You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


Tierney stood dumbfounded in the trailer for a couple minutes until she heard someone clear their throat behind her. She turned around to see Kennedy standing there.

"We need to talk."

"Can I have a minute?" She gestured towards the clothes in her hands.

"Hurry up." He practically spat, turning and walking out of the trailer.

Tierney sighed, quickly changing into the black v-neck and dark wash skinny jeans. Tossing her dirty clothes back into the suitcase, she nervously ran her fingers through her curly hair, and stepped out of the trailer.

Kennedy was leaning against the side of the trailer, and he looked up when she stepped out. "Walk with me."

Tierney nodded, and followed quickly as he took off across the parking lot, away from the venue. She remained silent. Unsure of what to say. Had he witnessed the blow out between her and John? Was this a peace offering after his lecture about her and Trey?

"You can't go around spreading rumours, Tierney."

Nope, definitely not a peace offering.

"What do you mean?"

"Nikki saw the whole thing between you and John."

She stopped walking, causing Kennedy to turn around and face her. "How does this relate to me spreading so called 'rumours'?"

"Rumours about us hooking up! You know, I don't really care if you want to be a total douche bag to John, but could you not jeopardize my relationship with Nikki? She actually thinks there was something going on between us!"

"Wasn't there, Kennedy?" Tierney bit down on her lip to try and keep calm. "You can't tell me all that sneaking around behind Nikki's back and kisses wasn't something!"

"No, Tierney! That's my point."

"Then what was it? Because I'd just love to know, Kenny!"

"A mistake! That's what it was, Tierney, a mistake!" He shouted.

Tierney quickly turned away, and started walking quickly towards the buses. She could feel the tears starting to form, and crying in front of Kennedy was the last thing she wanted to do.

She couldn't decide which hurt more, Kennedy telling her that everything between them had been a mistake; Or the fact that he had picked Nikki over her, again.

Tears now fully streaming down her cheeks she made her way back onto the Boys Like Girls bus, curling up in Paul's bunk. She sobbed freely into his pillow for hours, losing complete track of time. She must have fallen asleep because next thing she knew, her phone was ringing, causing her to quickly wake up. She smiled you herself as Paul's name came up across the Call Display.

"Hey Pauly."

"Hey beautiful." She couldn't help the goofy grin that spread across her face when she heard his voice.

"You and me, dinner tonight?"

"Sounds good."

"Pick you up in 15."

"See you then."

Tierney quickly hung up and jumped out of the bunk. After quickly fixing her hair and make up she heard the door to the bus open. She ran out to greet Paul.

"All set?"

She nodded as he took her hand and they left the bus and headed towards one of the rental cars.