The Tears that just won't Come

And So Life Goes On

**Melany’s P.O.V. **

As soon as I picked my stuff up, I raced out. I went straight to my locker. My best friend Lilly K. was waiting and so was my other best friend Candy. “Hey, guys,” I said.

“Ugh, I hate our new seating arrangement! I have to sit by Jason! He is the worst! He is such a pervert. Why couldn’t I have gotten to sit by you?” Lills wined pointing at me.

“I don’t know. I don’t like our new seating arrangement either. It stinks!” I replied.

“Oh, stop whining. You don’t have to sit by them in every class,” Candy interjected.

“Actually I do. Well every class except math,” I said truthfully. I grabbed my books from my locker and started walking down the hall toward my science class.

“Hey, guys what do you think Jenika is doing, talking to Jessie?” Alex asked coming up behind us. I jerked my head up and looked over my shoulder to see Jen talking to Jessie. She was giggling.

“They’re probably flirting,” I said hotly. “That would be just like Jenika.” I spat her name glared at her and walked out.

“Chill, Mel, she’s probably just talking to him about…” Alex trailed off knowing that I wasn’t listening. I hurried into the science room. I sat down, opened my book, got out my homework, opened my free reading book, and began reading.

“Alright, kids get out your homework and a checking pen,” announced Mrs. Jenkins. I put down my book and checked my paper as she called off the answers. Then, we started reading out of the book but I was lost in a daydream.

**It was right before prom. Jessie came up and asked me if I wanted to go to prom with him, I said, "Yes". I wore a beautiful purple dress. Jessie was in a tuxedo. We danced for a bit too some upbeat music. Then they took a break. When a slow song came on, Jessie asked me to dance. I said, "I’d love to". We danced in the center of the gym. When the song ended, Jessie kissed me! It was the sweetest kiss I had ever had. When they broke apart, I saw some very jealous cheerleaders staring at us. “Mel, Mel…” **

“Mel, Mel?” asked Alex. “You there, the bell rang.”

“Thanks Alex,” I replied. “Let’s go.”

**Jessie’s P.O.V. **

I will tell Jenika that I have a crush on Melany. She such a gossip queen I know she’ll tell everyone. I wonder what Melany will think. She might get mad, oh, wait she already is. What am I going to do?

After class I caught up with Jenika. “Hey, Jen! What’s up?”

“Nothing, how about you?”

“Oh, nothing. I was wondering, do you want to hear a secret?”

“Always!” she giggled.

“Ok, I like like Melany,” I whispered.

“I knew it!” she blurted out just as the bell rang. I watched her race down the hall and went to class.
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Well idk wat else to say so ya i need ideas for the next chapter plz leave me an idea!!! COMMENTS PLEASE! I know I sound desperate but I would love to hear your comments.