You're As Fake As The Moans You Make



She sighed, turning around to greet her visitor.

"Hey, John." She tried to offer him a smile, but she just couldn't muster one up. Instead, she looked down at her shoes.

"You, uh, look... different." Tierney frowned. "Whatever Kennedy said to you must have really struck deep."

"That's not why-"

John shook his head, cutting her off. "I'm referring to how you never called. I mean, I heard about your mom, and I wanted to call you, honestly. But we hadn't spoken in awhile and I didn't know what to say. And then my mom called me one day saying how your sister moved away, but by then it would have been just too awkward to call you. I am glad to see you again, though." He opened his arms for a hug.

She reluctantly let him rap his arms around her. "It's good to see you too."

He frowned, puling away from the hug. "What's wrong?"

Tierney turned back to the fridge picking up a can to place inside. "Nothing. Shouldn't you be inside at your party?"

He grabbed the can from her hand and set it on top of the fridge. "That can wait. My mom said you were in here, and I wanted to come see you. And my best friend being hurt is a little more important than hanging out with 4 guys I just spent the last 6 months locked in a van with." He took a seat on the old-beat up couch leaning against the one wall of the garage, patting the spot next to him. "Now come tell John Oh what's wrong."

Tierney sighed, taking a seat on the couch. "It's stupid."

"Tier, sweetie, looking who you're talking to about stupid? Just try me."

"Well... do you know if... well, uh, Kennedy has a, uh, girlfriend?"

John just stared at her, mouth hanging open.

"See, it's stupid." Tierney quickly stood, but before she could move anywhere else, John had pulled her back down onto the couch.

"So you liking Kenny is the reason you look like, uh, this?"

Tierney just looked at her hands. "Well, at your last party he kind of said, I wasn't his type, and it would never happen. So I thought that maybe,"

"If you dressed like a hooker you'd be his type?"

She punched him hard in the arm, "Shut the fuck up, John."

"Listen, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying, if you're trying to impress him, just be yourself."

"That didn't work, John."

"He was drunk when he said it, how do you know he wasn't lying?"

Tierney remained quiet, unsure of how to answer him.

"Kenny doesn't really have a 'type', like, looks wise. He's more into personalities and stuff."

"And next your going to tell me he runs 3 miles every morning, and he devotes all his spare time to ending poverty among small children." Tierney rolled her eyes.

"Just, Tierney, promise me something."

Tierney looked up at him, as he began to stand up.

"Don't change yourself for Kennedy. It'll just get complicated, and it's not worth it. Just find yourself some nice local boy who isn't going to up and leave you every couple of months. Okay?"

Tierney rolled her eyes again, standing up to make her way back to the fridge.

John paused at the door back into the house. "Are you coming?"

"Later. I'm busy." She snapped, grabbing the pop can off the top of the fridge, and shoving it inside.

John simply shrugged and headed into the house without her.