You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


The tour that night had splurged for a hotel, and the rest of Boys Like Girls had gone out for drinks at a local bar for the night with some of the other bands and crew. After dinner, Tierney and Paul found themselves in his room, err... watching a movie.

The only problem was, every time Tierney closed her eyes, all she could picture was Kennedy's lips on hers, instead of Paul's. It just didn't feel right.

She gently pushed him away, faking her best smile possible. "I really had fun tonight, Poolie. But I should probably be heading back to my room now. Early morning, y'know?"

He laughed lightly. "Come on, Tier. They guys won't be back for at least another hour, we've got plenty of time for just us, y'know?" He kissed her neck, playfully mocking her.

"Some other time, okay Paul?"

He sighed, running a hand through his hair lazily. "Yeah, whatever." He kissed her a final time.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

He waved to her as she hopped off the bed and left the room. Once in the hallway, she could feel the tears beginning to form in her eyes.

Why wasn't Trey's advice working? She was supposed to be falling for Paul, not spending all her time thinking about Kennedy. She slipped the hotel card into the lock and pushed open the door, noticing the TV was on, muted. She slowly made her way into the room, John was sitting on the far bed, his back resting against the headboard.

"Hey Kenny, did you find any vitamin-" He looked up to see Tierney standing there, tears now fully pouring down her cheeks, and stopped mid-sentence.

"I'm sorry I'm such a whore, John Ohh."


Nikki had opted out of hanging out with the band and had met up with a few old friends in town for a girl's night out. Kennedy wasn't really in the mood for drinking, at least, not when he knew Paul and Tierney would probably be back at the hotel fooling around. So he stayed back with John who was driving the next day, and couldn't risk a nasty hangover.

Kennedy stood in front of the vending machine by the hotel stair well, digging for spare change in his pocket. He heard a door close, and looked over to see Tierney heading down the hall towards The Maine's hotel room. She was walking with her head down, and seemed pretty upset.

He quickly got his chips and chocolate and made his way down the hall after her. He slipped in the door after her, quietly. He placed the snack on the counter by the door, and was about to head into the room, when he froze upon hearing Tierney talking.

"I'm sorry I'm such a whore, John Ohh."

Kennedy kept silent, waiting for John's response.

He sighed heavily, "Tierney, you're not a whore."

"No, no. I am, John."


"I'm in love with a man who's getting married. I'm using Paul to make him jealous, and the less Kennedy seems to notice, the further I go with Paul in a pathetic, desperate attempt for some attention! You're right, I'm just a whore."

Kennedy could hear someone get up, and then muffled crying. Tierney was probably crying into John's chest. "Tier baby, he loves you too. Don't beat yourself up over stupid comments I made. I'm just a douche, I'm sorry."

"He said I was just a mistake."

Kennedy mentally slapped himself, leaning back silently against the wall.

"I'm sure he didn't mean that."

"He did. John, he loves Nikki."

"Now, now. What did I say Nikki was?"

"Roadkill." She sighed.

Kennedy had to quickly cover his mouth to keep from laughing.

"But Trey told me I had to move on, and that I was too good for Kennedy."

"He only meant well."

"Why aren't I good enough for him, John?"

He heard another sigh before John replied. "It's not that you aren't good enough, I think Kennedy just doesn't know what he wants. And Nikki is like a safety net that he's afraid to walk away from."

Another sigh, this time from Tierney. "I really am sorry, John Ohh."

"Don't beat yourself up, kid."

He heard the bed moving and took this as his cue to make his entrance. he grabbed the snacks back off the table and headed fully into the room.

"Hey John, I couldn't find anything that sold drinks but I got some, like, chips and- Oh, hey Tierney." He faked surprise at the girl seated on the bed next to John.

"Hey Kenny." her voice was barely above a whisper.

"No problem man, just pass me those Cheetos."

Kennedy threw the bag towards John who swiftly caught it. Kennedy took a seat on the other bed, taking off his sweater and throwing it onto the pile of suitcases in the corner. "So what're we watching?"

"Uh, I don't know. There's nothing really on TV."

"How about Fight Club? I have it in my suitcase." Tierney spoke up.

Kenendy and John both looked at each other and nodded.

"Awesome." Tierney crawled off the bed, and went fishing into her suitcase before pulling out the DVD case.