You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


"Paul, please! Just wait!" They were now outside the venue, just a couple of feet from the Boys Like Girls bus. Paul finally turned around, a look of disgust on his face.

"What?" He spat.

"Will you please just hear me out?"

Paul rolled his eyes. "You know, I always figured something was going on between you and Kennedy, but I always hoped that you would tell me. Or maybe even have the decency to break up with me before you both acted on those feelings."

"Paul, I haven't even seen Kennedy since we've become official!"

"Exactly, since we've been official. So you're admitting you were fooling around with him prior to our relationship on this tour!"

"No, Paul it's not like that!"

"Then explain to me. Really, I'd love to learn!"

"It's complicated, okay, Paul?"

"No, it's not complicated, Tierney. Bottom line is, John said you were using me to make Kennedy jealous, and you didn't even bother to deny it!" Paul shook his head in disgust and turned to open the door onto the Boys Like Girls bus.

"There's nothing between Kennedy and I! I swear to God, it's all in the past Paul!" By this point she was freely crying.

Paul froze, turning around slowly.

"One more chance please?"

He remained silent, looking from the ground to her, and then back towards the ground.

"I swear on my life, this will never happen again."

"And if it does?"

"Then you can leave. I won't fight or argue, because that'll obviously mean you're too good for someone like me." He sighed, taking a couple steps back towards her, and grabbing ahold of her hand. "I'm so sorry, Paul."

"Apology accepted." He kissed her lightly, before guiding her back onto the bus.


Tierney woke up the next morning in Paul's bunk, a note left on the pillow next to her head explained Paul's absence.

Hey Tier,
We had a radio interview this morning, I should be back around lunchtime. Make yourself at home on the bus. Call you when I get back.
Pauly. :)

She groaned, stretching, before hopping out of the bunk. She made her way towards the front lounge, grabbing a muffin off the counter. She took a seat on the couch, looking around the empty bus.

"Well, this sucks."

She got up again and made her way off the bus. She surveyed her wrinkled t-shirt and dirty skinny jeans, and decided she should head back to The Maine's van for some clean clothes.

When she got to the van, she didn't notice anyone around until she made her way to the back of the trailer. John was also in the trailer, digging through his suitcase for something. As quietly as possible, Tierney went into her own suitcase behind him, pulling out one of Garrett's old shirts and a fresh pair of skinny jeans.

John turned to exit the trailer, just as Tierney was closing her suitcase. He froze for a second, staring blankly at her.

"Uh, hey John Ohh?" She chuckled nervously.

"Whatever." He mumbled, pushing passed her out of the trailer.