You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


Read the Author's Note first! :)

Tierney stood in the middle of the parking lot, hugging her thin hoodie as close to her body as possible.

A car pulled into the parking lot and Kennedy quickly got out, lack of sleep written all over his face and messy hair. His clothes were mismatched and wrinkled, signalling he had probably picked them up off his bedroom floor and threw them on as quickly as possible.

"Tierney, are you okay? I got here as soon as I could." He made his way quickly towards her, hugging her as tightly as possible.

"Trey left."

"What? Why?"

"He went to Seattle. Said it was all for his photography career. Apparently a girlfriend would hold him back." Kennedy rubbed her back soothingly as she spoke.

"Did Garrett know?"

Tierney was quiet, as Kennedy could feel her body slowly shake as she cried onto his shoulder. "He had to promise Trey he wouldn't tell me."

"It's okay, Tier. I'll always be here." He kissed the top of her head lightly. "I won't leave you."

Tierney smiled as she noticed Kennedy heading towards her. "Hey stranger."

He smiled at her greeting. "What are you doing out here all by yourself?"

"I could ask you the same question."

He frowned at her response, was she not planning on telling him about Paul? "I was just, uh, bored. Thought I'd go for a walk and get some air."

"Mind if I join you?"

He smiled and grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together. They walked in silence together for awhile, leaving the venue grounds and heading towards a park a ways down the street. They both decided to sit beneath one of the trees in the park, resting their backs against the tree bark.

Tierney rested her head on Kennedy's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"So, uhm, you and Paul seem to be really getting along."

Tierney couldn't help the smile that formed on her face at the mention of his name. Kennedy couldn't help the anger that boiled inside him at the mention of his name.

"Yeah, he's really nice."

"You don't think you're ready for a relationship yet, though. Right?"

Tierney look up at him, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you just got out of a serious relationship-"

"Trey and I broke up a year ago, Kennedy."

"But you were together for 4 years!"

"It's over, Kenny. Trey and I are friends now. We talk whenever we have the chance, and when the tour stops in Seattle, Garrett and I are going to see him."

"But, I mean." Kennedy bit his lip, thinking over his words carefully. "You don't think you're rushing into a relationship too soon, are you?"

Tierney pushed him away, turning her body so she was looking directly at him. "What exactly are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying, that I think relationships are overrated, and you shouldn't waste your time with this guy that you really don't know all too well."

Tierney let out a bitter laugh, standing up. "That's real rich. Relationship advice from the guy who's engaged, yet keeps leading along other girls."

Kennedy stood quickly, "You don't know anything about my relationship with Nikki!"

"I do know that I told you I loved you, that I was fucking in love with you, and you laughed it off, and instead went and proposed to your girlfriend. And now all of a sudden you start acting like you might possibly be interested with me?"

"You don't understand, Nikki said-"

"I don't care, Kennedy." She screamed, tears stinging in her eyes, threatening to fall. "Maybe I will take your advice, and not waste my time with someone who I barely know. Because you are most definitely not the Kennedy Brock from John's party, and the one that I could turn to for the past five fucking years!"

She turned away quickly, heading back towards the venue, when Kennedy began calling her name. He walked quickly after her, grabbing her hand, and turning her around. "Tier-"

"No, Kennedy."

"Will you just hear me out?"

"Kennedy, listen to me. I'm going to head back to the venue, where we are friends. Nothing more. Why? Because I like Paul, and Paul likes me. It's that simple. And that's the I way want all of my relationships to be; simple. None of this mind games bull shit, or having secret affairs behind your fiancée's back. You got that, Brock?" She spat.

He nodded, meekly, letting go of her hand. Together, they walked back to the venue in silence, Kennedy walking quietly a couple feet behind a very pissed off, and equally confused Tierney.
♠ ♠ ♠
*** FYI: Trey is Garrett's brother, and the flashback may confuse you now, but it'll all make sense soon.***