You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


Bags packed, and ready to go, Tierney sat on her front porch, her suitcases piled at her feet. John had texted her that morning, saying they'd be bringing the van by at 10, and for her to be outside and ready.

It was now 11.

Tierney had tried to tell her dad that she was leaving, but he had headed into the office early. So she simply left a voicemail on his cell phone. But he wouldn't have had a problem with it, he knew Tierney was mature enough to take care of herself, and John would be there if she needed any help. After all, he trusted John as if he were his own son.

At around quarter after 11, she saw the old van coming up the road. She began lugging her suitcases towards the driveway as the van pulled in. Garrett was the first one out of the van, "Tierneyyyy!" He sang skipping towards her.

"Garretttttt!" She mocked as he pulled her into a big hug.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" He released her and turned his attention towards the suitcases, grabbing the largest one and dragging it towards the trailer.

Jared waved enthusiastically from the driver's seat, a huge smile on his face. She gave him a small wave, before watching Garrett toss her last suitcase into the trailer. Tierney climbed into the van, Garrett hopping into the passengers seat soon after.

"Sorry we're late," John said, as she took a seat on the bench next to him and in front of where Pat was seated.

"Yeah, it took about an hour to get John away from Lynne." Jared chimed in, earning a glare from John.

"You're just jealous I have someone to miss while on tour!"

Jared turned around to stick his tongue out at John.

"Jared, road!" Garrett yelped.

"We just have to go pick up Kennedy, and then we're on the road!" Pat informed her, leaning forward to pop his head in between where John and Tierney were. She simply nodded, as they pulled onto a small residential street.

Pulling into the driveway of one house, Kennedy and the small blonde from the party were standing outside. After throwing their bags into the trailer, they climbed into the van, joining Pat on the bench behind Tierney and John.

"We're off!" Garrett sang, pointing enthusiastically out the windshield.


They were now in the middle of nowhere, everyone was sleeping, except for Garrett, who was now driving, and Tierney.

She was sitting alone, since John had decided to sleep on the floor, claiming it gave him more room to stretch out. She could hear Pat snoring on the floor behind her, and Jared was moving around restlessly in the front seat. She had just closed her eyes, digging her hands deep into the pockets of her over-sized sweater, when she heard more shuffling, and felt someone sit down next to her.

She adjusted the way she was sitting, so her back was pressed against the window, and was face-to-face with whomever just sat down. Tierney looked up to see Kennedy smiling back at her. "Hey," He whispered.

She gave him a weak smile, before glancing down at John on the floor to make sure he was still sleeping. His head was buried into his pillow, mouth hanging open, causing a small puddle of drool to form on his pillow. Tierney stifled a giggle, before looking back up at Kennedy.

"How come you're still awake?" He asked, absentmindedly pushing his hair out of his face.

She shrugged. "You?"

"I've just been thinking," He sighed, glancing backwards at Nikki, curled up in a ball on the bench behind them.

"About what?" Tierney questioned as he looked back towards her.

"Just-" John began to groan, wiggling around on the floor, signalling he was beginning to wake up. "Nothing." Kennedy quickly answered, watching John carefully.

She nodded her head slowly, watching John as well.

"We're still on for coffee tomorrow?"

John began to rub at his face, sitting up slowly."Y-yeah."

Kennedy gave her one last smile, before slipping back next to Nikki almost as quickly as he had appeared. John fully opened his eyes, giving Tierney a crooked grin.

"Homesick?" He asked, referring to her inability to sleep.

She glanced backwards at Kennedy, who was now snuggled up with Nikki, his eyes closed, and sighed. "Yeah, something like that." Tierney muttered.