You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


The next couple of days Tierney and Kennedy didn't really interact with each other. Despite the occasional greeting or civilized question while they were in the van, the two stayed as far way from the other as possible. No one questioned their sudden behavioural turnaround, because as far as they were all concerned, it was for the better.

Nikki was thrilled that she no longer had to fight to keep Kennedy all to herself, and he was actually spending time talking to her during the long drives.

Pat no longer had to listen to Nikki rant about how Kennedy didn't spend enough time with her, not like Pat even cared.

John had warned Tierney all along about Kennedy, and he no longer had to worry about a huge blow out between her and Nikki during the tour, that could possibly cause the band to have to pull off the tour.

Jared could now relax without dodging angry calls from Lynne telling him to convince John to do something to stop whatever was growing between Tierney and Kennedy.

Garrett could now cuddle with his best friend in the van, and spend as much time with her as possible without the fear that Kennedy would hurt him in his sleep.

Everything was fine, as long as no one talked about it. The feelings that had grown between the two, were simply swept under the rug.

Tierney had now been able to spend more time with Paul every night, however, all they seemed to do was go to a party on one of the band's bus. The two never spent time with just them, and Tierney was beginning to doubt her theory that Paul actually did like her. She didn't know what to do, and the one person she always confided in, was currently no longer speaking to her.

The tour was now in Salt Lake City, and Tierney was packing up boxes of leftover shirts after the show. Garrett was sitting on the table, taping closed boxes, and keeping Tierney company.

"We're heading to Seattle tomorrow, and we also have a day off."

Tierney set another full box next to him and asked, "So are you going to visit your brother?"

He nodded, beginning to tape closed to box. "Yeah, and I figured with everything that's going on, you'd want to talk to him too. I mean, you've always told Trey everything and he's not half bad with advice, either."

Tierney nodded. "Yeah, I'd love to! I miss that kid."

Garrett chuckled, placing the, now fully closed, box on the ground next to the other finished boxes. "Awesome, I'll text Trey and let him know you're coming too. I think we're leaving tonight, and just sleeping in the van. I'll talk to you about it more later."

He jumped off the table and opened his arms to hug Tierney.

"What? You're not even going to help me bring all these heavy boxes out to the trailer? Some friend you are."

Garrett chuckled. "I think you're lover-boy will take care of that one." He nodded behind her. Tierney glanced over her shoulder to see Paul heading towards her. Garrett gave her a quick squeeze and headed off in the opposite direction.

Tierney attempted to busy herself to make it seem less obvious that she was waiting for Paul. But she was quickly greeted by his arms wrapping around her from behind.

"Hey gorgeous." Tierney turned around to be greeted by a huge smile on Paul's face. She bit her lip and opened her mouth to begin.

She needed to set the record straight, and it was now or never.