You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


Tierney stared at John an Lynne, in complete shock. "M-married?"

John nodded as Lynne kept her gaze glued to the floor.

"But he... he kissed me!"

"He what?!?" Lynne's head shot up.

"At the party before you guys left for tour. He kissed me! That's how it all started. And then I told him to leave Nikki, but he said I wasn't his type and it would never happen! And then he kissed me again!"

John blinked a couple times, just staring at Tierney as if she'd grown three extra heads. There was a knock at the door, however neither Lynne nor John made any effort to go and open it. The three of them sat in silence, until they heard the door open.

"John!" Pat's voice rang through the hallway. "John, we have a big problem!"

"Uh, living room!" He called to him, finally breaking out of his trance.

Pat entered the living room, he didn't even bother to acknowledge Tierney or Lynne, taking a seat on the end of the couch, facing John. He took a deep breath before beginning. "I woke up this morning, and I had this awful headache, and this awful feeling that something really bad was going to happen. And Nikki called me and told me that her friend Laura, y'know the one Garrett hooked up with a couple times last tour? Yeah, well her boyfriend got this job up in Ohio and her parent's decided they were relocating to Vancouver or somewhere like that. And she said she didn't want to be that far away from her boyfriend, so she's moving out of her parent's place before they move and heading up to Ohio with her boyfriend. But her parents are leaving next week, and she's already left for Ohio! Which basically means she can't come tour with us, so we're short a merch girl! And I've called everyone I know, but none of them can make it because of prior commitments and stuff. And I can't think of anyone who doesn't have a job so they can travel all summer, and would want to be locked in a van with us all summer." He paused, taking another big breath. "What are we going to do?"

John turned to look a Tierney, a hopeful smile on his face.

"No." She said, shaking her head.

"Oh, but Tierneyyyy!" Pat whined, sliding onto the couch next to her. "Please?" He wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Not happening, Pat."

"But you'll get to spend all summer with me! And John!"

"And Kennedy." John chimed in with a smirk.


"Did they mention they were touring with Boys Like Girls? I mean, that Bryan Donahue is a cutie." Lynne smiled. John gasped at her, placing his hand over his chest in mock hurt. "Not as cute as you." She added, giving him a toothy grin.

"Nah, I always thought Paul was cuter."

John's eyes lit up. "Really? Cause you know, if you come, I could totally introduce you two! I know him, Tier!"

Tierney could feel her self starting to blush slightly. "I guess I'll come then."

"Really?" Pat asked, his mouth hanging open. Tierney shrugged, as Pat pulled her into a tight hug. "I love you!" He sang.

"We kind of leave tomorrow, by the way." John muttered, messing up his hair nervously.

"Then I should really get packing." Tierney said, pulling out of Pat's grip. "I'll see you guys later." She stood up, waving as she headed towards the door. Fishing her keys out of her pocket, she pulled open the front door, making her way out onto the porch. She looked up from the paved walkway just in time to see Kennedy getting out of his car. He smiled at her as he shut his car door, heading towards her.