The Virus of Life

Jolly Green Giants fat ass breaks the bed

"I now claim today a girls day!...well night"I yell and grab Jade and Devon.I shove them in the car and drive off to the store."lets get movies and candy!"i say
"OK Alex we get it"Dev says. Jade whispers in Devon's ear"is she always this hyper?" "yeah pretty much" Devon states "Awesome!"she yells"what have i gotten myself in to?"Devon questions herself.I bust out laughing for no reason."Candy! ho!"i bolt off with a basket and grab lots of candy and more monsters.
"how is it I always end up on the floor?"I question my self "sorry" the person says and they run off again"stupid rude people"i say "Alex why are you on the floor?"Jade asks"cause i like the floor"i state and roll my eyes"you OK Squeak?"Devon says"yep" "want me to Call James so he can pick you up?" "that would be nice but you have movies? and your choice of candy?" "yeppers" "well OK then" i get up and walk calmly to the check out stand.i check out with out a word and walk to the car."Squeakers you OK?"Devon asks "Yep"i say and drive home.
"JAMES! there's something wrong with Alex" Devon yells.he comes running down the stairs"baby are you okay?"he asks"yes...."i say "she's been too quiet" Jade states "Alex baby Whats wrong you never quiet unless your asleep" "I'm fine" i say through my teeth"James i suggest you leave me alone before i make you a woman" "fine... i love you" James says and kisses my lips softly then walks back up the stairs slowly.I walk off to the bathroom. when I'm done i go to the upstairs living room where all the guys are. "James" i say softly. he looks up from the movie.he walks over to me and hugs me tightly"I'm sorry James i always get like this on my period"he chuckles a bit and kisses my neck"its fine baby now go have your girls night" he says "okay" I say. I kiss his lips and UN-wrap my arms from around him.he does the same and when I walk off her hits me on the butt. I squeak and run off,smiling when i hear his laugh
"NO....Gerard butler isn't supposed to die!" i yell. the girls laugh at me"shut up you two" i grumble."your the one that wanted to watch P.S. I love you" jade says
"I didn't know he died!"i exclaim "shut up and watch the movie!" Devon says laughing. i stick my tongue out at her and look back at the screen.
"that was a cute movie" i say getting up and stretching. I feel eyes on me so i turn and see the living room door open and James hiding behind it. "James babe you suck at hiding "i say laughing "maybe i didn't wanna hide" i roll my eyes "do you want something babe?"i say walking over to him"yeah"he says "what?" "you" he says and kisses me. he picks my legs up and wraps them around his waist."HEY! ITS GIRLS NIGHT NOT 2 GIRLS AND THE OTHERS GETTING BUSY!"Devon yells. James flicks her off and closes the bedroom door"that wasn't nice baby" i say "so i want you" "sorry to break it to you babe but you cant have me so go back upstairs and watch a movie"i say and kiss his check. he pouts"aw no lips?" "fine" i kiss him on the lips and try and pull away but he has other plans.i fall back on the bed and he joins me. A huge cracking sounds Eco's though the room."shit" we say at the same time and the bed falls down."what the hell happened" Devon says opening the door. everyone comes in the room looking to see what happened.

*Dev's POV*

The sight before me made laugh. "Wow, the Jolly Green Giant's fat ass broke the bed" I said with a smirk as Corey wrapped his arms around me. "Shut up Devon!" yelled James as Alex was laughing. "James, didn't I say it was girls night not 2 girls and the others getting busy?" I asked. "Since when do I listen to you?" he asked as the others laughed. "Well considering you can't control your damn hormones, I think I'm going to have to take you girl from you until you do" I said walking over to them and grabbing Alex's arm. James glared at me and I actually stopped. "Don't you even dare" he said as I smirked. I pulled her up and pushed her towards Corey. "RUN, RUN AWAY!" I yelled as I took off. "Get back here Joker, Corey!" yelled James as he took off after Corey and I. We separated and I found myself colliding with Mick. "Damn it Mick the Brick! You're going to kill me one day!" I said standing up. He was smirking and I tilted my head before he pointed behind me. I turned to find James behind me. "Ha, ha, hi James" I said, scratching my head nervously.

He smirked and picked me up, walking to the bathroom. Once there, he locked the door and tied me up, placing me in the bathtub with tape over my mouth. "Now, you stay here until I get Alex back" he said before unlocking the door and walking out. 'well this sucks' I thought as I just sat there. Hours went by before someone came into the bathroom. Sadly for me, it was a drunken Chris who didn't realize I was there and started to use the toilet. It was after I closed my eyes and started screaming did he see me. "Oh hey there Devon" he said as if I was just sitting there for the hell of it. "Get me out of here!" came my muffled reply. He reached over and ripped the tape off my mouth. "Thank you dumb ass!" I growled and he laughed. "You're pretty when your angry" said Chris. 'I do NOT like where this is going!' I thought as he got closer to me. "COREY!" I screamed before Chris jumped back. "Hey now, why do you want to ruin the fun?" asked Chris as Corey broke down the door. "Devon, what's wrong?" asked Corey as he pushed Chris out of the way. "You're drunken friend is trying to hit on me!" I said as I was untied.

Corey whirled around and glared at Chris, causing him to run out of the room, terrified for his life. "Hey now, don't worry" said Corey as he hugged me. "Wow, karma's a bitch now isn't it?" I asked. "Why do you say that?" asked Corey. "Ever notice how bad things tend to happen to me?" I asked him as we left the bathroom. "Are you saying that I'm a bad thing to happen to you?" Corey asked. "No, you are the best thing to happen to me. That and making friends with the rest of the Knot and Jade and Alex" I said. "Then what you said isn't true and you shall be punished for it" said Corey with a smirk. "NO!" I said before running through the halls. I found a door and opened it, hiding from Corey. Sadly, when I turned around, there was Alex and James again half naked. "WHY MUST I SEE THIS?!" I screamed before closing my eyes. "Leave the room Dev" said James. "I would but Corey's looking for me and I don't want him to find me" I said before sitting on the floor. "But I wanna finish what we started" whined Alex, causing me to raise an eyebrow. "You can wait" I said, earning a pillow to the head.

Corey kicked the door in, causing me to jump and he smirked before seeing Alex and James. "Dude, seriously, put clothes on" he said like it was no big deal and grabbed me. "HELP ME!" I said. James and Alex shook their heads. "Sorry, no can do" they said in unison before going back to whatever it was they were doing. "Now you're punishment will be twenty times worse" said Corey. I groaned and saw Shawn, Jade, and Joey. "HELP ME PLEASE!" I said. Shawn just laughed and got my shoe thrown at him. Jade and Joey just smiled. "We can't help you. We swore to Corey that we wouldn't" said Joey. Jade just snickered. "You do realize this means I have to destroy you now" I said to Joey, causing him to take off running and Jade followed him. We went into Corey's room and he locked the door before throwing me on the bed.

I just watched him walk over to me and he started to kiss me. We laid back on the bed before the door was kicked in. "Hey look, it's Mick the Brick!" I said with a smile as Mick walked in. "What is it?" growled Corey. "I'm hungry and there's no food" Mick said simply. A silence ensued before it was shattered by Sid and Craig. "I FEEL PRETTY, OH SO PRETTY!" they sung. "And those two are drunk again" I said before leaving the room to deal with them.
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