You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


Tierney finally awoke a couple hours after falling asleep, to John laughing obnoxiously. She sat up slowly looking around the van. They were parked at a gas station, John was still laying on the floor of the van, on his phone laughing occasionally. Jared was in the front seat, still sleeping. Pat was on the bench behind her, texting on his phone.

Garrett climbed into the van, a huge grin stretching across his face as he took a seat next to Tierney. "Morning sunshine!" He sang, handing her a bottle of Vitamin Water. "I bought you breakfast! Dragonfruit, your favourite!"

She smiled, taking the bottle from his hands. "Thanks, Garrett."

Soon after, Kennedy climbed into the driver's seat, and Nikki getting into the van, taking a seat on the back bench with Pat. Tierney pulled out her phone to look at the time; 10:45.

She sighed, laying back down, resting her legs across Garrett's lap. "What time are we getting to the venue?" She asked him, yawning.


"Around one." Kennedy chimed in.

Garrett nodded, moving so he was laying down with Tierney.

She watched John on the floor, phone still pressed to his ear. The way he had a goofy grin plastered on his face, and his cheeks would occasionally turn pink, told her that he was probably talking to Lynne. She could feel a pang of jealousy shoot through her at the thought of John and Lynne. They had the perfect relationship; The stuff Disney fairy tales were made of.

Garrett wrapped his arms around Tierney, pulling her closer, as he snuggled into the pillow their heads were resting on. "I missed you, best fraaand."

Tierney smiled, "Missed you too, BFF."

Just as she was about to close her eyes, she caught Kennedy staring at the pair through the rear-view mirror. She could of sworn a flash of jealousy wiped across his face, before she closed her eyes, slowly falling back to sleep.


Tierney awoke again, as the van pulled into the venue, Garrett still snoring softly behind her. She peeled herself out of his grip, following John out of the van.

"Where exactly are we?" She asked, watching John stretch.

"Chicago!" He answered, unzipping his sweater. "I'm hungry." He groaned, as Kennedy joined the two.

"I'd say let's go get food, but everyone else is still sleeping."

John and Tierney nodded in agreement.

"I think I'll just hang out in the van until everyone wakes up." John said, glancing backwards at the van.

"But I don't want to just sit around here forever!" Tierney whined.

"Tell you what, there's a Starbucks across the street, Tierney and I'll go over there, and when everyone is up, or if you get bored, just come join us!"

John frowned, but nodded his head anyway.

"Great! We'll see you later!" Kennedy grabbed Tierney's hand, waving quickly to John, before heading across the street to the small coffee shop.