piercing!" yelled Kate. "SOMEONE LET ME OUT OF HERE!!" yelled Alex from the attic. "Someone go retrieve her" said Mick. "I'm coming Hun" said James as he left the room.

"I'm so damn bored!" said Kate. "Well, find a way to entertain yourself" I said. Jade grabbed a lighter and started to play with it, shortly after setting Mick's hair on fire. "HOLY CRAP!" he said, before doing stop drop and he's screaming like a bitch. "Oh god get it out!" he yelled. We laughed as he finally got that fire out. "Aw poor baby" said Kate as she kissed him to make it better. "I vote they get a room" said Alex as James walked in with her. "You missed him doing stop, drop, and scream like a bitch" i said. "Someone do it again so I can record it!" said Alex. "NO!!" bellowed Mick. "Fine...meanie" mumbled Alex.

*Dev's POV*

Everyone was sitting around, bored out of their minds. "I'm bored" complained Mick. "Then find something to entertain yourself with" I said as I nearly fell asleep with my head on Corey's lap. "And leave you two alone? hell no, because if any of us do that, there's going to be multiple kids running around" said Sid. I rolled my eyes and got up. "Babe?" asked Corey. "I'm tired, so I'm heading upstairs for a nap" I said as I went to my bedroom. Corey followed me and laid down next to me. "You feeling alright?" he asked, concerned. "Ja. Warum?" I asked, too tired to care about the fact that I was speaking German. "You just seem...out of energy" he said, cuddling up to me. "I'm really just tired because it's so boring so I want to nap" I said. Corey kissed my forehead before we both fell asleep.

When we woke up, it was 5 in the afternoon. "How long were we sleeping?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. "About 4 hours" said Corey. "Damn" I said walking out of our room. It was quite in the house and that wasn't normal. Think about it, a house of 9 guys and 3 girls, one pregnant, its NEVER this quite.Corey and I headed downstairs as Alex and James appeared. "You two finally woke up!" said Alex, laughing. "Shut up, we were tired" I said as we headed to the living room. What we saw in the living room was just disgusting. There on the couch, sat Mick while his hand was in his pants and he was obviously watching porn. "MICK!!" I bellowed as the brick jumped in the air and quickly turned off the TV. "Uh..." he said as his face turned red. "I NEVER want to see that again" I said before heading up to the bathroom, the sound of me throwing up making everyone cringe before I came back.

"Now that you've sickened me, can we all go do something?" I asked. "Like what?" said James as he held Alex, who was cringing. "Lets go food shopping" said Corey. Everyone looked at him with raised eyebrows. "We need the food" he said. "Fine, let's go...Mick, so help me god, if we come back and you are in the...act again, I will severe your package from your body then jam it down your throat" I threatened as I stormed out of the house. "She's pissed" whispered James as everyone tried not to laugh at Mick's frightened face. Once in the car, everyone just looked at me. "I'm fine, it's just that was the nastiest thing I ever had to witness" I said, smiling a bit. Everyone laughed as Corey kissed me.

At the store, James bought some monster and gummies. "I thought she couldn't have monsters?" I asked. "If I drink them and make out with her, it helps" said James. Corey came back with beer, food, junk food, soda, and of course, candy for me. "Now you are the most amazing man I know" I said. "Oh I know" he said, smirking before I pulled on his nipple piercing. "SON OF A-" he started to scream. "BATCH OF COOKIES!" I finished before glaring at him. "Not around little kids" I said, letting go of him. James and Alex had disappeared but when we had just made it to the register, we met up with them and the overloaded second cart of ice cream. "She wanted ice cream" said James. "You being pregnant might just cause you to eat us out of house and home" I teased. We laughed and started to load everything into the car after paying.

At home, I opened the door to find Mick at it again. Everyone stopped dead in their tracks as I picked up a katana. "MICK THOMSON!" I bellowed as I hunted him down. "LOOK, THE WALL AND THE DESK ARE DOING EACH OTHER!" yelled Alex, causing me to stop and walk over to her. "James, go join it so it will be a threesome" I said, earning me the bird. "Mick, I won't hurt you, but you WILL go bring in the groceries" I said, glaring at him. "Don't be mad Jokie, giants just have giant hormones. In the case of Mick, he's a Transvestite teddy bear brick who needs some loving...even if it is from his hand" said Alex as everyone laughed.
"dude I wonder..."I trail off while messing with James hair. "wonder what? Squeakers?"Jade asks with Joey's head in her lap much like everyone else."what if a Chick with ADD was having sex...would she be like moaning then get distracted by something stupid?"I ask every one laughs "dude what about ADHD? be like all okay lets have sex then like five seconds later it'd be like FUCK YEAH! FUCK ME HARD and what if the chick was riding the that'd be like fuckin heaven" Corey,Joey,Mick and James all fall off of Devon's Jades Kate's and I's laps because there laughing so hard. "your...retarded Squeak!" Kate manages to get out though laughs "yeah but we love her that way"Devon says.James stops laughing and holds me"Mine!"."raise your hand if you think James is really protective"I say and raise my hand along with everyone else.Chris Paul Sid Clown and Craig come in and raise their hands. ~I love these Retarders~I think to my self
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So hers the next chapter who ever still reads this...oh and just so you know i have the ending all ready to go and not even Devon's knows whats gonna happen...but that could change lol i only just finnished writing it like two seconds ago...oh wellio!