The Virus of Life

He's a sexy hooker!

"James I need to go"I say"okay let me just get some pants and a shirt on and we can go"James says "no Jim I mean as in Devon and I need to go...home"I say sadly "yeah well I'm not letting you go. I have unofficially officially claimed you as my teddy bear, so you have to stay and tour with us!"James states"I dint know sweets Ill have to talk to Devon"I say "OH okay DEVON GET YOUR ASS HERE!"James yells.Devon comes in"what do you want Jolly Green Giant?"she asks
"Alex wants to talk to you"he says "yes Squeak?"she asks
"I have a question"I state
"OK and..."
"do you have the answer?"
"can we kick James out of the room?"
"is that your question?"
"no my question is do you think we should stay with slipknot during there tour"
"oh y-"
"don't answer yet" I get up and push James out of the room.I wave my hand so she follows me outside.
"OK so yes or no?"
"okay....i wanna lemon...."
"you of all people should know lets go get clothes and a lemon!"I yell
"did you have a monster?"
"what the hell?"
"oh shit..."
"ooooo you said a bad word!"
"LEMON!"I run off with Devon not to close behind me.
"Alex don't you dare try and drive!"
"aw why not"i pout
"Because your hyper"
"and?...."I say. she grabs the keys and drives to our house. "get your stuff" she says "OKAY!" I yell and march up the stair.
"Situations are irrelevant now.She loves the way that I tease,I love the way that she breathes
I touched her ooh,she touched my ah, it was the craziest thing.
I love the girls who hate to love because they're just like me.A certain girl she took my hand and ran it up her thigh.
She licked her lips and pulled my hair, I fall in love for a night She can't behave and I'm just a slave,
don't worry I'll be gone when the morning comes.Darling what is going on?
Honestly that never happened Lying is your favorite passion.Leave me, go where you belong
Higher heels and lipstick napkins dying is your latest fashion.The frustration it's a regular thing
I hate the ones who love to hate because they're just like me.A certain girl she took her hand and put it in my lap
It's way too... she said once you have me you'll always come back.
She can't behave and I'm just a slave,don't worry I'll be gone when the morning comes.
Darling what is going on?
Honestly that never happened Lying is your favorite passion.Leave me, go where you belong
Higher heels and lipstick napkins dying is your latest fashion I know you love to resist
and all it takes is a kiss
and you just love to hate me.
You know you love all the lies
so don't act surprised
that I just love to hate you.
I kissed your lips you pulled my hair it was the craziest thing.I love the girls who love to hate.
(Whoa) Darling what is going on?Honestly that never happened Lying is your favorite passion.
Leave me, go where you belong Higher heels and lipstick napkins,dying is your latest fashion
Darling (leave me) what is going on?Honestly that never happened
Lying is your favorite passion
Leave me (darling) go where you belong
Higher heels and lipstick napkins,
dying is your favorite passion" I sing along. when I'm done singing I finish folding a shirt and zip up my suit case.

"Devy I'm done!"I yell
"okay so am I"she says
"so now lets go get lemon ice cream!"I yell jumping up and down
"okay okay"we ride in the car to walmart and I run in and grab ice cream.
I pay for it then run back out. just as Devon gets out.I smile because she didn't even know I was gone "hey! watcha doin? i got it lets go to the bus!"I yell
she looks at me"did you run? and pay?"
"yes sums and yes sums"I smile"well okay then"she says and climbs back in the car.
at the venue
"t-t-t-touch me I wanna feel dir-rty" I sing out loud
"oh god not this song"she grumbles
I smirk and sing louder"T-T-T-T-TOUCH ME! I WANNA FEEL DIR-RTY!!!!"
"tttttouch me I wanna feel dirty" I sing while walking on the bus."Wholy shit who just touched my ass???" I turn around and see Chris grinning"jackass" I say"hey you said touch me I wanna feel dirty so I just touched you"he said"I didn't mean...just GA!"I say and walk back to the bunks." James? Babe whats wrong?" I ask seeing him just staring at the top of the bunk but when he hears my voice he turns."Alex? I thought you left me" he says and pulls me in to the bunk. he starts pecking my lips over and over again."James....i"I say between kisses.I growl and grab his face"JAMES calm down babe I'm not leaving"I say and peck his lips once"Alex...I know its a bit soon but I think I-"he starts but is interrupted by Joey saying they have to get ready.James growls under his breath and says" ill tell you later baby OK?"
"okay"he hands her a backstage pass and pecks he lips one more time then leaves to get ready. I grab my riped jeans, a black tank top and my riped up slipknot shirt and put them on. I left for the venue with Devy

