You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


Kennedy Brock never could make up his mind about anything. To him, the grass was always greener on the other side. No matter how hard he tried, everything in his life seemed bland and repetitive.

He would wake up every morning to his mother making breakfast. He would shower, get dressed and have eaten breakfast by 10:13 every morning. He would watch television until his girlfriend called him at noon. They would usually go out for lunch together, and then Kennedy would attend band practice in John's garage. They would all go out for pizza afterwards, and Kennedy would be home every night by 8. He would then watch television or check his email until 11:30 when his girlfriend would call him. At precisely 12:07 every night, Kennedy would go to sleep.

Tierney Dunlevy was exactly what Kennedy Brock needed.

She was spontaneous and hated living life according to a schedule. She had known John all her life, but had only been introduced to Kennedy when they were in high school. They had everything in common, but at the same time they were completely different.

Kennedy's girlfriend, Nikki, hated Tierney.

Kennedy would blow off numerous dates just to watch cheesy horror movies with Tierney, or go to a concert to see a crappy local band. Nikki was perfectly happy with Kennedy's flawlessly scheduled life, and she was well aware of the growing chemistry between Tierney and Kennedy.

So when Kennedy confided in her that his feelings towards Tierney were growing, Nikki did what any girl would do; she played the jealous girlfriend.

She made up stories about Tierney to get Kennedy to believe she wasn't anything like he had believed she was. Kennedy wasn't exactly sober during this, and what was supposed to be his break-up speech with Nikki turned into a marriage proposal.

The next day they left for tour, leaving Kennedy to think about what a huge mistake he had just made for 6 months. Kennedy never heard from Tierney. He would occasionally ask John how she was, but he shrugged and walked away each time. Without Tierney there, Kennedy fell back into his repetitive schedule.

The day after John's party, Kennedy was laying sprawled out across his couch, watching old episodes of Saved By The Bell. It was shortly after noon, and his phone hadn't rung yet. He reached into his pocket to call Nikki and see if everything was alright. However, his phone wasn't there. He headed into his bedroom to see if he had left his phone there. Tearing apart his room, he still came up empty-handed. Recalling putting it down at John's party, he grabbed his car keys and headed over.