You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


Tierney woke up the next morning in a comfy hotel bed, Garrett sitting on the bed next to her watching television. Besides John passed out on top of the covers on the other bed, none of the other band members were anywhere to be seen.

"Morning sunshine." Tierney smiled, sitting up and stretching.

"Morning, Tier."

"Where is everyone?"

"They went down for breakfast and stuff in the lobby-thing."

Tierney chuckled ash she hopped out of bed. She quickly grabbed some clothes out of her suitcase, and disappeared into the bathroom. She emerged about 20 minutes later, fully showered and dressed, to find John was now awake and talking to Garrett.


"So who's the lucky guy?"

Tierney laughed as the two guys watched her toss her dirty clothes back into her suitcase. "I'm going to talk to Paul today. How do I look?"

Her hair was kept down in its wild and crazy, natural curls. She did a quick spin, showing off the high-waisted brown skirt and black t shirt.

"I think that Kenny would have a stroke if he saw you."

Tierney giggled at John's comment, and grabbed her cellphone off the bedside table. I'm going to go find Pauly, I'll be back later!" She waved quickly, and took off into the hall. She was way too excited to wait for the elevator, so instead skipped down the two flights of stairs and into the lobby. She spotted him right away, talking to Martin at one of the tables, occasionally laughing.

"Hey Pauly." She couldn't help but smile at the gawking stares coming from both Paul and Martin.

"Uhh, h-hey Tierney."

"Could I steal him for a bit?" She asked Martin, smiling sweetly.

"Yeah, no doubt. Just have him back for the show tonight." Martin winked at the pair, as Tierney pulled Paul towards the entrance of the hotel.

"How's coffee sound?"

Paul finally found his courage again, and pulled Tierney closer to him, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "Sounds amazing."

Once they had found a small coffee shop, and had gotten their drinks, the two cuddled up in one of the many over-sized sofas.

"You look even more gorgeous than usual today, by the way."

Tierney blushed as he kissed her lightly on the cheek. "Thanks."

He pulled her a little bit closer to him, as she turned her body so she was facing him more. "Sorry I got pulled away from you the other night, and then I've just been so busy I haven't gotten a chance to answer your question."

"Y-yeah, about that. I know I'm kind of rushing things. And I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, so if you want to stay just friends for now, I totally understand and-"


"Pardon me?"

"Yes. I'd love to be your girlfriend."


Tierney nodded, kissing his cheek lightly. "Really."

"Amazing." He smiled and kissed her once more.