You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


The day after John and Tierney's reconciliation, Tierney actually rode in The Maine's van once again, much to the delight of Garrett who hadn't seen her in almost a week. She kept receiving texts from Paul, however she hadn't responded to any of them.

In fact, all that week, Tierney didn't reply to any of his texts, and barely even saw him.

She was packing up the merch after a show, when Paul came up to the table, clearing his throat to get her attention. "Oh, hey Paul."

"Uhm, hey Tier. You got a minute?"

"Yeah, sure." She placed the shirt in her hand onto the table, and brushed her hands off on her jeans. "What's up?"

"I haven't really heard from you all this week."

"Sorry, I've been super busy."

"It's okay. But uh, there's a party on our bus tonight, you want to come with me?"

"Uh, yeah sure."

He smiled, leaning across the table and kissing her lightly. "I'll see you later."

Tierney waved to him as he walked away, a feeling of guilt washing over her.


Tierney was backstage fixing her hair when she heard the door open and then close behind her. From the reflection in the mirror, she could see Kennedy standing against the closed door, watching her.

She placed her can of hairspray down on the table, and looked back up at Kennedy's reflection.

"You weren't a mistake; You never will be, Tierney."

She turned around to look at him, he hadn't moved from his position on the opposite side of the room.

"I heard everything. In the hotel. Between you and John, that is."

Tierney looked down at the floor embarrassed. Kennedy walked towards her, grabbing her hands from her sides, and lacing their fingers together.

"Why would you say that?" Her voice was barely a whisper.

"Because I'm stupid, and I'm really sorry." He leaned down and kissed her, Tierney's hands quickly slipping gout of his grasp, and entangling themselves in his hair. Tierney leaned backwards into the edge of the table, Kennedy wrapping his arms around her waist. He pulled away slowly after awhile, leaning his forehead against hers.

"Apology accepted."

He smirked as she kissed him again. This time, Tierney pulled away, grabbing her phone off the table behind her, and texting a quick message to Paul. She tossed the phone back onto the table, before reconnecting with Kennedy's lips. The pair stumbled toward the couch against the far wall, shedding their clothing in the process.