You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


After Tierney's confrontation with Paul, she headed back to the dressing room, hoping to find Kennedy still there. However, all she was greeted with was a messy, vacant dressing room. She let the box of her stuff slip from her grip and hit the floor. She collapsed onto the couch, letting a sob rip through her small body.

At this exact moment Garrett poked his head into the trailer getting John's attention. "Brah, have you seen Tier? She's supposed to be helping with merch load-in, but no one has seen her."

"Boys Like Girls bus?"

"Nope, Paul said he hadn't seen her since this morning, seemed pretty pissed about it, too."

John nearly dropped the box in his hand again, as all the clues finally began to click in his mind. "Fuck." He muttered, carelessly tossing the box onto the top of his pile of boxes. "I know where she is."

Garrett stepped out of the way as John quickly exited the trailer. "Where are you going?"

John just kept walking towards the doors into the venue, "Just remind me to have Kenny castrated." He called over his shoulder.

Making his way quickly through the backstage hallways of the venue, he quickly found the one he was looking for. The only one that hadn't been assigned to a band. Pushing open the door, he was greeted by Tierney curled up in a ball on the couch.

He sighed, shutting the door quietly behind him. "Tier, baby, it's okay." He rushed over towards her, gathering her small body in his arms as he took a seat down next to her. She sobbed as he rubbed her back soothingly.

As she began to finally calm down, John pulled away a bit so he could look her in the eyes. "You and Paul are over?"

She nodded, wiping away a few tears. John's phone began to vibrate in his pocket. Pulling it out, he read over a quick text from Jared letting him know they were going on stage in 10 minutes and to get his ass over there ASAP. He quickly shoved it back into his pocket, turning his attention back towards Tierney.

"So you and Kennedy...uh..." He couldn't bring himself to form the words.

Tierney blushed, nodding.

John nodded awkwardly. "Did you at least uh..." John scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Use protection?"

Tierney nodded, as John let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank God, I really don't think I could handle another one of you or Kenny right now. One is enough for me."

She let out a small laugh as John kissed her forehead lightly.

"I've got to go play now, but this conversation is not over. You hear me?" Tierney nodded as John moved to stand up. Tierney followed him out of the dressing room and headed back towards the van.