Maybe I'll never see you smile again

Name: Loz (lightning.)
Age: 20
Nicknames: Lozzi, LZ
Eyes: Deep Blue Eyes
Hair :shoulder length brown
Piercings: nose stud, and lobes.
Tattooes: "Lefty" on her left wrist.
Average height and very thin.
Personality wise, I'm very shy, but outgoing around friends. I like to have a drink and I can get hyper very easily.
Has a crush on JOHNNY


Name: Andrea (AJDWriter)
Age: 20 (I do like the idea of a guy being way older, but you can change it to your needs)
Nicknames: Drea, Andi
Eyes: Green, but change to blue depending on what I’m wearing
Hair: Long, wavy, brown with red tint in sun. I’ve been known to dye it red, purple, black, and even orange.
Piercings: Two in each ear, one in left nostril, stud in right ear.
Tattoos: My signature on right thumb, black panther on left forearm, cross and thorns on right shoulder, the words Army Brat on lower left back, rose on left ankle, hearts below right ear.
Personality: I’m a bit shy at first, but once I get to know people I am pretty crazy. I’m an easy going person, but if someone messes with my friends of family I can get very defensive. I’m always up for a good fight. I like to tease boys, lol. I’m very random and gullible. I laugh at everything, even if it’s crude or not even that funny.
Has a crush on MATT


"Bri?" I asked walking into my living room, crying. He was sitting on the couch, and only us were there.

"What's wrong sweetie?" He asked, holding out his arms for me. I sat on the couch and snuggled up to him. He wrapped his arms around me.

"I hate him, Bri," I cried to my brother, "I hate him so much." I finished in his chest.

"I know you do sweetie, but we won't have to worry about him anymore. You shouldn't cry because of his stupid ass." He told me with a kiss on the head.

"I am sorry Brian. I am so sorry, I know he's your best friend.. but he hurt me so much." I cried.

"No, sweetie, its ok, I promise." He told me. I nodded.

I got up and got his/mine acoustic guitar. I started to play some riffs on it, then singing Seize the Day. I broke down. I cried so much it was unreal. Kelly walked through the door, and ran to my aid. The guys started to come in, too, minus Zacky. Plus two new girls. I dried up my eyes. I saw the girls.

"Lozzi, Drea?" I asked with a smile. I hugged them both.

"Wait, you three know eachother?" Lozzi's boyfriend, Johnny asked. We all shook our heads.

"We took AP classes together." Drea said. I nodded and smiled.

My smile broke when Zacky walked in with Gena attached to his hip. I looked at Drea and closed my eyes. Deceit, Lies. I was done for. I couldn't help but to cry about Zacky. He told me he fucking loved me. Now you see where thats went. I got up and walked outside, leaving everyone else in there. I sat by the pool, hugging my legs. I heard the door close, I looked back and it was Zacky. I shook my head,

"Your not wanted out here." I said. He sat down beside me.

"I'm sorry," Was all he said, "I never meant to hurt you." He finished.

"Well you did Zack. You hurt me alot." I said.

"Gena's pregnant... 5 months to be exact. And--" I cut him off.

"That gives you the right to fuck her in my bed, behind my back, while I'm not at home, just because that whore is pregnant? Oh wow." I told him.

"You don't understand." He started, and I cut him off again.

"Oh yeah, I do understand perfectly... All you wanted me for, was for sex. You didn't love me, cause if you did you would have NEVER did that, Zack, you don't even know if its yours! I mean, come on reality check here Zacky. Girls these days that dates these big time rock bands, most of them is out for the money. They don't love you. They love your money, and when this baby pops out looking blonde hair, blue eyes, and tan, then you'll be stuck taking care of it. You don't understand, cause you've had no one to fuck and cheat on you, cause thats all you do." I laid it down for him piece by piece.

"Why... Why Zack? I love you so much, I put all my love into this relationship, but you had to go fuck up. All I can say is, I hope your happy where you wound up." I said with hurt,

"I guess it was Almost Easy." I said getting up, walking into the house.

I got my guitar hero, and started to play One by Metallica, on Expert, and got a 100%. I played the guys songs, making one hundred percent on them. I grabbed Syn's electric guitar, and started to play Fade to Black, dedicated to Zacky. I started singing it, when I got finished everyone clapped. I smiled as Zack walked in. I glared at him. He looked like he was crying. That made me smile.

'cold hearted bitch'
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Well, theres that one!