The Virus of Life


I hung up the Phone and put the kids in their car seats.I play some music and drive home.once i get home James runs out and Devon comes after,taking the kids.I look at the ground with tears in my eyes.he falls on his knees,hugging my waist and tears coming down his cheeks and on to my shirt.I run my fingers though his hair and cry silently."i don't want to lose you ever"he mumbles in to my stomach.I grip his hair and lift his head,making sure not to hurt him though."I don't want to lose you either,James I love you and i Need you in my life."He gets up and picks me up,wrapping my legs round his waist."Good because i Will Never let you out of my life."He kisses my lips, and deepens it both of us not really paying attention to the tears mixing with it."I Love You and Only you Alexandra Thomas." "I love you Too James Root and i will only ever love you like this" James puts his forehead to mine and whispers"Marry me?" I kiss him 4 times and whisper back a yes.

we head back in the house,hand-in-hand."Can i at least kick the crap out of Christina?" Devon asks James."I'd say yes, but i don't want anymore problems"He answers.Devon nodes and hands us the kids again.James Starts talking to the kids and they giggle,i stare at them with a smile, but then Devon's voice breaks me away from then when i hear her says she pregnant."OH MY GOD"I yell and jump on her."I'm gonna be a god mom eh?"Devon nods "YAY!" i smile and jump around."whoa,girl on girl!" Paul yells coming in the house seeing as I'm still hugging her.I break away and hit him in the arm"were not Les, Paul"Craig comes in the house."oi say Hello Alex,Devon,Corey,James,Caden, and Wesley and ill let you say in this house" i say to him "hello Alex, Devon, Corey James,Caden and Wetly"he says quietly.I run and hug him"thank you"kiss his cheek and run back to James.Craig nods and asks quietly"can i go now?" "yeah but well call you down when everyone's here Devon's gonna tell everyone something."i say smiling he nods and walks upstairs"Come on Vee, they wont hate you......Please?...there not gonna hate you for your hair!....Veee"we all hear Sid say and complain.Sid walks in the door with a Girl,she has short bright red hair and green eyes.Sid looks at us"Oh hey guys this is Lavada"he introduces her "you can call me Vee or Vada if you want" she pipes up.I smile at her, and think how weird i must look with eyeliner and mascara running down my cheeks.James Wraps his arms around me "your beautiful" he whispers in my ear.I could melt whit how sweet he is sometimes.i look over to Vada and Sid and see that Corey and Devon joined them and started talking to them.I see Vada look at James and i then look back at Devon and Corey, nodding."were gonna go upstairs"i say wanting to spend time with James and our kids."Oh no you don't!"Chris Calls from behind me grabbing my arm.I turn around and face him,Worry Flashes though his eyes "are you okay Squeak?" he asks, i smile and nod. "okay" he pulls me to meet his friend, shes got brown hair in braids and brown eyes."this is Maggie" Chris introduces us,I smile at her"you can call me Spencer if you want" I nod."nice meeting you Spencer,I'm Alex, Or Squeak."she smiles"are you okay?"she asks somewhat shyly."yeah I'm fine you just caught me before i could clean up and look Decent"
James growls and wraps his arms around me"your beautiful"he whispers in my ear.I look at Spencer "well uhm were gonna go up stairs so ill see and talk to you later"I say"okay" she says and we walk up the steps."can i take a shower?"i ask him"Only if i can take one with you,and not in that way"he says "okay" i got to the room and see the kids asleep on our bed,where James must have put them."crap my stuff is in the car"i say quietly"ill get it"James says "no don't ill just use some of your stuff."I pick up the photo i ruined"i never really liked that photo anyway"i say to James.he smiles"we can get a new one later" I pick up one of James shirts."i don't think i can fit in your pants,ill be right back" i say to James"DEV! I'm gonna steal some of your PJ bottoms." "okay" she yells back up to me.I walk in to her and Corey's room and some of her pj's.I walk to the hallway and grab two towels.James comes out of the bed room with some clothes and he walks directly to me.he wraps his arms around my waist and we both walk to the bathroom.
After our shower,which consisted of James and i crying some more and kisses.we get dressed and walk back down to the living room and see everyone there,And Caden and Wesley are both on the floor with,Jade,Joey,Maggie and Chris.I look to the couch where Devon is seated beside Corey"did you tell them yet?" i ask her."no we are just waiting for Craig now."I nod and go to sit on the ground but James stops me,sits down then pulls me in to his lap."I'm here"Craig says siting on the arm of the chair.