*Dev's Pov*

Grabbing a black Slipknot tank top, I put it on with a black fishnet shirt under it, my fingerless gloves, two studded bracelets, as well as my skull necklace. Putting on a black skirt over my black and white stockings, I grabbed my studded belt and then put on my combat boots. Just after I put on my black eyeliner and red eye shadow, Alex grabbed my arm and dragged me out to the venue. "Damn it Squeak! Well, it's a good thing you actually dragged me out after I was done getting dressed" I said. She smiled and laughed. "Oh so if you weren't you'd have to go see Corey naked?" she asked. My jaw dropped and I hit her arm. "Not funny Squeak" I said, smirking slightly as she took off. When we got there, I saw Joey look over and flip us off. Smiling, I flip him off back and waved to Sid and Chris who were laughing. Corey looked over and I blushed with a smile, causing him to smile back. Alex was too busy drooling over James to even care that the show was coming to an end.

Once it was over, I felt myself being thrown over Corey's shoulder and then he broke out into a run. "Damn it Corey!" I yelled before laughing at Alex's treatment, which just so happened to be the same as mine. "Aw, don't you like how I handle you?" said Corey with his smirk. I glared at him and noticed he had put me down, his blue eyes captivating me. I couldn't help but laugh a little and he smiled. "I love it when you laugh" he said as he brushed a strand of hair out of my face. I blushed and tried to look away but he kept my face in his hands. "Why are you so embarrassed?" he asked, chuckling a bit. I smiled and started to remove his mask. "No one's really been as kind to me as you have. Hell, even the rest of the Knot is nice to me" I said. He chuckled and I saw sweat just dripping from his forehead. "Someone's hot" I teased. Corey smirked and wrapped an arm around my waist. "You think so?" he said. I laughed and then saw the rest of the Knot and Alex run towards us. "DOG PILE!" screamed Craig and I soon found myself under 9 guys and another girl.

"Alright guys, I need air!" I shouted as they all laughed. Someone's hand on my thigh made me shout more. "Who the hell just touched my thigh?!" I yelled and I saw Corey's devious smile return. "Oh you mean like this?" he asked as he touched my thigh again, causing me to move my leg and knee someone in the crotch. After everyone got up, it turns out I had hit poor Mick. "Damn it Joker! What was that for?" he yelled. I saw Alex nearly crying from laughing so hard and I felt bad. "I'm so sorry" I said. "Liar!" yelled Chris. I chased him all the way back to the tour bus when Shawn stopped me. "Don't kill him. We need him" he said. I shrugged and smiled. "Sure thing Clown. But next time there is no mercy" I said, causing Shawn to smile. "That was a super duper amazing show!" said Alex. "Not again! I thought we finished with the whole 'hyper' episode from earlier?!" I said. Alex laughed and hugged me. "No we didn't" she said. "Alright! Girl on Girl action!" yelled Chris, Corey, Sid, and James. Everyone shut up as I glared at the four perverted guys. "Front and center…NOW" I yelled.

They all rushed to get into a line and I glared at them. "Now, Jolly Green Giant is safe because then Squeak will be upset and I don't want that. However, Skeleton man and Pinocchio will suffer" I said dangerously. "What about Corey?" Sid said. "He'll suffer as well" I said as I went to the bunks. "What do we need to do?" shouted Corey. I came back with girl clothes and makeup. "All four of you will dress up like a girl and go to a store like so" I said, smirking evilly. "but you said I was safe!" cried James. "Yeah, safe from getting your ass kicked. Now this is fair game" I said. Jim looked defeated and I picked out numerous articles of clothing for the guys and they all went to get dressed.

"Dev, why would you do this to them?" asked Joey. "Do you want to join them midget?" I asked, smirking. That shut up Joey very quickly. "I bet you James will look hotter than Corey" said Alex. I raised an eyebrow as Shawn, Paul, Craig, Mick, and Joey all laughed. "We'll see" I said as they all came back out. "This is cruel and unusual punishment!" yelled Sid. "I need an adult! I need an adult!" Chris yelled as Corey started to act like he was groping him. Pulling out a video camera, I started to record this. "Oh hell no! You are not recording this" said Corey. "Yes I am" "No" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "SHUT UP!" yelled James. We all laughed and followed the three guys into a supermarket like that. "They look like hookers" said Mick. Alex laughed and then jumped on James's back. "He's a sexy hooker!" she said loudly. James's face turned beet red and he tried to avoid the stares everyone gave him. "You will pay for this you know that right?" said Corey . "You love me" I said as I kissed him. Pulling away, he smirked. "I do, but that doesn't mean you won't suffer revenge from the four of us" he said as he walked away. Turning to Shawn, I pleaded. "Help me" I said. Shawn laughed and shook his head. "Can't help you" he said. "Damn you" I said as I watched Alex and James start dancing randomly.
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next ones up tell me what you think XD