"Hey Kells, where is my socks?" I asked her lauging.

"I don't know, you crazy ass. Look in your drawer!" She told me with a laugh.

"What if I don't want to?" I jumped on her, pinning her down. Brian and Zacky walked in.

"Hey, get off my girlfriend!" Brian told me. I turned my head.

"NO!," I laid on her, "She's mine." I said with a laugh. Kells kissed my cheek.

"Oh I got a kiss twin brother dear!" I told him. I felt myself being pulled off,

"No, Kells is mine! I called her first!!" I said. They laughed at me.

"You are crazy baby." Zacky told me.

"Yeah, you are sis." Brian said. Kells just smiled at me.

"But you love me.." I said with a puppy dog face.

"Yes, very much." They said together.

"Yay!!" I said smilling and hugging Zacky.

"Kend, wanna go shopping today?" Kells asked me, I looked at her with a smile.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, "Lets go!" I ran to get some socks. I put them on and we went downstairs.

"Here baby." Zacky said handing me his credit card.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"Yeah, have fun baby." He told me.

"Ok, thank you baby. I love you." I told him with a kiss.

"I love you, too." He told me.

"Lets go Kells!" I said, running to the door.

"Love you brother." I told Brian.

"Love you, too sis." He told me.

I ran out to the door to my truck. I started her up, and Kells finally came out.

"So, are you and my brother dating?" I asked her with a smile. I looked over to her, she had a frown.

"I don't know Kend. I like him so much, you know that.. hell everyone knows that, but he hasn't asked me, so I don't know, but I do have his credit card." She said with a smile.

"Good." I say as we pull up to the mall.

We got out and started in. We linked arms, and then went in to Hot Topic. We stayed for about 2 hours. I came out with 4 shirts, 2 skirts, 2 jeans, 3 belts, leggings, and 4 accessories. She came out with 2 shirts, 2 jeans, 1 belt. I looked at the time, and it was 4:30.

"Damn. You see the time?" I asked her. She looked at her watch and her eyes almost popped out. I laughed.

"Holy shit, I think we may better go." She told me. I laughed and nodded. We walked out to the truck, heading home.

We got there, and we went inside. I heard a noise coming from upstairs. Kells and I went to look, and Zacky was ontop of Gena. Tears started stinging my eyes.

"How could you? I gave you everything!" I screamed at him. He rolled off.

"Baby, this isn't what it looks like!" He tried to save himself.

"So you mean your telling me that you tripped, and your dick lands magically in her? Yeah, I bet, you know what? Get out. Get out of my house, and this time I mean get out of my life." I told him with a hurt voice. I started to cry uncontrollably.

"You stupid son of a bitch! How dare you? She loved you Zack... and you go fuck it up with Gena, who is only out for your money. Now, if she turns suicidal, I'll kill you Zack, I will kill you, and make it so painful, you wished you were never born." Kells told him.

He had a hurt look to his face. I had enough, I turned around and punched him in the nose.

"I hate you, you low life son of a bitch. I don't ever want to see you again, do you hear me? I've had enough of being treated like a god damn dog, It won't fucking happen again. Don't come near me. I hate you so much." I said to him through tears.

"Come on Kend, lets go find your brother." Kells told me. I nodded, as we left.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to the comments and subscritions.

New Characters coming soon!!
Thanks for the ones who wants to
be part of the story!

I love you all!!