You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


It had been about a week and a half since Paul and Tierney had become an official couple, and the tour had just arrived in Clearwater, Florida.

Tierney had been spending less and less time with her friends, and more time aboard the Boys Like Girls tour bus. She no longer helped with load in, and would only show up to help set up merch, sell it, pack it back up, and then head back to the Boys Like Girls bus.

Garrett would occasionally come and talk to her, and very rarely John would keep her company at the merch booth.

Tonight was one of those rare occasions when John sat on the edge of the table, signing the occasional autograph for a fan, however he had barely said more than 4 words to her.

As the last of a small group of girls had gotten their hug from John and were now leaving, Tierney threw a crumpled up piece of paper, nailing John right in the side of the head.

"What the fuck, Tierney?" His head snapped around towards her.

"I-I was just trying to get your attention."

"Haven't you ever heard of calling my name? Then again, we all know how you prefer taking the easy way out and not even thinking twice about the consequences it'll have on everyone else around you!"

Tierney quickly stood, glaring at John. "What the fuck are you talking about, O'Callaghan?"

"I'm fucking talking about what you did to Kennedy, Dunlevy."

"Oh, please, John. I didn't do anything to Kenny!"

"That's bullshit and we both know it!" John was now standing too. Their shouting was gathering the attention of fans, and a small crowd was beginning to surround him. "Kennedy loves you, and you're just fucking with his heart now."

"He doesn't love me. He has Nikki; He doesn't need me!"

John rolled his eyes dramatically. "Nikki is about as valuable to him as roadkill."

"I don't care anymore, I waited too long for him!"

"Fuck, Tierney! He loves you! And you think you can go from making out with him every two seconds to dating Paul in less than a week? You still love him, and you're using Paul to make Kenny jealous."

"Shut up, John! You don't know what you're talking about!"

"You're plans working. Kenny's jealous. Now can we just end this whole thing so that he'll start speaking to us again?"

Tierney opened her mouth, to shout back to John, when a figure standing behind him caught her attention. He shook his head in disgust, looking between Tierney and John. Suddenly, John's piercing glare through her, and the crowd of fans and crew around them didn't seem to matter anymore. Her eyes began to tear up as he turned to walk away. "Paul!" She called towards the still-walking figure, pushing through the crowd after him.


Nikki stormed into the dressing room backstage, tears streaming down her face. Kennedy was the only one in the room, laying on the couch, messing around with an acoustic guitar.

She stood in front of him, glaring down at him. He simply glanced up at her, before focusing back on the guitar. Reaching down, she tore the guitar from his hands, and tossed it onto the end of the couch.

"Whoa, careful!" He quickly sat up, and reached for the guitar to make sure it hadn't been damaged.

"You kissed Tierney?!?" Nikki screamed, tears still leaking down her cheeks.

Kennedy froze mid-reach for the guitar, not turning to look at Nikki. "W-what?"

"There's this rumour going around the tour that you and Tierney have been fooling around, and that she fucking told you she loved you!" She roughly grabbed at his arm that had fallen limply to his side. "Fucking look at me, Kennedy!"

"I don't know what to say."

Nikki began to choke out sobs, pulling roughly at her hair. "Tell me you haven't been cheating on me, Kenny."


"Just fucking say it, Kennedy!"

"I never slept with her."

Nikki shook her head furiously, backing up until her back was pressed against the wall. "No, no, no. Kenny, I love you. You can't do this to me!"

Kennedy quickly stood, making his way towards Nikki. "It only happened a couple times. More like a caught up in the moment thing? Never with feelings attached."

He wrapped his arms around her. "Promise?" She whispered, burying her head into his neck.

"Promise." He had lied to her so many times before, that it was almost second nature now.

"Love you, Kenny." Kennedy simply sighed, and kissed her forehead. No matter how hard he tried, that was one lie he couldn't bring himself to say.