Close To Home

“Frankie...I just want to help you...” Gerard laid a hand on the side of his face gently. “But I can’t do that unless you talk to me...”

Frank stared at him for a moment. There seemed to be some immense battle going on inside of him. He took a shuddering before he averted his eyes from Gerard’s and whispered. “I’ve got cancer.”

Frank tries to commit suicide and Gerard finds him. Frank has just been told he's got cancer. So, this is Frank's journey through the disease and you'll just have to keep reading to see if he can beat it. (Yes I'm evil, get over it.)
  1. Close To Home
  2. Explaining
    Frank has to tell the others
  3. Trying To Help
  4. Nightmare
    Frank...trapped in a nightmare....reality or not?
  5. Save You
    Gerard is desperate to help his best friend in his time of need (WARNING: Very hard hitting chapter)
  6. Understanding
    Frank tries to help the others understand everything