You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


"Hey!" He called, heading towards her.

Tierney's feet were suddenly glued in place. She gave him a weak, uneasy smile.

"It's uh, good to see you again." He was now directly in front of her.

Tierney simply nodded, playing with her keys nervously.

"Y'know, I'd love to go for coffee or something to catch up on old times, but we're leaving for tour again tomorrow."

"I know. I'm kind of coming."

Kennedy smiled, "Really?"

"Pat said your merch girl dropped off, so he kind of bribed me into coming."

"Oh? Nikki and her friend usually do it. I guess Laura must have cancelled. But I'm sure you and Nikki will have a blast doing it."

Tierney's face fell at the mention of Nikki. "Yeah, sure. I really should get going now."

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow then. And I'll take you out for that coffee sometime this week. Tell you what, first stop of the tour, we'll find a Starbucks or something."

"Sounds good." Tierney gave him another uneasy smile.

"Sweet deal. See you later." He smiled again, before heading passed her up the path towards the house. Tierney stood in the middle of the pathway towards her car for a couple minutes, trying her best to comprehend their short conversation. Her keys slowly slipped from her grip, breaking her trance as they clanged against the ground. She quickly shook her thought straight, bending down to pick up her keys. However, before she could grab the beaded keychain, a foot stepped over top of them.

Looking up from the powder blue flip flops over top of her keys, she looked up at Lynne. "Did you gather nothing from that conversation?" Lynne spat.

Lynne moved her foot, allowing Tierney to promptly snatch up her keys and stand up straight. "What are you talking about?"

"Kenny just came in going on and on about how you had gotten hotter over the 6 months, and you had agreed to go out to coffee with him!"


"Coffee? Tierney, that's a date! A date with a man who's getting married!" She hissed.

"It's not a date, we're just friends."

"You and Kenny have never been friends!"

"Well, it's never too late."

"Just watch what you're doing, because I can't guarantee that John will be as understanding as I am. And trust me, the last thing this band needs is a blow out between you and Nikki on tour. Y'know, Nikki, Kennedy's fiancé?"

"Yeah, I got it." Tierney mumbled, turning towards the driveway and heading towards her car.

"John'll call or text you or something tomorrow about what time they're leaving. And you and Kennedy-"

"Just friends, Lynne." She cut in, before climbing into her car.