*Dev's POV*

I smiled at him and Corey held my hand. "So what's the urgent news?" asked Mick. I smiled more and lowered my head, hiding my face with my hair. "Uh oh" said Paul and Chris. James smirked and rubbed Alex's back. "Alright, this suspense is killing us" said Jade. I picked my head up. "I'm pregnant" I said happily. For a split second I saw Craig smile before he switched his expression. "Oh my god that's amazing" said Jade and Kate who came over and hugged me. "So, when are you due?" said Chris. I looked at him like he was stupid. "I just found out I am pregnant" I said. "So? It's almost time for your and Corey's wedding" said Paul. I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Yeah, I know. So I guess they'll come afterwords" I said.

*Fast Forward to Corey and Devon's wedding*

I sat down in my seat as Jade styled my now black hair. "Your dress is beautiful and it so suits you" she said. Kate smiled and applied my makeup. "So a Gothic Slipknot wedding?" said Alex who chuckled with the kids on her lap. "Shut up, I wanted something that works with the Slipknot theme" I said. "Well this works wonderfully" said Maggie. After my hair and makeup was done, I smiled. "It's almost time" said Jade. "I know, and then Alex is the next one to get hitched" I said, smirking at her. She just rolled her eyes with a smile before the music started. "Looks like I'm up" I said as I started to walk in the room.

There at the end was Corey in his mask an tux. I smiled when I saw the girls all in their places and the guys in their masked glory. I was shocked when I saw Mick come to give me away. "Why?" I asked him. "Well, we figured it would be better if the closest person to you gave you away" he said. "Then it should've been Alex" I said, smiling. Mick shook his head. "Well, Corey chose me" he said before leaving me with Corey and going to take his place. I blushed and smiled as Corey took my hand, smiling from behind his mask. "Do you, Devon, take this man to be your husband?" asked the priest, who I had to stifle a chuckle at his expression. "Yes, I do" I said. "Do you, Corey Taylor, take this woman to be your wife?" asked the priest, who tried to not look at his mask. "I do" he said. "Then I pronounce you man and wife" said the priest. We kissed and I smiled after we pulled away.

"SEX ALL NIGHT LONG!" screamed Paul as we left the church. That poor priest looked stunned and we all laughed as we went to the reception. Once there, we had to laugh. "Was that necessary?" I asked Paul. "Yes, yes it was Mrs. Taylor" he said. I laughed and smiled when I saw Scarlett come over with Corey's kid. "You invited her?" I asked him. "I wanted Griffen to be here" he said. "You must be the Joker I've heard so much about" said Scarlett. "I'm guessing Corey told you to call me that?" I asked her. "No, that girl, Alex, did" she said, smiling. I laughed and looked at Griffen. "Are you my step-mom?" he asked. I nodded and smiled warmly at him. His eyes lit up and he hugged me. I laughed and patted his head. "My dad told me about you, he said you were the coolest woman ever and he loved you dearly" he said. I laughed even more and saw Corey look away, embarrassed even though his mask hid it. Scarlett laughed and smiled warmly at me. "I'm glad Corey found someone who can keep him in line and take very good care of him" she said. I beamed at her compliment and gave her a hug. "Thank you" I said. She nodded and took Griffen to go see the guys.

"Cute kid" I said to Corey. "He's a lot like me" he said. "Oh you mean an Itty Bitty Mouth?" I asked. "Exactly his actual nickname" he said. "Wow, I was just guessing" I said laughing. Just then I felt a kick in my stomach. "Oh. He's kicking" I said. Corey beamed and put his hand on my stomach. "You're right, he is kicking" said Corey, amazed. The night went on wonderfully before it was time for us to go on our honeymoon. We decided on Japan, well, Corey did. He wanted me to be happy and I smiled. Griffen and Scarlett came over to say goodbye one more time before we left. That night was full of passion and if I wasn't already pregnant, I sure as hell would be after that night.
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( dress)
Corey and Devon,BOW CHICKA WOW WOW'ed!