You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


Once they had arrived in Seattle, and settled into the hotel the tour had booked for the night, Tierney and Garrett took one of the rental cars downtown, pulling up to a fairly expensive looking condo.

"So this is what Trey moved on to, eh?"

Garrett followed Tierney's lead, getting out of the car. He leaned his weight against the car, resting his arms on the roof. "No word of a lie, I've never been here before."

She chuckled lightly, closing the car door behind her. "Well then when did you last see him?"

"Uhm, he was visiting clients in Tempe and decided to stop by for dinner sometime the week before we left."

"Oh, I hadn't known he'd been back in town."

"You mean, you haven't seen him since you broke up?"

"Well, not technically. I mean, I bumped into him at John's party. And we talk on the phone a lot. But we haven't had a real face-to-face conversation since he left."

Garrett nodded, pushing himself away from the car, and pushing the door closed. "Let us be off, then!" He linked his arm with hers, and the made their way into the building, heading towards the elevator. As they stepped inside, Garrett selected which floor as Tierney leaned back against the wall, shutting her eyes tightly.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Garrett leaned against the wall opposite of her.

She rolled her eyes as the door opened, and they filed out into a hallway. "What do you honestly think i"m thinking about?"

Garrett chuckled, knocking on one of the doors in the hall. "Touché."


Tierney was sitting at one of the chairs at Trey's kitchen table, Garrett had just stepped outside to answer an 'urgent' phone call from John, and Trey was leaning up against the counter, facing Tierney.

Once they heard the front door close, Trey quickly moved so he was seated in a chair across from her. "Okay, you can spill everything now."

"There's really nothing to spill."

"Garrett told me I'd have to pry it out of you." Trey rubbed tiredly at his blue eyes, before resting his head on his elbows propped up on the table. "Who is it that's got you so down?"

Tierney sighed. "Kennedy."

"What exactly has Kenny done this time?"

"I love him."

"I see."

"Kenny kissed me. More than once."

Trey sat up quickly, his eyebrows raised. "God, I had to wait until the fourth date for some lip action! Way to go Kenny."

"Him and Nikki are engaged."

"And he kissed you?"

Tierney nodded.

"That could be a problem."

"I tried to get over him. And then I met Paul, and he's amazing. He's everything I've always dreamed a boyfriend could be."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I don't know!" Tierney sighed, staring down at her hands folded on the tabletop. "I like him, and he likes me. And he asked me to be his girlfriend, But it's just..."

"He's not Kenny?" Trey tried.

She nodded, "Exactly."

"You said he asked you to be his girlfriend, what'd you say?"

"He's still waiting on a response."

Trey nodded, reaching over and grabbing her hand. "I think you should go for it. Don't waste your time on a stupid guy like Kenny who can't even bother to realize what's right in front of him. There's so much better out there, and you should just see what else is there for you."

She smiled as Trey gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Alright."

"See, now doesn't that feel better to get off your chest?"

Tierney laughed as Trey stood up and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you, so much."

"Anything for you, doll."