You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


Tierney headed back to the Maine's van, and ended up falling asleep, curled up in the back seat. John headed back to the van right after the show in hopes of finishing his conversation with Tierney. However, when he found her fast asleep he didn't have the heart to wake her.

The next day, John had to get up early to set up at the next venue. He also was swarmed by so many fans that by the time he got back to the van, Tierney was already asleep.

Kennedy, in fear of John, kept his distance from her. Nikki spent every moment possible, clinging to his arm as she began to come to the realization that she was actually losing him.

It was 6 days before John actually ran into Tierney. The tour was now in Philadelphia, with only 3 shows left before it ended.

Tierney was backstage, listening to her iPod while sitting on a couple amps. John had just been wandering around backstage when he noticed her, and headed over quickly. She was quietly signing an Ivory song when she noticed John standing in front of her. She sighed, putting her iPod back into her pocket, and looked up at John.

"I suppose this is where you lecture me about saving myself until marriage, and giving up my virginity to Kennedy wasn't a smart idea."

John sighed, sitting down on the amp next to her. "No. That's not my place. It was your choice. Wait... virginity? You mean, you picked Kennedy to be your first? iReally?"

"I'm sorry, John Ohh."

He shook his head. "No, no. That's not what I need to talk to you about."

Tierney turned so she was sitting Indian style and facing John. "I'm listening."

He turned so he was sitting like her, and grabbed her hand. "Now just hear me out. This is John right now. Friend John. Not protective older brother John, just John. Okay?"

Tierney stifled a giggle, nodding.

"I don't want you and Kennedy together."

Tierney remained quiet, waiting for John to finish.

"He's going to break you. I can't watch him tear you apart. He's just going to hurt you. He should stay with Nikki. I know that that's not what you think is best right now, but I think in the long run, there's someone so much better for you out there!"

Tierney nodded, sighing.

"Find a good boy who isn't going to just up and leave you every couple of months. Us band boys are no good."

"I respect your opinion."

John sighed, "Is that as good as I'm going to get?"

Tierney nodded.

"Alright." They both hopped off the amp, and John pulled her into a quick hug. "We play Six Flags tomorrow, so be happy, alright?"

Tierney smiled weakly as John kissed her forehead. They pulled away, and Tierney headed back towards the van.


The tour was now in New Jersey, and they were playing at a Six Flags amusement park that day. Tierney had begged Max and Peter to watch the merch for her so she could go on some rides when the guys finished playing.

Tierney was practically bouncing up and down as she waited at the van for the guys to come back from their set. John was the first one back, quickly changing just as the other guys started to slowly appear.

"Ready to conquer Six Flags?" A huge smile spread across Tierney's face as John wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Ready as I'll ever be." John let out a nervous laugh.

The rest of the guys joined John and Tierney by the front of the van.

"Wanna be my ride buddy, Kenny?" Tierney asked.

A huge smile spread across his face as he looked over at her. Simultaneously, Nikki grabbed onto Kennedy's hand, and John tightened his grip around Tierney's shoulders. When Kennedy noticed the stern look on John's face he swallowed hard. "Uh... I'm not really in the mood for roller coasters. I'll just stay back with... uh, Nikki."

Tierney frowned a bit. Kennedy and Nikki joined the rest of the group that were heading back into the park. Kennedy loved roller coasters, and everyone knew that. Tierney looked up at John, and punched him in the arm noticing the glare on his face.

"What did you say to him, John?"

John shrugged beginning to walk away after the group. Tierney caught up to him, and pulled his arm until he stopped to face her.


"I didn't say anything."

"I'm not stupid."

John began walking again, attempting to catch up with the group.

"John Cornelius O'Callaghan!"

"I just said exactly what I told you!"

Tierney gasped. "You didn't!"

John grabbed ahold of her hand, "Come on, let's forget that! We're at fucking Six Flags, Tier! Let's have some fun."

"Alright, alright." Tierney sighed. "But I'm still mad at you!"