You're As Fake As The Moans You Make


After getting their food and drinks, Kennedy and Tierney took a seat on one of the many oversized love seats in the cafe. They sat there in silence for awhile, occasionally glancing at each other as they looked around the cafe.

Tierney was the first to break the silence. "Why'd you do it?"

Kennedy looked over at her, confusion evident on his face. "Do what?"

"Kiss me." She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth.

"I wanted to." Kennedy just shrugged, taking another sip of his coffee.

"But you told me I wasn't your type, and that it would never happen! And then you kiss me just because 'you want to'?"

Kennedy leaned forward, placing his coffee on the table in front of the couch they were seated on. "I can kiss you again if it'll make you feel better?"

"No!" She shrieked, shaking her head.

"I like you, Tierney. Now why are you so hung up over this?"

"Because you said... And then... And you're getting married!" She stuttered out as Kennedy took her left hand in his.

Kennedy shrugged again, "Minor details."

Tierney frowned at him.

"Now are we going to keep bickering, or can I kiss you now?"

Despite every fibre in Tierney's body screaming no at her she didn't bother to push Kennedy away as he slowly leaned forward. Kennedy stopped leaving their lips only millimetres apart.

"Kenny-" She was cut off by him slowly kissing her. Tierney gave in, kissing him back until he pulled away moments later. He smiled at her, as he reached for his coffee again.

"You were saying?" He asked, taking her left hand in his.

"What if we get caught? I mean, Nikki is right across the street, she could walk in at any time!"

Kennedy chuckled lightly, rubbing his thumb across the back of her hand. "Now, Tierney, weren't you the one who told me I had to learn to take risks every once in awhile?"

"I said to take risks, not cheat on your fiancée!" She hissed at him, yanking her hand from his. Tierney's outburst took them both by surprise as Kennedy frowned at her. "W-we should p-probably go." Tierney stuttered, glancing down at the empty coffee cup in her hand.

Kennedy placed on arm on the back of the couch, leaning closer to Tierney. "We should do this again sometime, you look really cute when you get frustrated." He placed a light kiss on her cheek before quickly getting up and offering a hand to help her up.


Once everyone had woken up, and the equipment had been loaded into the venue, Tierney sat at the merch table, refolding some of the shirts in one box. She was quietly humming a Death Cab for Cutie song to herself. John had been singing it all morning and it was now officially stuck in her head.

"Need any help?" Came a voice she didn't recognize from behind her.

She turned around to greet the tall brunette, but instead stared in awe up at him. She mentally slapped herself as he chuckled, noticing her staring. "Yeah, help would be great!"

He took a seat on the table next to her, grabbing a couple shirts and sorting them into piles based on sizes. Tierney began humming again, as she hopped off the table. She picked up one of the boxes and slid it under the table, before she could grab the second box, a hand stopped her.

"These are heavy, let me get them for you." Tierney smiled at him and nodded.

As he placed the last box under the table, they both sat down again on top of the table. "Y'know, we never did get a formal introduction."

Tierney smiled before turning to look at him. "Tierney Dunlevy." She held out her hand for him to shake.

"Paul DiGiovanni." Instead of shaking her hand he grabbed it in his and brought it up to his mouth, kissing it lightly. Tierney could feel herself blushing.

"Well, Miss Tierney, I must be off for sound check now, but I have a feeling I'll be seeing a lot of you over this tour." Tierney waved to him as he hopped off the table, winking at her as he headed towards the stage.