You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


After Tierney had placed every can into the fridge, and rearranged them four times, the door from the garage into the house opened, and Lynne popped her head through.

"Hey, Tier, are you ever going to come join this party? John said you said you'd be out later. And I'm getting lonely, so come join me!"

"Yeah, I was just on my way in." Tierney lied, heading into the house closely behind Lynne. As Lynne headed back towards John in the living room, Tierney slipped into the kitchen. Just as she picked up a water bottle out of the fridge, Kennedy walked into the kitchen, his arm around a lanky blonde girl, laughing.

His laughter quickly subsided as soon as he noticed Tierney standing there, her mouth hanging open slightly. John hadn't said anything about a girlfriend. Then again, he hadn't really fully answered the question.

"Uh, hey Tier. Long time no, uh, see."

"Hm? Yeah." Tierney grabbed her bottle of water and quickly headed into the living room. She headed over towards John and Lynne, tapping them both on the shoulder.

"Hey, Tierney! You've decided to show your face!" John chuckled, pulling Lynne closer to him as they both turned to face Tierney.

"Uh, yeah. Listen, I have some stuff I have to do at home, so I'm going to go. I'll see you around sometime, okay?"

John scowled, "Tier, we all know that's bull-"

Lynne hit his chest, signalling for him to shut up.

"Why are you really leaving?" He tried again.

Just as the words left his lips, Kennedy re-entered the room, his arm still around the blonde.

"Come over tomorrow. He won't be here," Lynne motioned in the direction of Kennedy. "We really need to talk, us three. Okay?"

Tierney nodded, sighing. "All right, I'll be here."

John and Lynne each gave her a quick hug before Tierney quickly departed the small party.


The next morning, Tierney woke up and quickly got dressed preparing to head back over to the O'Callaghan's house. She just put on a pair of old, faded jeans, a solid purple tank top and some purple flip flops. Her hair was still damp from her shower, and she left it down, letting it curl naturally. She wore no make up, a nice change from the day before. As she pulled into John's driveway, she noticed a couple other cars were still there; probably leftover party guests.

Today she decided to knock instead of walking straight in. As Lynne opened the door, she smiled warmly at Tierney, motioning for her to come inside. Closing the door behind her, John came down the stairs, still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Morning!" He smiled, noticing Tierney's presence.

The three headed into the living room, all taking seats on the couple of couches. "So exactly what was I summoned here for today?"

"Well," Lynne started, "It's kind of about, uh-"

"Kennedy." John cut in, the smile disappearing from his face.

Tierney frowned at the pair, "What about him?"

"You and him. I can't bear to see this happen. Your both two of my best friends."

"We can't just sit on the side and watch this unfold, we need to stop this before it starts." Lynne shot Tierney a sympathetic glance.

"I'm really not getting this."

"Tier, Kennedy likes you. A lot."

Tierney couldn't help but smile at Lynne's words.

"But it can't happen. You can't let it happen." John sighed. "He's not the most loyal of people, so we thought we should tell you before anything happened."

Tierney shook her head. "So wait, your telling me that I can't be with Kennedy because he's not loyal? So what? He can just ditch his girlfriend now, and I can get him to be loyal. He'll change for me."

John ran a hand through his messy hair, looking over to Lynne. "Not quite. See, uhm, that girl last night wasn't really his girlfriend." John paused before continuing. "That was his fiancee."

"Tierney," Lynne interrupted. "He's getting married."