You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


Tierney found Paul sitting on the steps of the Boys Like Girls bus. He stood reluctantly as she approached him. Tierney noticed him picking up a small box, probably taken from the merch trailer, in his hands.

"Paul, listen-"

He shoved the box towards her, cutting her off. "Here's all the stuff you left on the bus."

"But, Paul-"

"You're not supposed to fight or argue, remember?"

"You can't really be doing this."

"I am. I gave you one chance, Tierney. One. And you just blew it."

"You haven't even heard my side of the story!"

"I don't need to. I know what happened." He shoved the box into her hands, before taking a step backwards towards the bus. "You said it yourself. This obviously proves that you're no good for me." He spat, before getting onto the bus.


Kennedy rubbed a hand lazily over his face, sitting up shortly after Tierney had left. He slowly got dressed and left the dressing room, not caring that it was a complete mess.

He was still zipping up his hoodie, when he turned the corner to be face to face with Nikki.

"Where the fuck were you last night, Kennedy?"

He shrugged, rubbing his hand over his face again. "After last night's party I just fell asleep in the dressing room. No big deal."

"No big deal? Kennedy for all I know you could have been-"

"Fucking Tierney? Please, if I had, do you honestly think I'd still be talking to you right now?"

Nikki's jaw dropped at his comment, as he simply brushed past her. She called after him, but he kept walking until he reached the backdoor that lead to the parking lot where all the buses and vans were. He found John stacking boxes in the trailer, and quickly went over to help him.

"I think I'm going to do it."

John glanced over at Kennedy, placing a box in the far corner of the trailer. "Do what, man?"

"Break up with Nikki."

"Just like that? Leaving her stranded on the other side of the country? Real gentleman you are, Kenny." John rolled his eyes, turning to fully face him.

"But I don't care about her!"

"Can't you at least wait until the tour's over?"

"I've already waited too long. I need to tell Tierney how I feel."

"How you feel? Care to enlighten me on exactly what those feelings are?"

"I think I love her, John."

John shook his head, turning around and picking up a new box.


John dropped the box on top of the pile he was making, and turned around quickly. "You can't think, Kennedy! You have to know! You have to knowthat you love her." He spat.

"I thought you'd be fucking supportive, John!"

"Yeah, maybe if you weren't talking about Tierney! She's practically my fucking baby sister! I don't want to just stand on the side and watch you mess up her life. I swear to God, I will kill you if you fuck with her."

John turned back towards the boxes, as Kennedy sighed. "Come on, John. Lighten up a bit, will you? You've been like this since I turned her down at your party. Are we really going to let a girl come between our friendship?"

John threw the box down, allowing the contents of shirts and hoodies spill out onto the ground. "Right now, keeping Tier safe is al that fucking matters to me! I'm practically all the family she has left. Of course, if you actually spent two seconds actually getting to know the real her, not this front she's put up for you, you'd fucking know that." John was now practically screaming at Kennedy. "And if tearing apart this band is the only way for you to get the fact that Tierney is off limits through your thick fucking skull, so be it!"

John bent down to start picking up the shirts on the floor and pack then back into the box. "John-"

He whipped his head around to glare at Kenny. "This conversation is fucking over, Kennedy."