The Virus of Life

Guten Morgen meine Liebe

I wake up on the floor surrounded by cans of monster.I grumble and get up. i open the door and run in to the wall across the hall"fuck" i whisper and stumble to the bathroom. i do my business and walk to the kitchen.
"hey Squeakers" someone says. i grunt and open the fridge and grab a monster.
"why are you grumbling you don't have a hangover you didn't even drink"
"fuck you bitch if you had 5BFC monsters last night you'd know why i grumble"i say
"holy shit....dude James your girlfriend is crazy!" i pop open the monster and chug it down.
"hello my love"James whispers in my ear and kisses my collar bone.
"Guten Morgen meine Liebe"i say
"do what?" James says
"Guten morgen meine liebe"i say again
"shes saying 'good morning my love' shes just to tired to speak in English"
"Hahn!"i say
"what about cock?" Dev says. i shrug and finish the rest of my monster
"I'm i actually speaking English now?"i ask
"yeah you are babe" James says
"ohkazayzies!" i say
"oh fuck not again"Shawn says
"you know what!?"i say to him
"no really you know what cause i sure as hell don't..."
"your a dumb ass"
"yeah i know..."i start humming
"oh shit no please don't Alex please dint"Devon says
"fuck...."she says"I'm out!" and she runs out the door.i fall on the floor laughing my ass off. "babe you OK?"James asks
"I'M NOT OKAYYYYY I'm not me!" i sing
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Sid yells
"shut the fuck up!"he says to my face
"Okay"i say and skip out of the room
"Oh DEVVVVVYYYYYYY...come out come out wherever you are!"
"hell no bitch"she yells
"aw jerk" i make it sound like i skipped off.the closet door creeks a bit so i hide behind it.
Dev climbs out of the closet and looks all around but behind her.i sneak up and yell out"BOO!" then tackle her in a hug.Dev screams"you bitch you scared me!" i bust out laughing.Devon starts laughing too."your a dumb ass Squeak"she says still laughing"i know"i manage to get out between laughers
later on
"I'm bored!" i say walking out of my room."James come here i wanna get in to your pants!" i yell laughing. i stop laughing when i here the house is dead quiet."is anyone home?"i say somewhat scared.i go to the kitchen and look on the white bored hoping to see a message. there isn't one. i walk out side and see all the cars are gone.i run in side grab my cell phone and call Devon.
"pick up please" i say officially scared now
"Whats up squeak?"
"where are you and the guys????"i say
"at the store why?"
"you bitch I'm hyper and i just watched a scary movie you know i get scared when I'm home alone!"
"your not home alone James is there isn't he?"
"no...i even yelled out James come here so i can get in to your pants"
"try calling him Alex he souled be somewhere and he always has his cell phone"
"OK ill call you if he doesn't answer"
"okay bye"
i hang up and call James
"its really good to hear you voice saying my name it sounds so sweet"comes from the closet"shit"James says and fall out. i put my phone in my pocket "baby what were you doing?"i ask "i don't know i was hiding i think..from joey because he was mad that i called him a a super fucking short person and then i just hid and i guess i fell asleep"he says somewhat clueless"aw you look so cute when your clueless"i say. he blushes a bit"aw" i say and go over, kiss his cheek and help him up"are you okay baby?" "no my lips are cold" "oh thats a good one" i laugh a bit then kiss his lips lightly

*Dev's POV*

"Alright, so we need to buy all this then head back to the house" I said as the guys were standing around. "Why the hell do we need condoms?" yelled Chris, causing a group of elderly women to glare at us. I blushed and kicked him in the crotch, causing him to fall down. "Not so loud mofo!" I yelled as the others laughed. "But seriously, what are the condoms for?" asked Mick. "Do you really want little James and Alex babies running around the house?" I asked. Corey started screaming and trying to claw his brain out. "BAD IMAGES!" he growled. Everyone got silent and I shook my head as Chris got back up. "Let's make this interesting. The first person to get 5 items or more doesn't have to spend the night with a drunk Chris" said Shawn and after he said that, I took off to get everything. "You weren't going to make her do that, were you?" asked Mick. "Nope!" said Shawn, laughing. I came back and saw Corey smirking. "Let's go home" he said.

Once home, what I saw in the living room nearly made me rip my eyes out. There, on the couch, was Alex on top of James, who by the way, was in his boxers. There was whipped cream all over them and she was topless. "ALEX! PUT SOME FLIPPING CLOTHES ON!" I yelled, cringing. "Aw but I like her like this" said James with a smirk. The box of condoms was thrown at James by Sid who was covering his eyes. "At least wear protection" Sid said before we all left the room. "That was just...something I never wanted to see" said Shawn. "He had a tent!" I said, trying to rid myself of the image. "You were looking?" asked Corey, with a sly smirk. "Kinda hard to miss" I said before I laughed. "Corey doesn't get tents" I said. "Maybe you can fix that?" whispered Corey before I blushed. "JAMES!" yelled Alex. "SQUEAK YOU BETTER NOT BE RAPING THAT MAN!" I yelled. "IT'S NOT RAPE IF BOTH ARE WILLING!" she yelled back, causing me to stand there in shock.
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next one XD